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    User name Saha

    Log entry time 14:03:27 on December 17,1998

    Entry number 8794

    keyword=Current Calibrations

    We have started a current calibration runs with the Faraday Cup.

    Linearity Runs: E-arm: 20616
    H-arm: 3316
    We cycle through at intervals of 90 seconds with the following currents: 34.0, 20.44 (trip), 20.40,10.70, 5.25 (2 trips), 5.25, 2.02, 2.02, (trip), 2.02, 1.045, 1.045, 0.51, 0.50, .170 micro A.

    Standard Calibration with Faraday Cup
    Standard Runs: E-arm: 20617
    H-arm: 3317
    We did only 3 steps with max. beam current of 34.0 microA. (see fig. below). There was a BLM trip and we could do no more for now.

    FIGURE 1