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    User name Rob van der Meer

    Log entry time 12:12:15 on December 10,1998

    Entry number 8013

    keyword=End of run summaries missing

    The end of run summaries of the elecron arm runs 20482, 20483 and 20484 are
    missing from the halog or are incomplete.
    Run 20482 is a good run that was partially taken during the power outage in Cebaf
    center. When we ended the run the DAQ hang, waiting for some scripts to be started
    from the CUE. Therefore no end of run summary was submitted.
    After rebooting adaqs3 we forgot to set 'xhost +'.
    Run 20483 is a good run.
    Run 20484 was accidentally started end during the target NMR measurement and
    therefore stopped after a few seconds.
    All end of run summaries for these runs exist on /home/atrig/epics/