Make New Entry,
Make Followup Entry
User name adaq
Log entry time 18:24:45 on May 15, 2017
Entry number 420848
Run Number: 15230
End of Run Comment:
Run_type=Cosmics Gmp,target_type=Home(no target, or empty),comment_text=Test
PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=1 ps2=1 ps3=1 ps4=0 ps5=0 ps6=0 ps7=1 ps8=100000 ps9=0 ps10=0 ps11=0 ps12=0
TIME : 0.017 mins
DEAD TIME: 0.00%
T1:T1:37991642.0/37991642.0 Hz T2:T2:6033034.0/6033034.0 Hz T3:T3:1726507.0/1726507.0 Hz T4:T4: 0.0/0.0 Hz T5:T5: 0.0/3000868.0 Hz T6:T6: 0.0/719804.0 Hz T7:T7:467490.0/467490.0 Hz T8:T8: 0.0/0.0 Hz
T1:T1:37991642/37991642 T2:T2:6033034/6033034 T3:T3:1726507/1726507 T4:T4: 0/0 T5:T5: 0/3000868 T6:T6: 0/719804 T7:T7: 467490/467490 T8:T8: 0/0
BCM 1 : 0.0215 uA BCM 3 : 0.0033 uA BCM 10: 0.0000 uA BCM new receiver: 0.0000 uA
BCM u1 : 0.01231 BCM u3 : 0 BCM u10: 0 BCM u new : 1.437E-06
BCM d1 : 0.03062 BCM d3 : 0.003346 BCM d10: 2.324E-06 BCM d new : -2.891E-09
Test of Helicity gates
Time diff of helicity to nonhelicity times = -1.02600 seconds
BCM u1 : 0 ppm BCM u3 : 1E+39 ppm BCM u10: 1E+39 ppm
BCM d1 : 0 ppm BCM d3 : 0 ppm BCM d10: 0 ppm
DVCS Master OR
DVCS valid
End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 15230 at Mon May 15 18:24:22 EDT 2017
Right and Left MLU settings
Left MLU settings
0 0xffff
time of Left HRS MLU last setting 19 at 11:04
Right MLU settings
0 0xffff
time of Right HRS MLU last setting 19 at 11:03
The meaning of the settings is documented elsewhere; briefly:
first number is 0 or 1
0 = standard GMp trigger
1 = single detector trigger
second number is a bit mask
bit=1 means output is enabled
bit=0 means output is disabled
only last 8 bits are relevant for NIM output
General Run Info
Beam Energy Information:
Set Beam energy (MeV) : 2218.49
Tiefenbach 6GeV Beam energy (MeV) : 2218.66
Tiefenbach 6GeV orbit correction (dpp) : 0
Injector Measured Energy : 116.414
Average North Linac Measured Energy : 1052.45533333333333
Average South Linac Measured Energy : 1049.52333333333333
MBSY1c Magnet Current : 4
MBSY1c Bdl : 554319
Hall A ARC Current : 0
Hall A ARC Set Current : 92.5878
Lock [Y/N] : NO
Position [mm] : 1604
Field [T] :0.195994
IPM1C12.XPOS : 0
Beam Current : 0.0491309
Left arm angle : -0.179
Left arm momentum : 0.00267934
Right arm angle : 0.197
Right arm momentum : 0.00297359
Fast Raster-A Ix : 0
Fast Raster-A Iy : 0
Fast Raster-B Ix : 0
Fast Raster-B Iy : 0
Misc Epics Info
Left Arm Q1 momentum : 0
Left Arm Q1 power supply (readback) : 0
Left Arm Q1 power supply (set point) : 0
Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.00073291
Left Arm Q2 power supply current : -0.00013852
Left Arm Q2 momentum : -3.12997e-07
Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.0003117
Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
Left Arm D1 power supply current : 0.0002608
Left Arm D1 momentum : 0.00267934
Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.322141
Left Arm Q3 power supply current : -0.000492776
Left Arm Q3 momentum : -1.57953e-06
Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.00063488
Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : enabled
Left Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -0.0009625
Average current of the two cavities : 0.0491309
Current on Upstream bcm : 0.0575813
Current on Downstream bcm : 0.0406805
Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 36.65
Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 32.45
Raw Upstream Signal (new receiver) : 40
Raw Downstream Signal (new receiver) : 40
Moeller quadrupole currents:
MQK1H01M : -0.00298514
MQO1H02M : 2.9011
MQM1H02M : 2.98168
MQO1H03M : 0
MQO1H03AM : 2.98168
MQA1H04M : 0.0631714
Wien angle (Vertical) : 0
Wien Vertical BDL (Gcm) : 9.37619e-06
Wien HV Polarity : POSITIVE
Wien electrode Voltage : 0
Wien angle (Solenoids) : -0.0302736
Wien BDL (First Solenoid) (Gcm) : 1008
Wien BDL (Second Solenoid) (Gcm) : -1008.67
Wien angle (Horizontal) : 88.9994
Wien BDL (Gcm) : 2580.5
Wien HV Polarity (Horizontal) : POSITIVE
Wien electrode Voltage (Horizontal) : 0
Laser attenuation Hall A : 239.979
Laser power Hall A : 0
Rotating waveplate : 577.995
Fake Half-Wave Plate (8960=OUT) : 830
Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
Helicity Delay Set : No Delay
Helicity Pattern Set : Quartet
Helicity Clock Set : Free Clock
Helicity Settle Read : 500
Helicity Stable Read : 33330
Helicity Delay Read : No Delay
Helicity Pattern : Quartet
Helicity Clock Read : Free Clock
Helicity Frequency : 29.5596
target OTR In/Out : Out
Target Info
Target : Argon Cell
fan frequency loop 1 : 0
fan frequency loop 2 : 0
fan frequency loop 3 : 0
Encoder position : 2.17435e-38
Target type : 2.17435e-38
temperature loop 1(1) : 5.889
temperature loop 1(2) : 5.889
temperature loop 1(3) : 5.889
Heat exchange loop 1 H2 : 5.889
temperature loop 2(1) : 5.721
temperature loop 2(2) : 5.782
temperature loop 2(3) : 5.721
Heat exchange loop 2 LH2 : 5.721
temperature loop 3(1) : 689.07
temperature loop 3(2) : 688.89
temperature loop 3(3) : 0
Heat exchange loop 3 H2 : 688.74
pressure loop H2 before : 13.7514
pressure loop H2 return : 16.3821
pressure loop H2 before : 14.4549
pressure loop H2 return : 15.0423
HPH loop 1 : 2.82506
HPH loop 2 : 2.43293
HPH loop 3 : 0.450063
DVCS Calorimeter
Measured HV voltages
Measured HV currents
Measured HV for DVCS Cosmic paddels
DVCS Cosmic Padels TOP
TOP1: Error open connection(PID:0) : err-3 : errno=22
TOP2: Error open connection(PID:0) : err-3 : errno=22
DVCS Cosmic Padels BOTTOM
BOTTOM1: Error open connection(PID:0) : err-3 : errno=22
BOTTOM2: Error open connection(PID:0) : err-3 : errno=22
Measured anode currents: block number
iochacs ( needs to be reboot
Please see DVCS HOW-TO wiki for reboot IOC
LHRS Detector High Voltage and Current
Set HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:2 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:2 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 1:1,1:2 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L 9L 10L 11L 12L 13L 14L 15L 16L
Set HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:16 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:16 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 1:1,1:16 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R 11R 12R 13R 14R 15R 16R
Set HV (V) *** Map name 2:2,1:16 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 2:2,1:16 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 2:2,1:16 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Set HV (V) *** Map name 1:2,1:5 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 1:2,1:5 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 1:2,1:5 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L 9L 10L 11L 12L 13L 14L 15L 16L 17L
Set HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 1:1,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R 11R 12R 13R 14R 15R 16R 17R
Set HV (V) *** Map name 2:2,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 2:2,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 2:2,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
18L 19L 20L 21L 22L 23L 24L 25L 26L 27L 28L 29L 30L 31L 32L 33L 34L
Set HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 1:1,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
18R 19R 20R 21R 22R 23R 24R 25R 26R 27R 28R 29R 30R 31R 32R 33R 34R
Set HV (V) *** Map name 2:2,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 2:2,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 2:2,1:17 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
1 2
Set HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:2 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:2 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 1:1,1:2 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Straw Chamber
1 2 3 4 5 6
Set HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:6 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Read HV (V) *** Map name 1:1,1:6 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
I (uA) *** Map name 1:1,1:6 is missing or not properly set in the server list :
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe.
usage: /adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe
HV_Port - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default)
'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090 -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.'
Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555 -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.'