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    User name Ransome

    Log entry time 16:07:03 on August 12,1999

    Entry number 24797

    keyword=day journal

    8:00-8:45 - finish optics test
    8:45 - turn off HMS in preparation for polarity change
    set up for ep energy measurement
    9:15 call for access
    9:40 survey completed
    10:25 polarity change completed , hall closed
    10:40 beam back, adjusting current and position
    10:50 start ep tests
    11:45 end ep tests, begin set up for moeller
    14:15 Moeller done
    15:15 raster looked a little wide, 2.5x2. Asked MCC to reduce. But raster
    current was already minimum, and raster had to be rebooted.
    Kuss does trigsetup on adaqh2 for coincidences

    15:45 beam back