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    User name O. Hansen

    Log entry time 10:46:44 on December 20,1998

    Entry number 8981

    keyword=Hadron arm Cerenkov spectrum

    JP called earlier to inform us that the "hadron ADC total adc Cerenkov" spectrum produced by "show_cuts" looks strange. Indeed, the bump at 2500 is very flat on a linear scale, probably suppressed by a large pedestal.
    We did a pedestal run (run 3357) to try to clean things up.
    Examined raw data spectra for runs 3353 and 3359 (all 430 of them). The hadron arm Cerenkovs look fine as far as I can tell. The pedestals are noiceably smaller in 3359 (after pedestal run). The "problem" with the "show_cuts" spectrum is still with us, however. I suspect a software problem.