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    User name atrig

    Log entry time 13:01:02 on December 12, 1998

    Entry number 8330

     Run Number: 20547
    End of Run Comment:
     Trigger   |  Plus Helicity   |  Minus Helicity |  Sum 
        1      |  1874.939  Hz     |    1874.3265 Hz   |  1874.6408 Hz
        2      |  701.28385  Hz     |    700.04787 Hz   |  701.88107 Hz
        output |  1347.1395  Hz   |    1346.8593 Hz |  1347.0088 Hz
     Total number of output triggers =     2.81865e+06 
     Number of raw T1 3922739.0  
     (The raw T1,T3 has to be corrected for deadtime)
     Time of run = 34.875472 min
     Time of run h- = 17.430403 min
     Time of run h+ = 17.43999 min
     1 - (sum of time hel + and -)/( run time) = 1.4561e-04
       helicity    |  Gate on + and run  |  Gate on - and run  |  Gate on run 
          +        |  0.37514427  Hz         |    0.0 Hz        |  0.37514427 Hz
          -        |  0.0  Hz        |    0.37514427 Hz       |  0.37514427 Hz
        Signal     |  Gate on + and run  |  Gate on - and run  |  Gate on run  |
                   |     Charge   (C)    |     Charge   (C)    | Charge   (C)  
       upstream    |   0.0099830         |   0.0099703         | 0.0199563     
      downstream   |   0.0101622         |   0.0101491         | 0.0203143    
     downstream 3x |   0.0121593         |   0.0121438         | 0.0243067    
     downstream 10x|   0.0106043         |   0.0105909         | 0.0211983    
        Signal     |  Asymmetry
       upstream    |   -6.36486200e-04 
      downstream   |   -6.44961180e-04 
     downstream 3x |   -6.37778720e-04 
     downstream 10x|   -6.32218620e-04 
       Spectrometer     |  Trigger Asymmetry
        Electron        |    1.93938760e-04 +- 5.04937760e-04    
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 20547 at Sat Dec 12 13:00:58 EST 1998
    Electron Q1 power supply current        : 622.335
    Electron Q1 momentum                    : 0.831758
    Electron Q1 gauss meter                 : -0.05278
    Electron Q1 power supply polarity       : 0
    Electron Q2 power supply current        : 356.384
    Electron Q2 momentum                    : 0.832198
    Electron Q2 gauss meter                 : 0.1885
    Electron Q2 power supply polarity       : 1
    Electron D1 power supply current        : 275.403
    Electron D1 momentum                    : 0.831993
    Electron D1 NMR                         : 0.306387
    Electron Q3 power supply current        : 329.255
    Electron Q3 momentum                    : 0.831577
    Electron Q3 gauss meter                 : -0.16385
    Electron Q3 power supply polarity       : 1
    Hadron Q1 power supply current          : 622.125
    Hadron Q1 momentum                      : 0.831916
    Hadron Q1 gauss meter                   : -0.015667
    Hadron Q1 power supply polarity         : 0
    Hadron Q2 power supply current          : 356.323
    Hadron Q2 momentum                      : 0.832506
    Hadron Q2 gauss meter                   : 0.18716
    Hadron Q2 power supply polarity         : 0
    Hadron D1 power supply current          : 282.28
    Hadron D1 momentum                      : 0.831998
    Hadron D1 NMR                           : 0.307056
    Hadron Q3 power supply current          : 
    Hadron Q3 momentum                      : 0.832391
    Hadron Q3 gauss meter                   : 0.14725
    Hadron Q3 power supply polarity         : 1
    Average current of the two cavities     : 6.61844
    Current on Unser monitor                : 5.84928
    Current on Upstream bcm                 : 6.56586
    Current on Downstream bcm               : 6.67103
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient             : 31.882
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient           : 29.226
    SpinFlip           : 0
    Polarization of He3 target        : 0
    He3 target info (hpchan0)    : 44.6387
    He3 target info (hpchan1)    : 53.1641
    He3 target info (hpchan2)    : 987.656
    He3 target info (hpchan3)    : 53.6719
    He3 target info (hpchan4)    : 47.998
    He3 target info (hpchan5)    : 190.84
    He3 target info (hpchan6)    : 200.977
    He3 target info (hpchan7)    : 167.969
    He3 target info (hpchan8)    : -1004.88
    He3 target info (hpchan9)    : 28.5645
    He3 target info (hpchan10)    : 56.6602
    He3 target info (hpchan11)    : 56.6602
    He3 target info (hpchan12)    : 56.6602
    He3 target info (hpchan13)    : 56.6602
    He3 target info (hpchan14)    : 0.789062
    He3 target info (hpchan15)    : 0.44043
    He3 target info (hpchan16)    : 28.7817
    He3 target info (hpchan17)    : 26.0327
    He3 target info (hpchan18)    : 28.0347
    He3 target info (hpchan19)    : 15.5103
    He3 target info (hpchan20)    : -0.290527
    He3 target info (hpchan21)    : -0.20752
    He3 target info (hpchan22)    : -0.256348
    He3 target info (hpchan23)    : -0.3125
    He3 target info (hpchan24)    : 24.6887
    He3 target info (hpchan25)    : 18.7531
    He3 target info (hpchan26)    : 27.0294
    He3 target info (hpchan27)    : 12.97
    He3 target info (hpchan28)    : 14.9323
    He3 target info (hpchan29)    : 14.7369
    He3 target info (hpchan30)    : 15.2893
    He3 target info (hpchan31)    : 15.9637