#ifndef ROOT_THaDetectorBase
#define ROOT_THaDetectorBase
#include "THaAnalysisObject.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include <vector>
class THaDetMap;
class THaDetectorBase : public THaAnalysisObject {
virtual ~THaDetectorBase();
virtual Int_t Decode( const THaEvData& ) = 0;
THaDetMap* GetDetMap() const { return fDetMap; }
Int_t GetNelem() const { return fNelem; }
const TVector3& GetOrigin() const { return fOrigin; }
const Float_t* GetSize() const { return fSize; }
Float_t GetXSize() const { return 2.0*fSize[0]; }
Float_t GetYSize() const { return 2.0*fSize[1]; }
Float_t GetZSize() const { return fSize[2]; }
Int_t FillDetMap( const std::vector<Int_t>& values,
UInt_t flags=0,
const char* here = "FillDetMap" );
void PrintDetMap( Option_t* opt="") const;
THaDetMap* fDetMap;
Int_t fNelem;
TVector3 fOrigin;
Float_t fSize[3];
virtual Int_t ReadGeometry( FILE* file, const TDatime& date,
Bool_t required = kFALSE );
THaDetectorBase( const char* name, const char* description );
Last change: Sat Nov 7 21:26:45 2009
Last generated: 2009-11-07 21:26
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