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    Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 17:34:14 on March 9, 2012

    Entry number 365110

     Run Number: 22093
     End of Run Comment:
    Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM pedestal run
    PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=0   ps2=0   ps3=0   ps4=0   ps5=0   ps6=0   ps7=0   ps8=1   
    EVENTS   : 204095       
    TIME     : 3.361 mins  
    DEAD TIME:   1.17%      
    T1: 0.0/4.6  Hz   T2: 0.0/1.1  Hz   T3: 0.0/5.4  Hz   T4: 0.0/5.3  Hz   T5: 0.0/1354.0 Hz   T6: 0.0/641.6 Hz   T7: 0.0/0.0  Hz   T8:1024.0/1024.0 Hz   
    T1:      0/931      T2:      0/225      T3:      0/1097     T4:      0/1066     T5:      0/273088   T6:      0/129396   T7:      0/0        T8: 206523/206523   
    BCM 1 : 0.2252 uA  
    Test of Helicity gates
    Time diff of helicity to nonhelicity times  =         0.40037 seconds
    BCM u1 :    1E+39 ppm     
    BCM d1 :        0 ppm     
    BCM u1 : -3.981E-06     
    BCM d1 : 9.481E-05      
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 22093 at Fri Mar 9 17:34:10 EST 2012

    Target Info

    Target number in beam : 0 Target encoder position : 0 uWave Frequency (Ghz) : -999 RF Frequency (Mhz) : -999 Magnetic Field (T) : -999 Magnet Current : 0 VPT 3He (K) : 1.34771 VPT 4He (K) : 1.46955 NMR Area : -999 Polarization : -999

    General Run Info

    Beam energy (MeV) : 2252.94 Beam Current : 180.21 Left arm angle : -0.179 Left arm momentum : 0.0624475 Right arm angle : 0.197 Right arm momentum : 0 Left septum current : 0.0841932 Right septum current : 0

    Misc Epics Info

    ----- Left Arm Q1 momentum : 0.922845 Left Arm Q1 power supply : 694.286 Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.05774 Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.05216 Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 97.3257 Left Arm Q2 momentum : 0.228757 Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : disabled Left Arm D1 power supply current : 17.98 Left Arm D1 momentum : 0.0625031 Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.360942 Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : -0.050859 Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 100.63 Left Arm Q3 momentum : 0.258381 Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled ----- Right Arm Q1 momentum : 1.50425 Right Arm Q1 power supply : 1131.1 Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.02813 Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 498.895 Right Arm Q2 momentum : 1.15923 Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.479 Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled Right Arm D1 power supply current : 779.282 Right Arm D1 momentum : 0 Right Arm D1 NMR : 1.01108 Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 1072.72 Right Arm Q3 momentum : 2.69589 Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.2608 Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled ----- Left Arm Angle Floor Angle : 0 Left Arm Angle Vernier : 0 Left Arm Scattering Angle : -0.179 ----- Right Arm Angle Floor Angle : 0 Right Arm Angle Vernier : 0 Right Arm Scattering Angle : 0.197 ----- Wien angle (Vertical) : 89.9999 Wien Vertical BDL (Gcm) : 2649.6 Wien HV Polarity : POSITIVE Wien electrode Voltage : 0 Wien angle (Solenoids) : 88.7125 Wien BDL (First Solenoid) (Gcm) : 1239.7 Wien BDL (Second Solenoid) (Gcm) : 729.5 Wien angle (Horizontal) : -59.6266 Wien BDL (Gcm) : -1721.1 Wien HV Polarity (Horizontal) : NEGATIVE Wien electrode Voltage (Horizontal) : 0 Laser attenuation Hall A : 90 Laser power Hall A : 0 Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT rotating waveplate : 7511 Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT ----- Helicity Delay Set : 8 windows Helicity Pattern Set : Quartet Helicity Clock Set : Free Clock Helicity Settle Read : 70 Helicity Stable Read : 971.65 Helicity Delay Read : 8 windows Helicity Pattern : Quartet Helicity Clock Read : Free Clock Helicity Frequency : 960.015 Left Septum Magnet Current : 0.0420966 Right Septum Magnet Current : 0 -----