PREX Target List

Feb 23, 2010

Here are the targets for PREX and the operational restrictions.

- Source of heat is only the beam. (There is no "HP heater".)
- If target warms more than 50K turn off the beam !
         (Temperature measured on return line.)
- Always keep the raster on.
- Any questions or confusion :  Turn off beam, call the expert.

IMPORTANT:  During the Optics commissioning we have no cooling, 
so do not put beam on lead and do not exceed 2 uA on any other target !!

  Target          Thickness   CW Current   Raster on    Min
                               Limit       Above        Raster

 1. Lead/Diamond   Lead 0.5mm   100 uA     1 uA        1 x 1
                Diamond 2x0.15 mm

 2. Thin lead      0.05 mm       5 uA      1 uA        1 x 1
 3. Thick Carbon   2.5 mm      100 uA    on or off     N/A
 4. Thin Carbon    0.15 mm     100 uA    on or off     N/A
 5. Super-thin     0.075 mm    100 uA    on or off     N/A

 6. "Holey" Carbon 0.2 mm       100 uA   on or off    N/A

 7. Water          5 mm          20 uA      5 uA       1 x 1
 (available in optics phase only)

 8. Tantalum       0.2 mm       100 uA    on or off    N/A

 9. Carbon Optics  5x0.2mm      100 uA    on or off    N/A

 10. BeO viewer    100 mg/cm^2   20 uA    on or off    N/A