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    User name Jack(Techs)

    Log entry time 12:32:04 on March 17, 2012

    Entry number 367136


    keyword=Right Septum

    There are a few problems with the Right Septum. The worst, there are char marks on the magnet steel where the top coil makes the bends and along some more length where it is close to the steel. We will know more about the status of the coil after Radcon gives the OK and procedure to work on the magnets. The LCW was dripping quite a bit, but that is the least of the problems. The aluminum splice block above the Right Septum has melted. The cables have a good deal of their rubber charred. The full extent of the damage will not be revealed to us until after Radcon's approval to proceed. The FZ magnets are also unusable, their cooling water is in parallel with the Septa. Since the Septa LCW hoses are leaking, the LCW supply to the Septa and FZ magnets has been shut off. No chicane.