Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for December 12 - Full Listing

  • Main INDEX


  • 385748 12/12/12 09:54 R. Michaels VDC plots, run 1026
  • Monday

  • 385747 12/10/12 15:50 R. Michaels DB restored
  • 385746 12/10/12 15:36 R. Michaels add delay to gates, see data now
  • Sunday

  • 385745 12/09/12 22:21 R. Michaels DAQ runs on LHRS
  • Friday

  • 385744 12/07/12 19:16 V. Sulkosky Re: online analyzer for LHRS (primitive)
  • 385743 12/07/12 19:06 V. Sulkosky Left VDC Database Updated
  • 385742 12/07/12 13:31 R. Michaels online analyzer for LHRS (primitive)

  • The HALOG was generated by version HA1.51
    If you have any comments or problems, please contact:
    Robert Michaels
    (757) 269-7410