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    Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

    User name Lindgren

    Log entry time 16:10:43 on April13,2012

    Entry number 373901

    keyword=shift summary

    Day Shift Starting
    SL: R. Lindgren, TO: M. Navaphon, 3rd: W. Boeglin
    P=1.405 Continue Production Running
    See Table below
    10;30 MCC called. Chicane magnet MFZ 1H05A is down, Hall A access is required.

    11:26 MCC calls to announce tune beam
    11:55 move carbon hole into place for beam centering
    12:20 start beam centering

    After checking spot and raster many times, we are back to production running. Sww Run sheets for checking raster runs.
    14:42 Back to production running

    Table of Runs

    Time Left Right 3rd Left Arm Events only
    8:07 4295 23270 41130 7M
    8:29 4296 23271 41131 7M
    8:51 4297 23272 41132 7M
    9:15 4298 23273 41133 7M
    9:39 4299 23274 41134 7M
    10;03 4230 23275 41135 4.9M

    14:42 4316 23230 41156 7M
    15:05 4317 23281 41157 7M
    15:27 4318 23282 41158 7M
    15:51 4311 23283 41159

    Shift ended