PREX Meeting Notes, Feb 25, 2010
Present: Bob Michaels, Ole Hansen, Mindy Jen, John LeRose,
Paul Souder, Krishna Kuamr, Dustin McNulty, Megan Friend
Brian Quinn, Sasha Glamazdin, Alexandre Camsonne,
Charles Hyde, Carlos Munoz Camacho, Vince Sulkosky
GEMs - Ole
A conference call was held yesterday. Mechanical design
and support to be fabricated in shops next week at UVa,
Smith, and UMass. Gas system being developed. 1 GEM to be
setup in EEL for test. List of electrical cables, connectors,
and frontend boards: we have enough. Software ~ready.
Started installing ADCs for GEM on HRS. Needs sequencers
and some trigger items. Will support setup in EEL
Compton : will put EDET back in tomorrow. Plane A repaired
and shielding is optimized. Want to restore vacuum and bake out,
starting tomorrow. Kink in photon line discussed: surveys
being done, bigger pipe installed, some small movements in
progress under direction of Sirish.
Brian / CMU
Question re: photon beamline kink and what was being done.
Dustin McNulty
- Aperture detectors for Moller checked out. To be installed
- Made 11 new cables for new dithering, have routed
them from BSY with Zafar's help.
- Will set up trigger. S0 to be installed. Alex and
Samuel helping.
Mindy Jen
Presented electronics tests of CompSimple DAQ config
(see HAPLOG). A pulser is injected with typically 10
coinc events per helicity period, together with a
random pulser at a few kHz. Good signal/noise found.
Alex asked: What efficiency ? (How many good coinc found ?)
A suggestion was made to run the randoms up to very
high rate and see if the DAQ breaks down. (Of course
that could happen with beam.)
Sasha / Moller -
Vacuum leak neaer the target
Additional NIM for aperture detector
Working on fanning out signals to new and old DAQ
Presented Moller issues to the Bteam meeting.
Megan / Compton --
Discussion of HAPLOG 2055 on improvements of
analysis of HAPPEX-III data.
Charles Hyde, Carlos Munoz Camacho, Alex Camsonne --
Agreement to get the DVCS students to help with
setup and checkout of base equipment, optics
calibrations, Qsq, beam monitors, etc.
(good training for them)
Discussion with Vince Sulkosky to help Dustin in as
many ways as possible, e.g. with trigger setup.
Next meeting: Thurs Mar 4 at 3 pm
Index of Meetings