//*-- Author :    Rob Feuerbach 9-Sep-03 */

// THaS2CoincTime
// Calculate coincidence time between tracks in two spectrometers.
//  Differs from THaCoincTime in that here the specific detectors to use
//  to get the time tracks in the spectrometers can be named.
//  The default is "s2".
//  Loop through all combinations of tracks in the two spectrometers.
//  Here we assume that the time difference+fixed delay between the
//  common TDC starts is measured.

#include <cstring>

#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include "TMath.h"

#include "THaS2CoincTime.h"

#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "THaScintillator.h"
#include "THaDetMap.h"
#include "THaSpectrometer.h"
#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "THaTrackProj.h"

#include "THaVarList.h"
#include "THaGlobals.h"
#include "VarDef.h"

using namespace std;

#define CAN_RESIZE 0

THaS2CoincTime::THaS2CoincTime( const char* name,
				const char* description,
				const char* spec1, const char* spec2,
				Double_t m1, Double_t m2,
				const char* ch_name1, const char* ch_name2,
				const char* detname1, const char* detname2)
  : THaCoincTime(name,description,spec1,spec2,m1,m2,ch_name1,ch_name2),
  // To construct, specify the name of the module (usually "CT"),
  // a description ("Coincidence time calculation between L and R HRS"),
  // the FIRST and SECOND source of tracks ("L" and "R"),
  // the MASSES in GeV/c^2  of the particles in FIRST and SECOND spectrometers.
  // The rest of the parameters are usually not used.
  // The next two are thes name of the TDC channels in the database for this
  // object measuring the difference between the COMMON STARTS of the FIRST
  // and SECOND spectrometers, such that:
  //  * ch_name1 measures  COMMON_START<sub>2</sub> - COMMON_START<sub>1</sub>,
  //  * ch_name2 measures  COMMON_START<sub>1</sub> - COMMON_START<sub>2</sub>.
  //  These default to "ct_(spec2 name)by(spec1 name)" and
  //  "ct_(spec1 name)by(spec2 name)", respectively.
  //  * detname1 is the name of the timing plane in the FIRST spectrometer to
  //        use to measure the time of the track in this spectrometer.
  //  * detname2 is likewise the name of the timing plane in the SECOND
  //        spectrometer. If not specified, detname1 is used.
  //  The default arguments are detname1="s2", and detname2 be assigned to
  //  match detname1.

  if (detname2 && strlen(detname2)>0) {
  } else {

  // just be certain to call THaCoincTime's destructor

THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THaS2CoincTime::Init( const TDatime& run_time )
  // Initialize the module. Grab the global variables containing the tracking
  // results (including calculated pathlengths) and the times and pads from the
  // THaScintillator planes.

  // first do the standard initialization
  THaAnalysisObject::EStatus stat = THaCoincTime::Init(run_time);

  if (stat != kOK) return stat;

  if (!fSpect1 || !fSpect2) return kInitError;
  fTrPads1  = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.%s.trpad",fSpect1->GetName(),
  fS2TrPath1= gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.%s.trpath",fSpect1->GetName(),
  fS2Times1 = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.%s.time",fSpect1->GetName(),
  fTrPath1  = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.tr.pathl",fSpect1->GetName()));
  if (!fTrPads1 || !fS2TrPath1 || !fS2Times1 || !fTrPath1) {
    Error(Here("Init"),"Cannot get variables for spectrometer %s detector %s",
    return kInitError;

  fTrPads2  = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.%s.trpad",fSpect2->GetName(),
  fS2TrPath2= gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.%s.trpath",fSpect2->GetName(),
  fS2Times2 = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.%s.time",fSpect2->GetName(),
  fTrPath2  = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.tr.pathl",fSpect2->GetName()));
  if (!fTrPads2 || !fS2TrPath2 || !fS2Times2 || !fTrPath2) {
    Error(Here("Init"),"Cannot get variables for spectrometer %s detector %s",
    return kInitError;

  return kOK;

Int_t THaS2CoincTime::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Read in coincidence TDC's, calculate the time of the tracks at the
  // target vertex, and then assemble the time-difference between when the
  // tracks left the target for every possible combination.

  if( !IsOK() ) return -1;

  if (!fDetMap) return -1;

  // read in the two relevant channels
  // Use of the logical channel number ensures matching of the TDC with
  // the correct difference (1by2 vs 2by1)
  for ( Int_t i=0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ) {
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule(i);
    if (fTdcRes[d->first] != 0.) {
      // grab only the first hit in a TDC
      if ( evdata.GetNumHits(d->crate,d->slot,d->lo) > 0 ) {
	fdTdc[d->first] = evdata.GetData(d->crate,d->slot,d->lo,0)*fTdcRes[d->first]

  // Calculate the time at the vertex (relative to the trigger time)
  // for each track in each spectrometer
  // Use the Beta of the assumed particle type.
  struct Spec_short {
    THaSpectrometer *Sp;
    Int_t *Ntr;
    Double_t **Vxtime;
    Int_t *Sz;
    Double_t Mass;
    THaVar* trpads;
    THaVar* s2trpath;
    THaVar* s2times;
    THaVar* trpath;

  Spec_short SpList[] = {
    { fSpect1, &fNTr1, &fVxTime1, &fSz1, fpmass1, fTrPads1, fS2TrPath1, fS2Times1, fTrPath1 },
    { fSpect2, &fNTr2, &fVxTime2, &fSz2, fpmass2, fTrPads2, fS2TrPath2, fS2Times2, fTrPath2 },
    { 0 }
  for (Spec_short* sp=SpList; sp->Sp != NULL; sp++) {
    *(sp->Ntr) = sp->Sp->GetNTracks();
    if (*(sp->Ntr) <=0) continue;   // no tracks, skip
    if ( *(sp->Ntr) > *(sp->Sz) ) {  // expand array if necessary
      delete [] *(sp->Vxtime);
      *(sp->Sz) = *(sp->Ntr)+5;
      *(sp->Vxtime) = new Double_t[sp->Sz];
      Warning(Here("Process()"), "Using only first %d out of %d tracks in spectrometer.", *(sp->Sz), *(sp->Ntr));
      *(sp->Ntr)=*(sp->Sz); // only look at the permitted number of tracks

    TClonesArray* tracks = sp->Sp->GetTracks();
    THaVar* tr_pads  = sp->trpads;
    THaVar* s2trpath = sp->s2trpath;
    THaVar* s2times  = sp->s2times;
    THaVar* trpath   = sp->trpath;
    if (!tr_pads || !s2trpath || !s2times || !trpath) continue;
    for ( Int_t i=0; i<*(sp->Ntr); i++ ) {
      THaTrack* tr = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>(tracks->At(i));
#ifdef DEBUG
      // this should be safe to assume -- only THaTrack's go into the tracks array
      if (!tr) {
	Warning(Here(here),"non-THaTrack in %s's tracks array at %d.",
      Double_t p;
      // get time of the track at S2
      if ( tr && (p=tr->GetP())>0. ) {
	int pad = static_cast<int>(tr_pads->GetValue(i));
	if (pad<0) {
	  // Using (i+1)*kBig prevents differences of large numbers to be zero
	  (*(sp->Vxtime))[i] = (i+1)*kBig;
	Double_t s2t = s2times->GetValue(pad);
	Double_t beta = p/TMath::Sqrt(p*p+sp->Mass*sp->Mass);
	Double_t c = TMath::C();
	Double_t c = 2.99792458e8;
	(*(sp->Vxtime))[i] = s2t - 
      } else {
	(*(sp->Vxtime))[i] = (i+1)*kBig;
  // now, we have the vertex times -- go through the combinations
  fNtimes = fNTr1*fNTr2;
  if (fNtimes > fSzNtr) {  // expand the array if necessary
    delete [] fTrInd1;
    delete [] fTrInd2;
    delete [] fDiffT2by1;
    delete [] fDiffT1by2;

    fSzNtr = fNtimes+5;
    fTrInd1 = new Int_t[fSzNtr];
    fTrInd2 = new Int_t[fSzNtr];
    fDiffT2by1 = new Double_t[fSzNtr];
    fDiffT1by2 = new Double_t[fSzNtr];
    Warning(Here("Process()"), "Using only first %d out of %d track combinations.", fSzNtr, fNtimes);
    fNtimes = fSzNtr; // only look at the permitted number of tracks
  // Take the tracks and the coincidence TDC and construct
  // the coincidence time
  Int_t cnt=0;
  for ( Int_t i=0; i<fNTr1; i++ ) {
    for ( Int_t j=0; j<fNTr2; j++ ) {
      if (cnt>=fNtimes) break;
      fTrInd1[cnt] = i;
      fTrInd2[cnt] = j;
      fDiffT2by1[cnt] = fVxTime2[j] - fVxTime1[i] + fdTdc[0];
      fDiffT1by2[cnt] = fVxTime1[i] - fVxTime2[j] + fdTdc[1];
  return 0;


Last change: Sat Nov 7 21:26:50 2009
Last generated: 2009-11-07 21:26

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