Make New Entry,
Make Followup Entry
User name adaq
Log entry time 13:45:51 on January 11, 2018
Entry number 425727
keyword=Start_Run_90677,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=Home(no target, or empty),comment_text=Checking Pre-shower channels
Run Timestamp: Thu Jan 11 13:45:43 EST 2018
CODA Config : RHRStritBUFF
Beginning-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 90677 at Thu Jan 11 13:45:46 EST 2018
Shift Worker Info
target_type=Home(no target, or empty)
comment_text=Checking Pre-shower channels
Prescale Values
;This file is automatically generated from R-HRS prescales GUI.
;To generate this file, type "prescaleR" without quotes on adaq@adaql1
;Input the desired prescales and Save.
;T1 = LHRS S0&S2
;T2 = LHRS S0&S2&GC
;T3 = LHRS (S0||S2)&GC
;T4 = RHRS S0&S2
;T5 = RHRS S0&S2&GC
;T6 = RHRS (S0||S2)&GC
;T7 = RHRS Clock (1024 Hz)
;T8 = LHRS Clock (103.7 kHz)
General Run Info
Beam Energy Information:
Set Beam energy (MeV) : 10618.5
Tiefenbach 6GeV Beam energy (MeV) : 10557.5
Tiefenbach 6GeV orbit correction (dpp) : 0
Injector Measured Energy : 117.157
Average North Linac Measured Energy : 1052.351
Average South Linac Measured Energy : 1047.75666666666667
MBSY1c Magnet Current : 4
MBSY1c Bdl : 2.63998e+06
Hall A ARC Current : 0.00885023
Hall A ARC Set Current : 484.484
Lock [Y/N] : NO
Position [mm] : 0
Field [T] :0.0921409
IPM1C12.XPOS : 0
Beam Current : 0.0612904
Left arm angle : 17.002
Left arm momentum : 0.00267489
Right arm angle : 17.5771
Right arm momentum : 0
Fast Raster-A Ix : 0.06764
Fast Raster-A Iy : 0.87932
Fast Raster-B Ix : 0.06764
Fast Raster-B Iy : 0.13528
Misc Epics Info
Right Arm Q1 momentum : 0.500058
Right Arm Q1 power supply : 99.9313
Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.15033
Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 215.146
Right Arm Q2 momentum : 0.499911
Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.11219
Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
Right Arm D1 power supply current : 174.161
Right Arm D1 momentum : 0
Right Arm D1 NMR : 0.279592
Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 198.933
Right Arm Q3 momentum : 0.499945
Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.08877
Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
Right Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -0.18505
Average current of the two cavities : 0.0612904
Current on Unser monitor : 20.8838
Current on Upstream bcm : 0.0677632
Current on Downstream bcm : 0.0548821
Set Gain on Upstream bcm (new receiver): 5
Set Gain on Downstream bcm (new receiver) : 5
Readback Gain on Upstream bcm (new receiver): 1285
Readback Gain on Downstream bcm (new receiver) : 1280
Upstream Cavity Coefficient (new receiver) : 0
Downstream Cavity Coefficient (new receiver) : 0
Upstream Pedestal (new receiver): 0
Downstream Pedestal (new receiver) : 0
Raw Upstream Signal (new receiver): 40
Raw Downstream Signal (new receiver) : 12
DACSL1 A (new receiver): 2
DACSL1 B (new receiver) : 2
DACSL2 A (new receiver): 2
DACSL2 B (new receiver) : 2
Current on Upstream bcm (new receiver): 0
Current on Downstream bcm (new receiver) : 0
Hac_VMIC1182ha19:Encoder :43378
HacR_lvdt1_raw.VAL : -6448
HacR_lvdt2_raw.VAL : -1847
HacR_lvdt3_raw.VAL : 3101
HacR_CalcPoint : -2.872
HacR_CalcAngle : 17.5892
Right Arm Angle Floor Angle : 17.5
Right Arm Angle Vernier : -20.8
Right Arm Scattering Angle : 17.5771
Survey X offset bpmA : 0
Survey Y offset bpmA : 0
Survey X offset bpmB : 0
Survey Y offset bpmB : 0
Wien angle (Vertical) : 50.0003
Wien Vertical BDL (Gcm) : 1447.5
Wien HV Polarity : POSITIVE
Wien electrode Voltage : 0
Wien angle (Solenoids) : 90.0099
Wien BDL (First Solenoid) (Gcm) : 999
Wien BDL (Second Solenoid) (Gcm) : 999
Wien angle (Horizontal) : 0
Wien BDL (Gcm) : -7.66356e-06
Wien HV Polarity (Horizontal) : POSITIVE
Wien electrode Voltage (Horizontal) : 0
Laser attenuation Hall A : 150.001
Laser power Hall A : 0
Rotating waveplate : 0
Fake Half-Wave Plate (8960=OUT) : 9023
Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
target OTR In/Out : Out
Tritium Target
Target = Home
Encoder Position : -1
Chamber Vacuum : 5.58174e-06
Beam Current : 0
ESR Status
4K Coolant
Flow : 25.0958 g/s
Temperature : 4.21 K
Pressure : 2.69429 atm
Temperature : 4.42 K
Pressure : 1.21415 atm
15K Coolant
Flow : 1.97923 g/s
Temperature : 13.26 K
Pressure : 12.0638 atm
Temperature : 17.57 K
Pressure : 2.49903 atm
Target JT Valve : 30.3456 atm
Bypass JT Valve : 14.9401 atm
Warm Return Valve : 99.4704 atm
Heater Controls
Heater Power Readback : 2.81676
Temperature Readback : 172.63
Cryostat Status
Ladder Top A : 190
Ladder Top B : 182.6
Ladder Bot A : 180.12
Ladder Bot A : 177.11
Heater In A : 200.12
Heater In B : 194.35
Heater Out A : 172.63
Heater Out B : 200.95
Target Info
Target : BeO
fan frequency loop 1 : 0
fan frequency loop 2 : 0
fan frequency loop 3 : 0
Encoder position : -1
Target type : -1
temperature loop 1(1) : 189.98
temperature loop 1(2) : 180.1
temperature loop 1(3) : 0
Heat exchange loop 1 H2 : 172.63
temperature loop 2(1) : 0
temperature loop 2(2) : 0
temperature loop 2(3) : 0
Heat exchange loop 2 LH2 : 0
temperature loop 3(1) : 182.57
temperature loop 3(2) : 177.08
temperature loop 3(3) : 0
Heat exchange loop 3 H2 : 200.95
pressure loop H2 before : 0
pressure loop H2 return : 0
pressure loop H2 before : 0
pressure loop H2 return : 0
HPH loop 1 : 2.81676
HPH loop 2 : 2.44612
HPH loop 3 : 2.58969
RHRS Detector High Voltage and Current
Set HV (V) -1325 -1250
Read HV (V) -1326 -1252
I (uA) -304 -527
1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L 9L 10L 11L 12L 13L 14L 15L 16L
Set HV (V) -1815 -1700 -1715 -1840 -1670 -1725 -1550 -1710 -1765 -1640 -1635 -1650 -1590 -1635 -1780 -1750
Read HV (V) -1815 -1701 -1716 -1841 -1671 -1726 -1550 -1712 -1766 -1640 -1635 -1651 -1590 -1634 -1780 -1751
I (uA) -689 -644 -651 -697 -634 -654 -588 -649 -669 -623 -620 -626 -549 -575 -601 -612
1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R 11R 12R 13R 14R 15R 16R
Set HV (V) -1750 -1610 -1675 -1675 -1830 -1625 -1880 -1750 -1680 -1525 -1705 -1765 -1960 -1795 -1810 -1840
Read HV (V) -1751 -1611 -1675 -1676 -1831 -1625 -1881 -1751 -1682 -1525 -1706 -1766 -1962 -1800 -1810 -1841
I (uA) -665 -610 -636 -633 -694 -616 -716 -664 -636 -577 -646 -675 -687 -642 -605 -654
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Set HV (V) -1615 -1890 -2190 -1625 -1910 -1650 -1730 -1535 -1755 -1605
Read HV (V) -1615 -1890 -2190 -1625 -1910 -1650 -1730 -1535 -1755 -1606
I (uA) -546 -630 -685 -513 -621 -546 -537 -555 -585 -529
1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L 9L 10L 11L 12L 13L 14L 15L 16L 17L 18L 19L 20L 21L 22L 23L 24L
Set HV (V) -1041 -896 -904 -896 -849 -913 -911 -853 -865 -859 -885 -907 -722 -891 -851 -840 -877 -899 -899 -992 -879 -1022 -858 -913
Read HV (V) -1042 -898 -906 -897 -849 -914 -912 -854 -866 -860 -886 -908 -723 -892 -852 -841 -878 -900 -901 -993 -880 -1023 -859 -915
I (uA) -267 -230 -233 -230 -218 -234 -234 -219 -221 -221 -227 -233 -185 -229 -218 -215 -225 -231 -230 -254 -225 -262 -220 -235
1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R 11R 12R 13R 14R 15R 16R 17R 18R 19R 20R 21R 22R 23R 24R
Set HV (V) -826 -871 -842 -863 -862 -835 -879 -844 -853 -850 -853 -844 -862 -822 -844 -900 -921 -879 -937 -904 -1032 -938 -948 -917
Read HV (V) -827 -872 -843 -864 -863 -836 -880 -846 -854 -852 -854 -845 -864 -824 -845 -901 -921 -880 -936 -905 -1033 -939 -949 -917
I (uA) -212 -224 -216 -222 -222 -214 -225 -217 -219 -219 -219 -217 -221 -211 -217 -231 -236 -226 -240 -232 -264 -241 -243 -236
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Set HV (V) -841 -744 -735 -711 -734 -704 -675 -636 -682 -669 -666 -686 -747 -826 -964
Read HV (V) -842 -746 -735 -711 -735 -705 -676 -636 -683 -669 -667 -688 -748 -828 -964
I (uA) -200 -178 -175 -169 -175 -168 -160 -151 -163 -159 -158 -164 -178 -197 -230
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Set HV (V) -709 -693 -657 -637 -649 -668 -647 -681 -660 -636 -652 -691 -657 -670 -830
Read HV (V) -710 -694 -658 -638 -650 -669 -648 -682 -660 -637 -653 -693 -657 -670 -830
I (uA) -169 -165 -156 -152 -154 -159 -154 -162 -157 -151 -155 -164 -156 -159 -197
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Set HV (V) -669 -685 -670 -643 -639 -686 -552 -611 -697 -623 -649 -672 -687 -673 -844
Read HV (V) -670 -686 -670 -643 -639 -686 -554 -611 -697 -625 -650 -673 -687 -673 -845
I (uA) -159 -163 -160 -153 -152 -162 -132 -145 -166 -149 -155 -160 -163 -160 -201
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Set HV (V) -690 -663 -647 -661 -654 -659 -660 -609 -666 -650 -646 -675 -651 -704 -831
Read HV (V) -690 -664 -649 -661 -655 -659 -661 -609 -667 -651 -647 -675 -652 -705 -831
I (uA) -164 -158 -155 -160 -159 -160 -161 -148 -162 -159 -157 -165 -158 -171 -202
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Set HV (V) -786 -694 -714 -692 -679 -696 -673 -687 -679 -667 -728 -693 -715 -910 -815
Read HV (V) -786 -695 -715 -693 -680 -696 -674 -687 -681 -668 -728 -693 -716 -911 -815
I (uA) -186 -165 -170 -165 -162 -166 -161 -163 -162 -158 -172 -165 -170 -216 -194
1 2
Set HV (V) -3500 -3500
Read HV (V) -3500 -3500
I (uA) -0 -0
Straw Chamber
1 2 3 4 5 6
Set HV (V) 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Read HV (V) 16 15 18 15 15 17
I (uA) -0 0 -0 0 -0 0