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    User name adev

    Log entry time 20:12:00 on October 27, 1998

    Entry number 3875

     Run Number: 2085
    End of Run Comment:
    raster check. beam was offset by ~1mm
     Trigger   |  Plus Helicity   |  Minus Helicity |  Sum 
        1      |  431.42469  Hz     |    436.06847 Hz   |  433.73669 Hz
        2      |  45.594082  Hz     |    45.696225 Hz   |  45.637479 Hz
        3      |  395.24153  Hz     |    393.96755 Hz   |  394.58796 Hz
        4      |  34.478287  Hz     |    34.391822 Hz   |  34.437906 Hz
        5      |  0.034097531  Hz     |    0.0056977836 Hz   |  0.019912881 Hz
        output |  749.72515  Hz   |    755.0304 Hz |  751.08543 Hz
     Total number of output triggers =     2.64030e+05 
     Time of run = 5.8588542 min
     Time of run h- = 2.925114 min
     Time of run h+ = 2.9327637 min
     (sum of time hel + and -)/( run time) = 1.6667e-04
       helicity    |  Gate on + and run  |  Gate on - and run  |  Gate on run 
          +        |  0.38403414  Hz         |    0.0 Hz        |  0.38403414 Hz
          -        |  0.0  Hz        |    0.38687883 Hz       |  0.38687883 Hz
        Signal     |  Gate on + and run  |  Gate on - and run  |  Gate on run  |
                   |     Charge   (C)    |     Charge   (C)    | Charge   (C)  
       upstream    |   0.0006949         |   0.0006958         | 0.0013909     
      downstream   |   0.0007010         |   0.0007019         | 0.0014030    
     downstream 3x |   0.0009418         |   0.0009423         | 0.0018844    
     downstream 10x|   0.0008264         |   0.0008268         | 0.0016533    
        Signal     |  Asymmetry
       upstream    |   6.47156110e-04 
      downstream   |   6.41528260e-04 
     downstream 3x |   2.65378700e-04 
     downstream 10x|   2.41955000e-04 
       Spectrometer     |  Trigger Asymmetry
        Electron        |    3.80530390e-03 +- 2.56116590e-03    
        Hadron          |    -3.16207130e-03 +- 2.68517580e-03    
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 2085 at Tue Oct 27 20:11:54 EST 1998
    Electron Q1 power supply current        : 1782.13
    Electron Q1 momentum                    : 2.38184
    Electron Q1 gauss meter                 : -0.15113
    Electron Q1 power supply polarity       : 0
    Electron Q2 power supply current        : 1020.11
    Electron Q2 momentum                    : 2.38208
    Electron Q2 gauss meter                 : 0.5381
    Electron Q2 power supply polarity       : 1
    Electron D1 power supply current        : 811.918
    Electron D1 momentum                    : 2.38199
    Electron D1 NMR                         : 0.876685
    Electron Q3 power supply current        : 943.197
    Electron Q3 momentum                    : 2.38216
    Electron Q3 gauss meter                 : -0.4699
    Electron Q3 power supply polarity       : 1
    Hadron Q1 power supply current          : 1781.29
    Hadron Q1 momentum                      : 2.38197
    Hadron Q1 gauss meter                   : -0.04459
    Hadron Q1 power supply polarity         : 0
    Hadron Q2 power supply current          : 1019.44
    Hadron Q2 momentum                      : 2.38179
    Hadron Q2 gauss meter                   : 0.5349
    Hadron Q2 power supply polarity         : 0
    Hadron D1 power supply current          : 830.343
    Hadron D1 momentum                      : 2.382
    Hadron D1 NMR                           : 0.879095
    Hadron Q3 power supply current          : 942.6
    Hadron Q3 momentum                      : 2.38191
    Hadron Q3 gauss meter                   : 0.4223
    Hadron Q3 power supply polarity         : 1
    Average current of the two cavities     : 4.89622
    Current on Unser monitor                : 3.96315
    Current on Upstream bcm                 : 4.89646
    Current on Downstream bcm               : 4.89597
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient             : 31.482
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient           : 28.863
    Beam energy                             : 
    SpinFlip           : 0
    Polarization of He3 target        : 0
    He3 target info (hpchan0)    : 49.8535
    He3 target info (hpchan1)    : 168.262
    He3 target info (hpchan2)    : 59.5898
    He3 target info (hpchan3)    : 72.0996
    He3 target info (hpchan4)    : 167.988
    He3 target info (hpchan5)    : 197.754
    He3 target info (hpchan6)    : 189.023
    He3 target info (hpchan7)    : 53.623
    He3 target info (hpchan8)    : 123.516
    He3 target info (hpchan9)    : 54.5508
    He3 target info (hpchan10)    : 29.5898
    He3 target info (hpchan11)    : 29.5898
    He3 target info (hpchan12)    : 29.5898
    He3 target info (hpchan13)    : 29.5898
    He3 target info (hpchan14)    : -0.0439453
    He3 target info (hpchan15)    : -0.0244141
    He3 target info (hpchan16)    : 30.0562
    He3 target info (hpchan17)    : 27.6538
    He3 target info (hpchan18)    : -0.280762
    He3 target info (hpchan19)    : -0.705566
    He3 target info (hpchan20)    : 31.0864
    He3 target info (hpchan21)    : -0.209961
    He3 target info (hpchan22)    : -0.280762
    He3 target info (hpchan23)    : -0.322266
    He3 target info (hpchan24)    : 24.8474
    He3 target info (hpchan25)    : 19.8883
    He3 target info (hpchan26)    : 16.8121
    He3 target info (hpchan27)    : 9.01489
    He3 target info (hpchan28)    : 28.8849
    He3 target info (hpchan29)    : 16.5771
    He3 target info (hpchan30)    : 16.684
    He3 target info (hpchan31)    : 14.917