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    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 07:12:15 on February 15, 2011

    Entry number 346980

     Run Number: 1374
     End of Run Comment:
    Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=LD 15cm cell,beam_e0=2.257,beam_raster=on,beam_current=2.,leftarm_p=0.899,leftarm_theta=56.0,leftarm_sieve=out,rightarm_p=1.85,rightarm_theta=14.0,rightarm_sieve=out,comment_text=optics: delta scan R-HRS -4%,bbite_current=518,bbite_theta=97,hand_angle=97,bbite_sieve=out,hand_lead=on
    PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=1   ps2=1   ps3=20   ps4=1   ps5=1   ps6=0   ps7=1   ps8=0   
    EVENTS   : 149020       
    TIME     : 14.493 mins  
    LIVE calc. crudely accounts for correlations.  Need offline calc. 
    DEAD TIME: 100.00%      
    T1: 4.7/4.7  Hz   T2: 4.7/4.7  Hz   T3: 5.5/110.6 Hz   T4: 3.9/3.9  Hz   T5: 0.0/0.0  Hz   T6: 0.0/0.0  Hz   T7:168.6/168.6 Hz   T8: 0.0/1024.0 Hz   
    T1:   4064/4064     T2:   4089/4089     T3:   4807/96153    T4:   3434/3434     T5:      0/0        T6:      0/0        T7: 146595/146595   T8:      0/890474   
    BCM x1 : -0.0050uA  BCM x3 : -0.0065uA  BCM x10: 0.0045 uA  
     Test of Helicity gates
    Time diff of helicity to nonhelicity times  =       -19.46458 seconds
    BCM u1 :-3.016E+04 ppm     BCM u3 :    1E+39 ppm     BCM u10:-2.366E+04 ppm     
    BCM d1 :    1E+39 ppm     BCM d3 :-4.302E+05 ppm     BCM d10:-7.324E+04 ppm     
    BCM u1 : 1.348E-05      BCM u3 : -1.218E-05     BCM u10: 6.845E-06      
    BCM d1 : -2.222E-05     BCM d3 : 8.275E-07      BCM d10: 1.033E-06      
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 1374 at Tue Feb 15 07:12:09 EST 2011
    Left Arm Top VDC Current : 4.44336
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : -0.537109
    Left Arm Top VDC voltage : 4.02246
    Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 3.99414
    Right Arm Top VDC Current : -0.341797
    Right Arm Bottom VDC Current : -2.88086
    Right Arm Top VDC voltage : 4.00195
    Right Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 3.99023
    Left Arm Q1 momentum : 0.899135
    Left Arm Q1 power supply : 676.448
    Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : 0.05687
    Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : -0.2038
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 387.141
    Left Arm Q2 momentum : 0.899074
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current : 299.238
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 0.899025
    Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.332874
    Left Arm arm angle : 67.2994
    Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.182169
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 357.902
    Left Arm Q3 momentum : 0.898984
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : enabled
    Right Arm Q1 momentum : 1.84972
    Right Arm Q1 power supply : 1390.87
    Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.03466
    Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 796.332
    Right Arm Q2 momentum : 1.85035
    Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.4166
    Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
    Right Arm D1 power supply current : 633.693
    Right Arm D1 momentum : 2.08815
    Right Arm D1 NMR : 0.774886
    Right Arm arm angle : -13.999
    Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 736.328
    Right Arm Q3 momentum : 1.8505
    Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.3288
    Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    BigBite magnet current setpoint : 518
    BigBite magnet current readback : 517.974
    BigBite Gaussmeter readback : -0.358
    Average current of the two cavities : 0.0489744
    Current on Unser monitor : 12.5111
    Current on Upstream bcm : 0.074647
    Current on Downstream bcm : 0.0233018
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 100.8
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 83.03
    Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 154.084
    Hall C Current : 150.09
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 94.0754
    MBSY1c Bdl : 564138
    Hall A momentum (Tiefenbach) (HALLA:p) : 5550.5
    Hall A momentum orbit correction (dpp) : 0
    Hall A setup momentum (MMSHLAE) : 2257.76
    Hall A energy (halla_MeV) : 5550.5
    Hall C energy (hallc_MeV) : 1159.61
    Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 4.31891
    IPM1C12.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04A.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04A.YPOS : 0
    IPM1H04B.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04B.YPOS : 0
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.446289
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 23.3398
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : -0.356934
    Left Arm Angle Vernier : 83
    Left Arm Scattering Angle : 67.2994
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Top : 3.9043
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Bottom : 3.96191
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage1 : 4.96777
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage2 : -5.06006
    Right Arm Collimator : -0.00117188
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.706543
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 22.4121
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : -1.0459
    Right Arm Angle Floor Angle : -14
    Right Arm Angle Vernier : -34
    Right Arm Scattering Angle : -13.999
    Target OTR x-position : 0
    Target OTR y-position : 0
    Target OTR x-width : 0
    Target OTR y-width : 0
    Target OTR data valid flag : No
    Target OTR In/Out : OTR is Out