Hall A Run Schedule

January thru April 1

 Energy (GeV)   Current (A)    Days@100%   

     2.4            50            13       

     4.0            50            15       

Note: First, the order of the energies is important - we must have the 2.4 GeV data before we can intelligently take the 4.0 GeV data. Also, during this period we will be doing some running that is explicitly FPP (Focal Plane Polarimeter) development. To clarify that situation please show explicitly (where it fits in breaks in the schedule):

Adding these tests brings the total time requested for the spectrometer commissioning studies to 34 days (@100%) - or 31 days if the FPP spin transport tests can find a home in a development block on the schedule.

Starting ~April 1 (after the commissioning studies have been completed), do the following in time-sequence:

 Energy (GeV)   Current (A)    Days@100%   

     0.8            50            5.5      

     2.4            50            6.5      

 Energy (GeV)   Current (A)    Days@100%   

     2.4            50,           10       

Note: to minimize angle changes, it probably makes sense to reorganize the execution of the 16O experiment, and call the 0.8 GeV portion of 89-003 the first phase of the experiment (5.5 days total), and the 2.4 GeV portion of 89-003 and 89-033 the second phase of the experiment (16.5 days total). Note also that polarized beam is highly desirable for 89-033 (it will significantly enhance the scientific interest in the experiment) but not truly essential if there are problems delivering this beam simultaneously with carrying out the T20 experiment.

 Energy (GeV)   Current (A)    Days@100%   

     4.0            70            15       

     .535           70           0.15      

     .581           70           0.15      

     .624           70           0.15      

     .667           70           0.15      

     .708           70            0.5      

     .748           70            0.7      

     .787           70             1       

     .826           70            1.5      

(Note run is an extended period at 4 GeV, then probably a week (if things were going reasonably) of a sequence of energies at 1 pass.

 Energy (GeV)   Current (A)    Days@100%   

      4             25            16       

93-027: GEp, Perdrisat

 Energy (GeV)   Current (A)    Days@100%   

     1.6       25 polarized       4.5      

     2.4       25 polarized        4       

     3.2       25 polarized        4       

     4.0       25 polarized        6       

Note: this period will incorporate 2 days of running on (89-028) if the accelerator and experimental equipment are running sufficiently well that the experiment is nominally completed in less than the allocated calendar time.

 Energy (GeV)   Current (A)    Days@100%   

     2.4            50+            7       

Beam Development Time Requests

(These should be fit in to the schedule - preferably in "beam development" identified periods, but, alternately, if there are "holes" in the schedule you can fit these items in as appropriate to fill them. They are time-ordered.)

one run at 1/6 day and one run at 1/3 day, separated by about a month; both at either 2.4 or 4 GeV

These will not be explicitly on the schedule, but need to be on your mind. They will involve a sequence of tests in the 5 MeV Mott line, using the polarized source, implying that they can run only when the accelerator is not delivering beam to an experiment. The collaboration will submit test plans to be executed whenever schedule breaks permit.

Requires one shift of polarized beam delivered to Hall A - probably either 2.4 or 4 GeV

one shift with beam current switching between 10 and 11 microamps, and one with beam current switching between 90 and 100 microamps or so; both probably at either 2.4 or 4 GeV

Additional Comments:

The Hall A portion of the schedule should somewhere contain explicitly a note to the effect that, "following the policy adopted for early Hall C running, each of the experiments making up the initial, EXPINT-recommended and PAC-approved commissioning cycle for Hall A (89-003, 89033, 91-026, 93-050, and 93-027) shall be run to conclusion before the next is started unless there are compelling reasons for altering the schedule. That is to say, the Hall A portion of the schedule reflects the order in which the experiments will be run, but the time estimates are assuming (not too optimistically we hope) that the overall hall and accelerator operating efficiency will be 50% (roughly the experience in Hall C for the second six months of its initial operation). After the initial cycle of Hall A running has been completed then the scheduling of experiments in the hall will change to calendar-driven."

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