Monthly INDEX
User name adev
Log entry time 16:48:41 on December 12, 1999
Entry number 30877
Beginning-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 1234 at Sun Dec 12 16:48:37 EST 1999
; Prescale factors for runs.
; This file is read at start of every run.
; Do NOT put spaces in string, NOR add 2nd string
; The default factor is essentially infinite.
; ps8 = 65535 turns off the 1 kHz pulser on T8.
; Keep enough T2 and T4 to measure efficiency
Electron Q1 power supply current : 519.68
Electron Q1 momentum : 0.694558
Electron Q1 gauss meter : -0.04414
Electron Q1 power supply polarity : 0
Electron Q2 power supply current : 297.718
Electron Q2 momentum : 0.695206
Electron Q2 gauss meter : 0.15766
Electron Q2 power supply polarity : 1
Electron D1 power supply current : 230.037
Electron D1 momentum : 0.694986
Electron D1 NMR : 0.255975
Electron Q3 power supply current : 275.375
Electron Q3 momentum : 0.695495
Electron Q3 gauss meter : -0.13699
Electron Q3 power supply polarity : 1
Hadron Q1 power supply current : 386.68
Hadron Q1 momentum : 0.517075
Hadron Q1 gauss meter : 0.009925
Hadron Q1 power supply polarity : 1
Hadron Q2 power supply current : 221.275
Hadron Q2 momentum : 0.516982
Hadron Q2 gauss meter : 0.11659
Hadron Q2 power supply polarity : 0
Hadron D1 power supply current : 175.88
Hadron D1 momentum : 0.517
Hadron D1 NMR : 0.190803
Hadron Q3 power supply current : 204.698
Hadron Q3 momentum : 0.517264
Hadron Q3 gauss meter : -0.09235
Hadron Q3 power supply polarity : 0
Average current of the two cavities : 4.71674
Current on Unser monitor : 0.858503
Current on Upstream bcm : 4.72295
Current on Downstream bcm : 4.71052
Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 77
Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 77
Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 25.2319
Beam energy : 843.366
MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 34.7693
Radiator 5V Linear Supply : 5.01832
Radiator Encoder : 0.503053
Temp of fore heater on Loop 2 of cryotarget: 0
Temp of fore heater on Loop 3 of cryotarget: 0
Temp of aft heater on Loop 2 of cryotarget: 0
Temp of aft heater on Loop 3 of cryotarget: 0
Pressure of Fill Bottle Deuterium Loop of cryotarget: 0
Pressure of Fill Bottle Hydrogen Loop of cryotarget: 14.32
Diff Pressure of Fill Exhaust Deuterium Loop of cryotarget: 0.0736
Diff Pressure of Fill Exhaust Hydrogen Loop of cryotarget: 0.0031
Pressure of Exhaust Deuterium Loop of cryotarget: 0
Pressure of Exhaust Hydrogen Loop of cryotarget: 14.74
Pressure of Fill Target Dueterium Loop of cryotarget: 0
Pressure of Fill Target Hydrogen Loop of cryotarget: 14.87
Readback of L2 set fan frequency : 0
Readback of L3 set fan frequency : 0
Target position : 720621
Electron Arm Collimator : 0.868555
Hadron Arm Collimator : 0.865332
FPP Chamber 1 Threshold : 0.154297
FPP Chamber 2 Threshold : 0.192871
FPP Chamber 3 Threshold : 0.171387
FPP Chamber 4 Threshold : 0.205078
FPP Chamber 1 Output gasflow : 5.5419
FPP Chamber 2 Output gasflow : 5.52693
The output gas flow meter fluctuates from 0 to about 5 for FPP ch3 and 4
in normal operation
FPP Chamber 3 Output gasflow : 4.13513
FPP Chamber 4 Output gasflow : 4.41499
For Fpp carbon door IN Limit= 0 means door is IN
For Fpp carbon door IN Limit= 1 means door is OUT
FPP 1.5 inch door left IN limit : 0
FPP 3.0 inch door left IN limit : 0
FPP 6.0 inch door left IN limit : 0
FPP 9.0 inch door left IN limit : 0
FPP 1.5 inch door right IN limit : 0
FPP 3.0 inch door right IN limit : 0
FPP 6.0 inch door right IN limit : 0
FPP 9.0 inch door right IN limit : 0
Electron Angle Floor Angle : 40
Electron Angle Vernier : 34
Electron Scattering Angle : 39.9879
Hadron Angle Floor Angle : 39
Hadron Angle Vernier : -34
Hadron Scattering Angle : 39.0179