Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for January 11 - Full Listing
346012 01/31/11 22:34 lselvy Change in Roc 8 boot script
346011 01/31/11 21:57 V. Sulkosky Re: helicity signals corrupted
346010 01/31/11 20:34 danez Left HRS Scaler Map
346009 01/31/11 19:25 lselvy FPP Status
346008 01/31/11 18:52 yez L-HRS: all HVs are on (not sure for VDCs)
346007 01/31/11 18:51 yez L-HRS: Start a long cosmic run overnight #1021
346006 01/31/11 18:24 yez L-HRS: can HVs of detectors be turned on now?
346005 01/31/11 18:18 lselvy HRS / HAND Coda Crash Resolved
346004 01/31/11 18:10 yez R-HRS cosmic ray long run started #20086
346003 01/31/11 18:04 yez R-HRS: Lemo input connector of Retiming module is bad
346002 01/31/11 16:22 nmuangma version 2 BigBite electronic
346001 01/31/11 15:29 yez LHRS-- powersupplies for crate #1 and #2 trip frequently
346000 01/31/11 15:10 orchen Runs with using 2,4,6,8,10,12 as trigger
345999 01/31/11 15:03 R. Michaels helicity signals corrupted
345998 01/31/11 14:44 Jack Right Arm bottom VDC high voltage
345997 01/31/11 13:44 V. Sulkosky BigBite Wire Chamber HV Off
345996 01/31/11 13:37 yez S1L ADC was not connected to Patch Panel but to Scope. It works fine
345995 01/31/11 13:21 orchen HAND runs for N4 gain calibration
345994 01/31/11 13:08 yez L-HRS retiming is done and start to take cosmic ray data
345993 01/31/11 12:22 kalyan lumi signals on RHRS
345992 01/31/11 12:02 R. Michaels R-HRS scaler repair, ready to adjust
345991 01/31/11 11:07 solvignon R-arm S2 L-PMT ADC 0
345990 01/31/11 11:04 R. Michaels more on L-HRS DAQ (stack in, DAQ works)
345989 01/31/11 10:30 yez R-HRS Cosmic Ray run Update -- S1,S2m,Cer,VDC are all in good status
345988 01/31/11 10:08 David Anez Left HRS Electronics Update
345987 01/31/11 04:02 nmuangma BigBite Update
345986 01/30/11 16:20 V. Sulkosky R-HRS VDC HV On
345985 01/30/11 15:58 nmuangma 1190 TDC readout with ThaScintPlane Class
345984 01/30/11 14:10 V. Sulkosky Re: N4-7L & N4-12L : Triping at low voltage
345983 01/30/11 11:38 orchen more info
345982 01/30/11 11:30 orchen HAND run for N4 gain
345981 01/30/11 11:26 orchen N4-7L & N4-12L : Triping at low voltage
345980 01/29/11 21:46 orchen BigBite
345979 01/29/11 21:45 igorko Power stability problems
345978 01/29/11 19:23 Fansler Cryo Call In
345977 01/29/11 18:48 igorko cosmic run for HAND
345976 01/29/11 17:49 igorko cosmic run for HAND
345974 01/29/11 16:25 David Anez Right HRS Electronics Corrections
345973 01/29/11 16:21 nmuangma all noise/missing channels are fixed :version2
345972 01/29/11 16:17 nmuangma persistance missing channel in MWDC
345971 01/29/11 15:19 nmuangma The MWDC is REALLY sensitive, report if you are working anything related to it.
345970 01/29/11 15:05 nmuangma Using the Bottom Power Supply instead for MWDC Theshole. The top one needs to be fixed.
345969 01/29/11 14:41 nmuangma Problem with The Theshole power supply (front chamber), MWDC HV off
345968 01/29/11 14:22 nmuangma Tools must be put back in place!!! serious.
345967 01/29/11 08:44 orchen Weldment Power
345966 01/28/11 23:22 lselvy Changelog Setup
345965 01/28/11 20:02 V. Sulkosky Re: Scalers in trigger supervisor crate
345964 01/28/11 20:00 V. Sulkosky/ Bubbler for MWDC Moved
345963 01/28/11 17:59 nmuangma Done: t0 MWDC calibration, new 20110128 DB folder created.
345962 01/28/11 16:41 nmuangma TDC 1190 is not yet work.
345961 01/28/11 16:27 Jack Left Detector Stack is back in for the weekend
345960 01/28/11 16:26 nmuangma database change for mwdc.
345959 01/28/11 15:08 saw Scalers in trigger supervisor crate
345958 01/28/11 13:02 yez readjust retiming and start a new cosmic run #20065
345957 01/28/11 01:21 BigBite Preparation Update: all noise/missing channels are fixed.
345956 01/27/11 13:32 yez readjust retiming and start a new cosmic run
345955 01/27/11 08:08 R. Michaels what to do when DAQ hangs
345954 01/27/11 03:01 nmuangma BigBite Preparation Update
345953 01/27/11 02:25 nmuangma HAND DAQ hangs
345952 01/26/11 23:44 nmuangma BigBite ADC spectrum (Good)
345951 01/26/11 19:31 yez RHRS single arm trigger is done and I will take some data overnight (do not kill the DAQ!)
345950 01/26/11 17:31 nmuangma BigBite ADC Spectrum
345949 01/26/11 15:16 R. Michaels CODA on Bigbite, Hand, and 2 HRS.
345948 01/26/11 15:12 yez RHRS single arm Trigger map
345947 01/26/11 15:07 yez RHRS single arm Trigger map
345946 01/26/11 15:07 yez RHRS single arm Trigger map
345945 01/26/11 15:06 yez RHRS single arm Trigger map
345944 01/26/11 15:06 yez RHRS single arm Trigger map
345943 01/26/11 15:06 yez RHRS single arm Trigger map
345942 01/26/11 15:06 yez RHRS single arm Trigger map
345941 01/26/11 14:53 nmuangma BigBite Electronic Mapping
345940 01/26/11 14:03 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector moved out from the Hall - Compton line leaked checked
345939 01/26/11 13:45 nmuangma BigBite Preparation Update
345938 01/26/11 11:59 Jack Left S0 removed from the stack
345937 01/25/11 19:54 yez RHRS HV crate replaced but does not function smoothly
345936 01/25/11 16:32 saw F1TDC configuration for bbvme1
345935 01/25/11 15:07 yez RHRS DAQ is very close to take comic ray data
345934 01/25/11 11:10 A. Camsonne RT cabling left arm
345933 01/24/11 15:30 R. Michaels HRS DAQ ready (sorta)
345932 01/24/11 14:24 atrig Trigger-Download
345931 01/24/11 13:13 fansler Lead Flows
345930 01/23/11 14:45 Folts ESR crash call in
345929 01/23/11 11:43 Jack Port servers on Left Detector Stack
345928 01/22/11 18:21 David Anez HRS Electronics Update
345927 01/21/11 15:56 Fansler RD1 N2
345926 01/21/11 12:55 R. Michaels CODA 2.6 instructions (I)
345925 01/21/11 10:51 fansler Magnet CRYO
345924 01/21/11 10:42 Fansler Hall A Cryo
345923 01/20/11 16:01 atrig Trigger-Download
345922 01/20/11 16:00 atrig Trigger-Download
345921 01/19/11 15:29 atrig Trigger-Download
345920 01/19/11 15:28 atrig Trigger-Download
345919 01/19/11 15:26 atrig Trigger-Download
345918 01/19/11 15:25 atrig Trigger-Download
345917 01/19/11 15:21 atrig Trigger-Download
345916 01/19/11 15:16 atrig Trigger-Download
345915 01/19/11 12:04 atrig Trigger-Download
345914 01/18/11 15:59 fansler RQ3 N2
345913 01/17/11 17:57 David Anez Right HRS Electronics
345912 01/17/11 17:14 atrig Trigger-Download
345911 01/17/11 17:05 atrig Trigger-Download
345910 01/17/11 17:03 atrig Trigger-Download
345908 01/17/11 11:17 A. Camsonne Hall A BCM signal split and sent to HAPPEX electronics
345907 01/16/11 14:27 atrig Trigger-Download
345906 01/16/11 14:27 atrig Trigger-Download
345905 01/16/11 14:24 atrig Trigger-Download
345904 01/16/11 14:23 atrig Trigger-Download
345903 01/16/11 14:20 atrig Trigger-Download
345902 01/16/11 14:19 atrig Trigger-Download
345901 01/16/11 14:17 atrig Trigger-Download
345900 01/16/11 14:16 atrig Trigger-Download
345899 01/16/11 14:14 atrig Trigger-Download
345898 01/16/11 14:13 atrig Trigger-Download
345897 01/16/11 14:10 atrig Trigger-Download
345896 01/16/11 14:06 atrig Trigger-Download
345895 01/16/11 11:40 fvansler LQ3 N2
345894 01/13/11 17:28 A. Camsonne DVCS deadtime test runs
345893 01/13/11 17:27 A. Camsonne DVCS deadtime test runs
345892 01/13/11 17:01 a-onl Start_Run_9976,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=daq test
345891 01/13/11 16:47 a-onl End_of_Run_9975
345890 01/13/11 14:03 atrig Trigger-Download
345888 01/13/11 12:23 A. Camsonne DVCS crates VME scaler
345887 01/13/11 11:52 A. Camsonne DVCS rac NIM crate
345886 01/13/11 11:47 A. Camsonne DVCS rack NIM crate
345885 01/13/11 11:46 A. Camsonne DVCS rack NIM crate
345884 01/13/11 09:20 fansler Cool down complete
345883 01/13/11 09:18 fansler RQ1 on cold return
345882 01/12/11 22:44 a-onl End_of_Run_9974
345881 01/12/11 16:33 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9974 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 45 Hz
345880 01/12/11 16:31 a-onl Start_Run_9974,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - 20 ms DT triggered by stop - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345879 01/12/11 16:29 a-onl End_of_Run_9973
345878 01/12/11 15:44 fansler Cool down
345877 01/12/11 15:41 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9973 - adding 10 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 45 Hz
345876 01/12/11 15:39 a-onl Start_Run_9973,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - 10 ms DT triggered by stop - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345875 01/12/11 15:38 a-onl End_of_Run_9972
345874 01/12/11 14:54 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9972 - adding 1 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 45 Hz
345873 01/12/11 14:47 a-onl Start_Run_9972,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - 1 ms DT triggered by stop - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345872 01/12/11 14:45 a-onl End_of_Run_9971
345871 01/12/11 14:20 fansler RD1 cold return
345870 01/12/11 13:56 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9970 - adding 100 us artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 45 Hz
345869 01/12/11 13:43 a-onl Start_Run_9971,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - 100 us DT triggered by stop - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345868 01/12/11 13:42 a-onl End_of_Run_9970
345867 01/12/11 12:45 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9970 - adding 10 us artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 45 Hz
345866 01/12/11 12:43 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9970 - adding 10 us artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 45 Hz
345865 01/12/11 12:15 a-onl Start_Run_9970,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - 10 us DT triggered by stop - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345864 01/12/11 12:03 Fansler RQ3 on cold return
345863 01/12/11 10:44 a-onl Start_Run_9969,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - 1 us DT triggered by stop - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345862 01/12/11 10:44 a-onl End_of_Run_9960
345861 01/12/11 10:38 a-onl End_of_Run_9968
345860 01/12/11 10:01 a-onl Start_Run_9968,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered self triggered 0.001 Hz width 1 us - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345859 01/12/11 09:59 a-onl End_of_Run_9967
345858 01/12/11 09:51 a-onl Start_Run_9967,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 450 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered self triggered 0.001 Hz width 1 us - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345857 01/12/11 09:47 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9966 - adding 1 us artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 450 Hz
345856 01/12/11 09:47 a-onl End_of_Run_9966
345855 01/12/11 09:39 a-onl Start_Run_9966,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 450 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered by stop width 1 us - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345854 01/12/11 09:37 a-onl End_of_Run_9965
345853 01/12/11 09:34 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9965 - adding 10 us artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 450 Hz
345852 01/12/11 09:28 a-onl Start_Run_9965,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 450 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered by stop width 10 us - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345851 01/12/11 09:27 a-onl End_of_Run_9964
345850 01/12/11 09:25 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9964 - adding 100 us artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 450 Hz
345849 01/12/11 09:24 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9963 - adding 1 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 450 Hz
345848 01/12/11 09:20 a-onl Start_Run_9964,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 450 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered by stop width 100 us - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345847 01/12/11 09:18 a-onl End_of_Run_9963
345846 01/12/11 09:16 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9961 - adding 1 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 450 Hz
345845 01/12/11 09:15 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9961 - adding 1 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 50 Hz
345844 01/12/11 09:11 a-onl Start_Run_9963,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 450 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered by stop width 1 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345843 01/12/11 09:08 a-onl End_of_Run_9962
345842 01/12/11 08:31 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9961 - adding 1 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 50 Hz
345841 01/12/11 08:29 a-onl Start_Run_9962,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 50 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered by stop width 1 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345840 01/12/11 08:28 a-onl End_of_Run_9961
345839 01/12/11 07:29 A. Camsonne Scalers run 9961
345838 01/12/11 07:16 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9961 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time triggered by stop - S2m rate 50 Hz
345837 01/12/11 06:59 a-onl Start_Run_9961,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 50 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator triggered by stop width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345836 01/12/11 06:57 a-onl End_of_Run_9958
345835 01/11/11 19:04 Jack (Techs) VDC gas supply
345834 01/11/11 18:39 Jack (Techs) iocha16 (Right Arm magnets) is down
345833 01/11/11 18:31 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9960 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 12.5 Hz - S2m rate 50 Hz
345832 01/11/11 18:30 a-onl Start_Run_9960,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 50 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 12.5 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345831 01/11/11 18:29 a-onl End_of_Run_9959
345830 01/11/11 16:23 A. Camsonne ROC14 2eSST VME traces
345829 01/11/11 16:15 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9959 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 25 Hz - S2m rate 50 Hz
345828 01/11/11 16:14 a-onl Start_Run_9959,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 50 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 25 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345827 01/11/11 16:00 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9958 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 5 Hz - S2m rate 140 Hz
345826 01/11/11 15:54 a-onl Start_Run_9958,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 140 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 5 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345825 01/11/11 15:51 a-onl End_of_Run_9957
345824 01/11/11 15:51 a-onl End_of_Run_9953
345823 01/11/11 15:35 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9957 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 12.5 Hz - S2m rate 140 Hz
345822 01/11/11 15:34 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9957 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 12.5 Hz - S2m rate 140 Hz
345821 01/11/11 15:29 a-onl Start_Run_9957,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 140 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 12.5 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345820 01/11/11 15:27 a-onl End_of_Run_9956
345819 01/11/11 12:00 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9956 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 25 Hz - S2m rate 140 Hz
345818 01/11/11 11:57 a-onl Start_Run_9956,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 140 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 25 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345817 01/11/11 11:55 a-onl End_of_Run_9955
345816 01/11/11 11:50 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9955 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 25 Hz - S2m rate 400 Hz
345815 01/11/11 11:48 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9955 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time pulsed rate 25 Hz - S2m rate 400 Hz
345814 01/11/11 11:41 a-onl Start_Run_9955,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 400 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 25 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345813 01/11/11 11:39 a-onl End_of_Run_9954
345812 01/11/11 11:33 A. Camsonne Trigger LED input unplugged
345811 01/11/11 11:24 a-onl Start_Run_9954,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 400 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 40 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware - Led trigger input unplugged
345810 01/11/11 11:20 A. Camsonne TS busy Run 9953
345809 01/11/11 11:19 A. Camsonne TS busy Run 9953
345808 01/11/11 10:57 a-onl End_of_Run_9951
345807 01/11/11 10:37 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9953 - adding 20 ms uS artificial dead time self triggered at 40 Hz - S2m rate 440 Hz
345806 01/11/11 10:37 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9953 - adding 20 ms uS artificial dead time self triggered at 40 Hz - S2m rate 440 Hz
345805 01/11/11 10:36 A. Camsonne VME trace ROC17 in 2eSST
345804 01/11/11 10:31 a-onl Start_Run_9953,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 400 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 25 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware
345803 01/11/11 10:27 a-onl End_of_Run_9952
345800 01/11/11 10:20 A. Camsonne VME trace ROC17 in 2eSST
345795 01/11/11 09:57 a-onl Start_Run_9952,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 25 Hz and width 20 ms - Old Firmware
345794 01/11/11 09:50 A. Camsonne Bus analyzer moved to ROC 17 crate and old firmware loaded
345793 01/11/11 09:43 fansler Right dipole
345792 01/11/11 09:35 a-onl End_of_Run_9947
345791 01/11/11 07:22 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9951 - adding 20 ms uS artificial dead time self triggered at 25 Hz - S2m rate 45 Hz
345790 01/11/11 07:14 a-onl Start_Run_9951,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 45 Hz of S2m triggers - Pulse generator self triggered at 25 Hz and width 20 ms - No buffering
345789 01/11/11 07:09 a-onl End_of_Run_9950
345788 01/11/11 06:47 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9949 - adding 20 ms uS artificial dead time self triggered at 25 Hz - S2m rate 400 Hz
345787 01/11/11 06:44 a-onl Start_Run_9950,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator self triggered at 25 Hz and width 20 ms - No buffering
345786 01/11/11 06:42 a-onl End_of_Run_9949
345785 01/11/11 06:38 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9949 - adding 20 ms uS artificial dead time self triggered at 250 Hz - S2m rate 400 Hz
345784 01/11/11 06:33 a-onl Start_Run_9949,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator self triggered at 250 Hz and width 20 ms - No buffering
345783 01/11/11 06:32 a-onl End_of_Run_9948
345782 01/11/11 06:24 a-onl Start_Run_9948,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator self triggered at 250 Hz and width 20 ms - No buffering
345781 01/11/11 06:12 a-onl Start_Run_9947,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 20 ms - No buffering
345780 01/11/11 06:07 a-onl End_of_Run_9946
345779 01/10/11 19:20 a-onl Start_Run_9946,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 20 ms
345778 01/10/11 19:14 a-onl End_of_Run_9945
345777 01/10/11 18:19 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9944 - adding 10 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger - S2m rate 400 Hz
345776 01/10/11 18:14 a-onl Start_Run_9945,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 10 ms
345775 01/10/11 18:11 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9944 - adding 1.2 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger - S2m rate 400 Hz
345774 01/10/11 17:57 a-onl Start_Run_9944,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 1.2 ms
345773 01/10/11 17:55 a-onl End_of_Run_9943
345772 01/10/11 17:48 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9943 - adding 800 uS artificial dead time correlated with trigger - S2m rate 400 Hz
345771 01/10/11 17:44 a-onl Start_Run_9943,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 800 us
345770 01/10/11 17:42 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9942 - adding 200 uS artificial dead time correlated with trigger - S2m rate 400 Hz
345769 01/10/11 17:42 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9942 - adding 200 uS artificial dead time correlated with trigger - S2m rate 400 Hz
345768 01/10/11 17:41 a-onl End_of_Run_9942
345767 01/10/11 17:23 a-onl Start_Run_9942,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 440 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 200 us
345766 01/10/11 17:22 a-onl End_of_Run_9934
345765 01/10/11 17:19 a-onl End_of_Run_9941
345764 01/10/11 17:13 a-onl Start_Run_9941,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 200 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 10 ns
345763 01/10/11 17:12 a-onl End_of_Run_9940
345762 01/10/11 17:10 a-onl Start_Run_9940,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 200 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 1 ns
345761 01/10/11 17:09 a-onl End_of_Run_9939
345760 01/10/11 17:06 a-onl Start_Run_9939,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 200 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 1 ns still 20 ms at beginning
345759 01/10/11 17:03 A. Camsonne Some S2m paddles turned on
345758 01/10/11 17:01 a-onl End_of_Run_9938
345757 01/10/11 15:58 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9938 - adding 20 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345756 01/10/11 15:56 a-onl Start_Run_9938,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 20 ms
345755 01/10/11 15:55 a-onl End_of_Run_9937
345754 01/10/11 15:09 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9937 - adding 50 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345753 01/10/11 15:08 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9936 - adding 10 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345752 01/10/11 15:08 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9936 - adding 10 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345751 01/10/11 14:54 a-onl Start_Run_9937,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 50 ms
345750 01/10/11 14:54 a-onl Start_Run_9937,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 50 ms
345749 01/10/11 14:50 A. Camsonne hacweb1 was on but not on the network
345748 01/10/11 14:31 a-onl End_of_Run_9936
345747 01/10/11 14:06 brads hacweb1 powered off?
345746 01/10/11 13:42 a-onl Start_Run_9936,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 10 ms
345745 01/10/11 13:23 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9935 - adding 10 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345744 01/10/11 13:19 a-onl End_of_Run_9935
345743 01/10/11 12:20 a-onl Start_Run_9935,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 8 ms
345742 01/10/11 12:01 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9935 - adding 8 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345741 01/10/11 11:55 a-onl End_of_Run_9931
345740 01/10/11 11:52 Fansler Right Arm cooldown
345739 01/10/11 11:12 a-onl Start_Run_9934,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 2 mS
345738 01/10/11 10:54 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9934 - adding 2 ms artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345737 01/10/11 10:48 a-onl End_of_Run_9933
345736 01/10/11 10:40 fansler Cooldown
345735 01/10/11 10:30 a-onl Start_Run_9933,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 800 uS
345734 01/10/11 10:13 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9933 - adding 800 uS artificial dead time correlated with trigger
345733 01/10/11 10:05 a-onl End_of_Run_9932
345732 01/10/11 09:58 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9932
345731 01/10/11 09:57 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9932
345730 01/10/11 09:54 A. Camsonne Oscilloscope traces for run 9931
345729 01/10/11 09:45 a-onl Start_Run_9932,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 300 uS
345728 01/10/11 09:00 a-onl Start_Run_9931,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=HRS S2m triggers - about 43 Hz of trigger - Pulse generator triggered by stop and width 10 ns
345727 01/10/11 08:43 A. Camsonne Dead time test scaler rates run 9931
345726 01/10/11 08:38 A. Camsonne DVCS dead time test
345725 01/10/11 08:37 a-onl End_of_Run_9930
345724 01/10/11 08:36 a-onl Start_Run_9930,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=check DAQ - S2m trigger
345723 01/10/11 08:36 a-onl Start_Run_9929,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=check DAQ
345722 01/10/11 08:29 a-onl End_of_Run_9929
345721 01/09/11 11:37 V. Sulkosky re: Network issue with ROCs
345720 01/08/11 23:17 brads re: Network issue with ROCs
345719 01/08/11 18:39 a-onl End_of_Run_9927
345718 01/08/11 18:38 a-onl Start_Run_9927,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop - 300 uS deadtime - 13 Hz of trigger
345717 01/08/11 18:35 a-onl Start_Run_9926,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop - test various inhibit width
345716 01/08/11 18:33 a-onl End_of_Run_9926
345715 01/08/11 18:31 a-onl Start_Run_9925,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop - test various inhibit width
345714 01/08/11 18:29 a-onl End_of_Run_9925
345713 01/08/11 18:27 a-onl Start_Run_9924,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop - test various inhibit width
345712 01/08/11 18:26 a-onl End_of_Run_9924
345711 01/08/11 18:18 A. Camsonne Network issue with ROCs
345710 01/08/11 18:01 a-onl Start_Run_9923,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text= test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop - test various inhibit width
345709 01/08/11 18:00 a-onl End_of_Run_9923
345708 01/08/11 17:35 a-onl End_of_Run_9922
345707 01/08/11 17:34 a-onl Start_Run_9922,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=First run test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop - test various inhibit width
345706 01/08/11 16:22 a-onl End_of_Run_9920
345705 01/08/11 15:46 a-onl Start_Run_9920,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=First run test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop - test various inhibit width
345704 01/08/11 15:38 a-onl Start_Run_9919,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=First run test for dead time - Pulser triggered by stop
345703 01/08/11 15:37 a-onl End_of_Run_9918
345702 01/08/11 15:37 a-onl Start_Run_9918,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhibit width set to 1 ns at 1 Hz frequency - test display and pulser
345701 01/08/11 15:31 a-onl Start_Run_9917,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhibit width set to 1 ns at 1 Hz frequency - test display and pulser
345700 01/08/11 15:31 a-onl End_of_Run_9917
345699 01/08/11 15:30 a-onl Start_Run_9916,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhibit width set to 1 ns at 1 Hz frequency - test display and pulser
345698 01/08/11 15:27 a-onl End_of_Run_9916
345697 01/08/11 15:24 a-onl End_of_Run_9915
345696 01/08/11 15:18 a-onl Start_Run_9915,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhibit width set to 1 ns at 1 Hz frequency - test display and pulser
345695 01/07/11 18:49 a-onl Start_Run_9913,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhibit width set to 1 ns - test datamon and end of run
345694 01/07/11 18:47 a-onl End_of_Run_9913
345693 01/07/11 18:32 a-onl Start_Run_9912,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhibit width set to 1 ns - test datamon
345692 01/07/11 17:10 a-onl Start_Run_9910,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhinit width set to 1 ns
345691 01/07/11 17:08 a-onl Start_Run_9909,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhinit width set to 1 ns
345690 01/07/11 17:08 a-onl End_of_Run_9910
345689 01/07/11 16:33 a-onl Start_Run_9907,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time - Inhinit width set to 1 ns
345688 01/07/11 16:14 a-onl Start_Run_9906,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time
345687 01/07/11 16:14 a-onl End_of_Run_9906
345686 01/06/11 17:04 a-onl Start_Run_9905,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Test for dead time
345685 01/05/11 17:32 a-onl Start_Run_9903,Run_type=LED,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Jan1-HV+125.set Threshold on cluster 30 Threshold on sum 319386 Paddled HV 700 V - LED scan 30 s per block 300 Hz ( prescale=3) - Delay 0x63
345684 01/05/11 17:32 a-onl End_of_Run_9902
345683 01/05/11 16:56 a-onl End_of_Run_9901
345682 01/05/11 13:30 adev End_of_Run_20027
345681 01/05/11 13:10 adev Start_Run_20027,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=No Target,beam_e0=0,beam_raster=on,beam_halfwaveplate=in,rightarm_p=0,rightarm_theta=-70,comment_text=DAQ checks
345680 01/05/11 12:54 adev End_of_Run_20024
345679 01/05/11 12:52 adev Start_Run_20025,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=No Target,beam_e0=0,beam_raster=on,beam_halfwaveplate=in,rightarm_p=0,rightarm_theta=-70,comment_text=DAQ checks
345678 01/05/11 12:50 adev Start_Run_20024,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=No Target,beam_e0=0,beam_raster=on,beam_halfwaveplate=in,rightarm_p=0,rightarm_theta=-70,comment_text=DAQ checks
345677 01/05/11 12:38 a-onl Start_Run_9902,Run_type=LED,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Jan1-HV+125.set Threshold on cluster 30 Threshold on sum 319386 Paddled HV 700 V - LED scan 30 s per block 300 Hz ( prescale=3) - Delay 0x63
345676 01/05/11 10:41 R. Michaels ROC1 problem / solution
345675 01/05/11 10:25 a-onl Start_Run_9901,Run_type=LED,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Jan1-HV+125.set Threshold on cluster 30 Threshold on sum 319386 Paddled HV 700 V - LED scan 30 s per block 300 Hz ( prescale=3) - Delay 0x63
345674 01/05/11 10:04 fansler right arm cooldown
345673 01/05/11 10:02 A. Camsonne HV ON on Left HRS scintillators for DVCS dead time tests
345672 01/05/11 09:41 fansler Moller valves
345671 01/04/11 15:56 fansler Right arm valves
345670 01/03/11 14:36 A. Camsonne DVCS calorimeter unstacked
345669 01/03/11 12:34 Jack VDC high voltage is OFF
345668 01/02/11 21:07 a-onl End_of_Run_9898
345667 01/02/11 19:20 a-onl Start_Run_9899,Run_type=LED,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Jan1-HV+125.set Threshold on cluster 30 Threshold on sum 319386 Paddled HV 700 V - LED scan 30 s per block 300 Hz ( prescale=3) - Delay 0x63
345666 01/02/11 19:06 a-onl End_of_Run_9897
345665 01/02/11 17:19 a-onl Start_Run_9898,Run_type=LED,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Jan1-HV+125.set Threshold on cluster 30 Threshold on sum 319386 Paddled HV 700 V - LED scan 30 s per block 300 Hz ( prescale=3)
345664 01/02/11 17:15 a-onl Start_Run_9897,Run_type=LED,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Jan1-HV+125.set Threshold on cluster 30 Threshold on sum 319386 Paddled HV 700 V - LED scan 30 s per block 300 Hz ( prescale=3)
345663 01/02/11 16:45 a-onl End_of_Run_9893
345662 01/02/11 16:41 A. Camsonne DVCS IOC error message
345661 01/01/11 10:53 a-onl Start_Run_9895,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=5.5,beam_raster=off,beam_current=5,leftarm_p=3.332,leftarm_theta=16.37,leftarm_sieve=out,calo_theta=19.39,calo_distance=1.1,comment_text=Jan1-HV+125.set Threshold on cluster 30 Threshold on sum 319386 Paddled HV 700 V
345660 01/01/11 10:35 A. Camsonne Calorimeter HV increased by 25 V
345659 01/01/11 10:18 a-onl End_of_Run_9894
Earlier months at (archive). The HALOG was generated by version HA1.48
If you have any comments or problems, please contact:
Robert Michaels
(757) 269-7410