//*-- Author :    Ole Hansen   18 April 2001

// THaParticleInfo
// Properties of a particle

#include "THaParticleInfo.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

  // Default constructor

THaParticleInfo::THaParticleInfo( const THaParticleInfo& rhs ) : TNamed(rhs)
  // Copy ctor

  fMass    = rhs.fMass;
  fCharge  = rhs.fCharge;

THaParticleInfo& THaParticleInfo::operator=(const THaParticleInfo& rhs )
  // Assignment operator

  if( this != &rhs ) {
    fMass    = rhs.fMass;
    fCharge  = rhs.fCharge;
  return *this;

void THaParticleInfo::Print( Option_t* opt ) const
  // Print particle info

  TNamed::Print( opt );
  cout << "Mass:   " << fMass << endl;
  cout << "Charge: " << fCharge << endl;



Last change: Sat Nov 7 21:26:49 2009
Last generated: 2009-11-07 21:26

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