Monthly INDEX
User name adev
Log entry time 07:20:00 on December 6, 1999
Entry number 30717
Run Number: 1161
End of Run Comment:
Trigger | Plus Helicity | Minus Helicity | Sum
1 | 939.52817 Hz | 954.69709 Hz | 946.97197 Hz
2 | 67.741376 Hz | 68.83473 Hz | 68.323386 Hz
3 | 835.86723 Hz | 843.70241 Hz | 840.18376 Hz
4 | 187.41859 Hz | 193.99198 Hz | 190.81353 Hz
5 | 0.10537027 Hz | 0.11704596 Hz | 0.10996564 Hz
output | 1419.1034 Hz | 1437.1254 Hz | 1428.4536 Hz
Total number of output triggers = 2.46810e+05
Number of raw T1 163619.0 ; Number of raw T3 145168.0
(The raw T1,T3 has to be corrected for deadtime)
Time of run = 2.8796875 min
Time of run h- = 1.423942 min
Time of run h+ = 1.4235514 min
1-(sum of time hel + and -)/( run time) = 1.1180e-02
helicity | Gate on + and run | Gate on - and run | Gate on run
+ | 11.320673 Hz | 0.0 Hz | 11.320673 Hz
- | 0.0 Hz | 11.320673 Hz | 11.32646 Hz
Signal | Gate on + and run | Gate on - and run | Gate on run |
| Charge (C) | Charge (C) | Charge (C)
upstream | 0.0004152 | 0.0004206 | 0.0008450
upstream 3x | 0.0004182 | 0.0004234 | 0.0008509
upstream 10x| 0.0004224 | 0.0004277 | 0.0008594
downstream | 0.0004181 | 0.0004236 | 0.0008509
downstream 3x | 0.0004263 | 0.0004316 | 0.0008675
downstream 10x| 0.0004265 | 0.0004319 | 0.0008679
Signal | Asymmetry
upstream | 6.46087580e-03
upstream 3x | 6.17870720e-03
upstream 10x| 6.23456060e-03
downstream | 6.53439470e-03
downstream 3x | 6.17787620e-03
downstream 10x| 6.29077350e-03
End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 1161 at Mon Dec 6 07:19:53 EST 1999
Electron Q1 power supply current : 645.54
Electron Q1 momentum : 0.862772
Electron Q1 gauss meter : -0.05466
Electron Q1 power supply polarity : 0
Electron Q2 power supply current : 369.609
Electron Q2 momentum : 0.863079
Electron Q2 gauss meter : 0.19383
Electron Q2 power supply polarity : 1
Electron D1 power supply current : 286.882
Electron D1 momentum : 0.863013
Electron D1 NMR : 0.317802
Electron Q3 power supply current : 341.885
Electron Q3 momentum : 0.876352
Electron Q3 gauss meter : -0.16903
Electron Q3 power supply polarity : 1
Hadron Q1 power supply current : 645.4
Hadron Q1 momentum : 0.86304
Hadron Q1 gauss meter : -0.016187
Hadron Q1 power supply polarity : 0
Hadron Q2 power supply current : 369.195
Hadron Q2 momentum : 0.862579
Hadron Q2 gauss meter : 0.19267
Hadron Q2 power supply polarity : 0
Hadron D1 power supply current : 295.414
Hadron D1 momentum : 0.863
Hadron D1 NMR : 0.318497
Hadron Q3 power supply current : 341.557
Hadron Q3 momentum : 0.863102
Hadron Q3 gauss meter : 0.15212
Hadron Q3 power supply polarity : 1
Average current of the two cavities : 4.99924
Current on Unser monitor : -0.382303
Current on Upstream bcm : 5.0084
Current on Downstream bcm : 4.9662
Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 77
Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 77
Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 29.7201
MBSY1c Hall A Beam energy : 843.367
MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 34.7693
MBSY1c Bdl : 210463
MBSY3c Hall C Beam energy : 3245.4
Tiefenbach Hall A energy : 842.418
Tiefenbach Hall C energy : 3234.29
Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 0.139467
IPM1H03A.XPOS : 0.496111
IPM1H03A.YPOS : 0.116048
IPM1H03B.XPOS : -0.0266362
IPM1H03B.YPOS : -0.0786998
Electron VDC Top HV : 3.99561
Electron VDC Bottom HV : 3.99512
Hadron VDC Top HV : 4.00146
Hadron VDC Bottom HV : 4.00439
Electron Arm Collimator : 0.366064
Hadron Arm Collimator : 0.364014