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    User name adev

    Log entry time 21:50:29 on November 3, 1999

    Entry number 29757

     Run Number: 2931
    End of Run Comment:
     Trigger   |  Plus Helicity   |  Minus Helicity |  Sum 
        1      |  36.429743  Hz     |    35.815297 Hz   |  36.129235 Hz
        2      |  222.01913  Hz     |    218.97183 Hz   |  220.53518 Hz
        3      |  2046.5804  Hz     |    2023.2281 Hz   |  2035.2502 Hz
        4      |  39589.649  Hz     |    39344.636 Hz   |  39470.179 Hz
        5      |  8.7869618  Hz     |    8.6399746 Hz   |  8.7257513 Hz
        output |  1818.569  Hz   |    1802.7215 Hz |  1810.8131 Hz
     Total number of output triggers =     1.80900e+06 
     Number of raw T1 36093.0  ; Number of raw T3 2033209.0
     (The raw T1,T3 has to be corrected for deadtime)
     Time of run = 16.649951 min
     Time of run h- = 8.2311198 min
     Time of run h+ = 8.2299967 min
     1-(sum of time hel + and -)/( run time) = 1.1341e-02
       helicity    |  Gate on + and run  |  Gate on - and run  |  Gate on run 
          +        |  11.262295  Hz         |    0.0 Hz        |  11.263296 Hz
          -        |  0.0  Hz        |    11.263296 Hz       |  11.263296 Hz
        Signal     |  Gate on + and run  |  Gate on - and run  |  Gate on run  |
                   |     Charge   (C)    |     Charge   (C)    | Charge   (C)  
       upstream    |   0.0074330         |   0.0073879         | 0.0149896     
       upstream 3x |   0.0074553         |   0.0074115         | 0.0150363     
       upstream 10x|   0.0074993         |   0.0074548         | 0.0151246     
      downstream   |   0.0074683         |   0.0074230         | 0.0150608    
     downstream 3x |   0.0075246         |   0.0074811         | 0.0151768    
     downstream 10x|   0.0075283         |   0.0074841         | 0.0151835    
        Signal     |  Asymmetry
       upstream    |   -3.04300010e-03 
       upstream 3x |   -2.94616190e-03 
       upstream 10x|   -2.97577250e-03 
      downstream   |   -3.04204470e-03 
     downstream 3x |   -2.89889840e-03 
     downstream 10x|   -2.94423280e-03 
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 2931 at Wed Nov  3 08:41:06 EST 1999
    Electron Q1 power supply current        : 566.23
    Electron Q1 momentum                    : 0.756726
    Electron Q1 gauss meter                 : -0.04804
    Electron Q1 power supply polarity       : 0
    Electron Q2 power supply current        : 324.352
    Electron Q2 momentum                    : 0.757057
    Electron Q2 gauss meter                 : 0.17081
    Electron Q2 power supply polarity       : 1
    Electron D1 power supply current        : 250.861
    Electron D1 momentum                    : 0.75699
    Electron D1 NMR                         : 0.27879
    Electron Q3 power supply current        : 299.567
    Electron Q3 momentum                    : 0.756819
    Electron Q3 gauss meter                 : -0.14837
    Electron Q3 power supply polarity       : 1
    Hadron Q1 power supply current          : 1396.92
    Hadron Q1 momentum                      : 1.86799
    Hadron Q1 gauss meter                   : 0.03517
    Hadron Q1 power supply polarity         : 1
    Hadron Q2 power supply current          : 875.247
    Hadron Q2 momentum                      : 2.04435
    Hadron Q2 gauss meter                   : -0.4597
    Hadron Q2 power supply polarity         : 1
    Hadron D1 power supply current          : 707.445
    Hadron D1 momentum                      : 2.0445
    Hadron D1 NMR                           : 0.75454
    Hadron Q3 power supply current          : 809.017
    Hadron Q3 momentum                      : 2.04447
    Hadron Q3 gauss meter                   : -0.3625
    Hadron Q3 power supply polarity         : 0
    Average current of the two cavities     : 15.0051
    Current on Unser monitor                : 9.84586
    Current on Upstream bcm                 : 15.0339
    Current on Downstream bcm               : 14.8987
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient             : 77
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient           : 77
     Current on IBC0L02 (source)            : 14.9761
    Beam energy                             : 1947.49
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp)             : 81.0056
    MBSY1c Bdl                              : 485999
    Electron VDC Top HV                     : 3.99854
    Electron VDC Bottom HV                  : 3.99805
    Hadron VDC Top HV                       : 3.99902
    Hadron VDC Bottom HV                    : 4.00049
    Electron Arm Collimator                 : 0.61709
    Hadron Arm Collimator                   : 0.615186
    FPP Front Master HV Channel 0           : 1900.8
    FPP Front Master HV Channel 1           : 1899.5
    FPP Front Master HV Channel 2           : 1874.4
    FPP Front HV Channel 0                  : 1900.8
    FPP Front HV Channel 1                  : 1900.8
    FPP Front HV Channel 2                  : 1901.7
    FPP Front HV Channel 3                  : 1899.9
    FPP Front HV Channel 4                  : 1899.9
    FPP Front HV Channel 5                  : 1900.8
    FPP Front HV Channel 8                  : 1899.5
    FPP Front HV Channel 9                  : 1899.5
    FPP Front HV Channel 10                 : 1899.5
    FPP Front HV Channel 11                 : 1900.4
    FPP Front HV Channel 12                 : 1899.5
    FPP Front HV Channel 13                 : 1899.5
    FPP Front Current Channel 0             : 0.13
    FPP Front Current Channel 1             : 0.18
    FPP Front Current Channel 2             : 0.1
    FPP Front Current Channel 3             : 0.09
    FPP Front Current Channel 4             : 0.19
    FPP Front Current Channel 5             : 0.14
    FPP Front Current Channel 8             : 0.06
    FPP Front Current Channel 9             : 0.09
    FPP Front Current Channel 10            : 0.07
    FPP Front Current Channel 11            : 0.07
    FPP Front Current Channel 12            : 0.11
    FPP Front Current Channel 13            : 0.07
    FPP Rear Master HV Channel 0            : 1899.5
    FPP Rear Master HV Channel 1            : 1874.3
    FPP Rear Master HV Channel 2            : 1875
    FPP Rear HV Channel 0                   : 1899.5
    FPP Rear HV Channel 1                   : 1899.5
    FPP Rear HV Channel 2                   : 1899.5
    FPP Rear HV Channel 3                   : 1899.5
    FPP Rear HV Channel 4                   : 1899.5
    FPP Rear HV Channel 5                   : 1899.5
    FPP Rear HV Channel 9                   : 1874.3
    FPP Rear HV Channel 10                  : -0
    FPP Rear HV Channel 11                  : 1874.3
    FPP Rear HV Channel 12                  : 1874.3
    FPP Rear HV Channel 13                  : 1874.3
    FPP Rear HV Channel 16                  : 1875
    FPP Rear Current Channel 0              : 0.15
    FPP Rear Current Channel 1              : 0.09
    FPP Rear Current Channel 2              : 0.77
    FPP Rear Current Channel 3              : 0.48
    FPP Rear Current Channel 4              : 0.11
    FPP Rear Current Channel 5              : 0.1
    FPP Rear Current Channel 9              : 0.15
    FPP Rear Current Channel 10             : 0
    FPP Rear Current Channel 11             : 0.06
    FPP Rear Current Channel 12             : 0.13
    FPP Rear Current Channel 13             : 0.06
    FPP Rear Current Channel 16             : 11.03