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    User name adev

    Log entry time 21:22:41 on October 11, 1998

    Entry number 2678

     Run Number: 1705
    End of Run Comment:
     Normal end of run 
     Trigger   |  Plus Helicity   |  Minus Helicity |  Sum 
        1      |  1.30129  Hz     |    1.3183 Hz   |  2.61958 Hz
        2      |  3.70824  Hz     |    3.66571 Hz   |  7.37395 Hz
        3      |  1.67551  Hz     |    1.93067 Hz   |  3.60618 Hz
        4      |  4.09948  Hz     |    4.01442 Hz   |  8.12241 Hz
        5      |  0.0  Hz     |    0.0 Hz   |  0.0 Hz
        output |  3.20644  Hz   |    3.46159 Hz |  6.66803 Hz
     Total number of output triggers =     7.84000e+02 
     Time of run = 1.9596 min
       helicity    |  Gate on + and run  |  Gate on - and run  |  Gate on run 
          +        |  0.399741  Hz         |    0.0 Hz        |  0.408247 Hz
          -        |  0.0  Hz        |    0.399741 Hz       |  0.399741 Hz
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 1705 at Sun Oct 11 21:22:38 EDT 1998
    Electron Q1 power supply current        : 972.44
    Electron Q1 momentum                    : 1.29968
    Electron Q1 gauss meter                 : -0.08251
    Electron Q1 power supply polarity       : 0
    Electron Q2 power supply current        : 556.511
    Electron Q2 momentum                    : 1.29952
    Electron Q2 gauss meter                 : 0.2934
    Electron Q2 power supply polarity       : 1
    Electron D1 power supply current        : 432.421
    Electron D1 momentum                    : 1.30002
    Electron D1 NMR                         : 0.544738
    Electron Q3 power supply current        : 514.761
    Electron Q3 momentum                    : 1.3001
    Electron Q3 gauss meter                 : -0.2556
    Electron Q3 power supply polarity       : 1
    Hadron Q1 power supply current          : 972.195
    Hadron Q1 momentum                      : 1.30004
    Hadron Q1 gauss meter                   : -0.024382
    Hadron Q1 power supply polarity         : 0
    Hadron Q2 power supply current          : 556.377
    Hadron Q2 momentum                      : 1.29991
    Hadron Q2 gauss meter                   : 0.2918
    Hadron Q2 power supply polarity         : 0
    Hadron D1 power supply current          : 442.48
    Hadron D1 momentum                      : 1.3
    Hadron D1 NMR                           : 0.479776
    Hadron Q3 power supply current          : 514.488
    Hadron Q3 momentum                      : 1.30009
    Hadron Q3 gauss meter                   : 0.23013
    Hadron Q3 power supply polarity         : 1
    Average current of the two cavities     : 0.0399294
    Current on Unser monitor                : -2.09547
    Current on Upstream bcm                 : 0.0433079
    Current on Downstream bcm               : 0.0365509
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient             : 31.568
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient           : 28.793
    SpinFlip           : 0
    Polarization of He3 target        : 0
    He3 target info (hpchan0)    : -131.494
    He3 target info (hpchan1)    : -171.68
    He3 target info (hpchan2)    : -1027.73
    He3 target info (hpchan3)    : 168.057
    He3 target info (hpchan4)    : -19.3652
    He3 target info (hpchan5)    : -1022.34
    He3 target info (hpchan6)    : -1008.69
    He3 target info (hpchan7)    : 21.0938
    He3 target info (hpchan8)    : 20.8008
    He3 target info (hpchan9)    : 20.9863
    He3 target info (hpchan10)    : 20.8008
    He3 target info (hpchan11)    : 20.8008
    He3 target info (hpchan12)    : 20.8008
    He3 target info (hpchan13)    : 20.8008
    He3 target info (hpchan14)    : 20.8008
    He3 target info (hpchan15)    : 20.8008
    He3 target info (hpchan16)    : -0.205078
    He3 target info (hpchan17)    : -0.244141
    He3 target info (hpchan18)    : -0.229492
    He3 target info (hpchan19)    : -0.517578
    He3 target info (hpchan20)    : -0.17334
    He3 target info (hpchan21)    : -0.178223
    He3 target info (hpchan22)    : -0.197754
    He3 target info (hpchan23)    : -0.239258
    He3 target info (hpchan24)    : 14.9689
    He3 target info (hpchan25)    : 14.859
    He3 target info (hpchan26)    : 15.4968
    He3 target info (hpchan27)    : 5.70374
    He3 target info (hpchan28)    : 17.0959
    He3 target info (hpchan29)    : 17.1143
    He3 target info (hpchan30)    : 16.507
    He3 target info (hpchan31)    : 16.8732