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    User name R. Zielinski/M. Cummings

    Log entry time 12:40:02 on March 05, 2012

    Entry number 363803

    keyword=RHRS T2 MLU

    Melissa and I check the RHRS T2 MLU module. First we tried to look at the T1 MLU signal and 
    weren't seeing anything. We re-downloaded the trigger and still nothing. We then power cycled 
    the crate and re-downloaded the trigger and then we could see both the T1 MLU and the T1 NIM 
    trigger signals. 
    If we get beam back tonight we will check and see if this fixed the high-rate of T2. If not, there is 
    also a spare MLU in the rack that we can try next. 

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: yez,vasulk,rbziel,camsonne,melissac,slifer,jpchen,rom