//*-- Author :    Ole Hansen   17-Mar-03

// THaSecondaryKine
// Secondary particle kinematics module. 
// This module calculates kinematical quantities for the hadron side of 
// two-arm coincidence reactions. The reaction is
// e + A -> e' + X + B 
// where e' and X are measured, and B is undetected.
// As input, the module requires information about the electron kinematics
// (from a THaPrimaryKine module, e.g. THaElectronKine), the momentum of 
// the secondary particle X (from a THaTrackingModule, e.g. a THaSpectrometer),
// and the mass of X.

#include "THaPrimaryKine.h"
#include "THaSecondaryKine.h"
#include "THaTrackingModule.h"
#include "VarDef.h"
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TRotation.h"

using namespace std;


THaSecondaryKine::THaSecondaryKine( const char* name, const char* description,
				    const char* secondary_spectro, 
				    const char* primary_kine, 
				    Double_t secondary_mass ) :
  THaPhysicsModule(name,description), fMX(secondary_mass), 
  fSpectroName(secondary_spectro), fSpectro(NULL), 
  fPrimaryName(primary_kine), fPrimary(NULL)
  // Constructor


  // Destructor

  DefineVariables( kDelete );

void THaSecondaryKine::Clear( Option_t* opt )
  // Clear all internal variables.

  fTheta_xq = fPhi_xq = fTheta_bq = fPhi_bq = fXangle = fPmiss
    = fPmiss_x = fPmiss_y = fPmiss_z = fEmiss = fMrecoil = fErecoil
    = fTX = fTB = fPX_cm = fTheta_x_cm = fPhi_x_cm = fTheta_b_cm
    = fPhi_b_cm = fTX_cm = fTB_cm = fTtot_cm = fMandelS = fMandelT
    = fMandelU = fPrecoil_x = fPrecoil_y = fPrecoil_z = kBig;

Int_t THaSecondaryKine::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
  // Define/delete global variables.

  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );

  RVarDef vars[] = {
    { "th_xq",    "Polar angle of detected particle with q (rad)",
                  "fTheta_xq" },
    { "ph_xq",    "Azimuth of detected particle with scattering plane (rad)",
                  "fPhi_xq" },
    { "th_bq",    "Polar angle of recoil system with q (rad)", "fTheta_bq" },
    { "ph_bq",    "Azimuth of recoil system with scattering plane (rad)",
                  "fPhi_bq" },
    { "xangle",   "Angle of detected particle with scattered electron (rad)",
                  "fXangle" },
    { "pmiss",    "Missing momentum magnitude (GeV), nuclear physics "
                  "definition (-pB)", "fPmiss" },
    { "pmiss_x",  "x-component of p_miss wrt q (GeV)", "fPmiss_x" },
    { "pmiss_y",  "y-component of p_miss wrt q (GeV)", "fPmiss_y" },
    { "pmiss_z",  "z-component of p_miss, along q (GeV)", "fPmiss_z" },
    { "emiss",    "Missing energy (GeV), nuclear physics definition "
                  "omega-Tx-Tb", "fEmiss" },
    { "Mrecoil",  "Invariant mass of recoil system (GeV)", "fMrecoil" },
    { "Erecoil",  "Total energy of recoil system (GeV)", "fErecoil" },
    { "Prec_x",   "x-component of recoil system in lab (GeV/c)", "fB.X()" },
    { "Prec_y",   "y-component of recoil system in lab (GeV/c)", "fB.Y()" },
    { "Prec_z",   "z-component of recoil system in lab (GeV/c)", "fB.Z()" },
    { "tx",       "Kinetic energy of detected particle (GeV)", "fTX" },
    { "tb",       "Kinetic energy of recoil system (GeV)", "fTB" },
    { "px_cm",    "Magnitude of X momentum in CM system (GeV)", "fPX_cm" },
    { "thx_cm",   "Polar angle of X in CM system wrt q (rad)", "fTheta_x_cm" },
    { "phx_cm",   "Azimuth of X in CM system wrt q (rad)", "fPhi_x_cm" },
    { "thb_cm",   "Polar angle of recoil systm in CM wrt q (rad)",
                  "fTheta_b_cm" },
    { "phb_cm",   "Azimuth of recoil system in CM wrt q (rad)", "fPhi_b_cm" },
    { "tx_cm",    "Kinetic energy of X in CM (GeV)", "fTX_cm" },
    { "tb_cm",    "Kinetic energy of B in CM (GeV)", "fTB_cm" },
    { "t_tot_cm", "Total CM kinetic energy", "fTtot_cm" },
    { "MandelS",  "Mandelstam s for secondary vertex (GeV^2)", "fMandelS" },
    { "MandelT",  "Mandelstam t for secondary vertex (GeV^2)", "fMandelT" },
    { "MandelU",  "Mandelstam u for secondary vertex (GeV^2)", "fMandelU" },
    { 0 }
  return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );

THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THaSecondaryKine::Init( const TDatime& run_time )
  // Initialize the module.
  // Locate the kinematics module named in fPrimaryName, which describes
  // the primary interaction kinematics, and save pointer to it.

  // Standard initialization. Calls this object's DefineVariables().
  if( THaPhysicsModule::Init( run_time ) != kOK )
    return fStatus;

  fSpectro = dynamic_cast<THaTrackingModule*>
    ( FindModule( fSpectroName.Data(), "THaTrackingModule"));
  if( fStatus ) return fStatus;

  fPrimary = dynamic_cast<THaPrimaryKine*>
    ( FindModule( fPrimaryName.Data(), "THaPrimaryKine"));
  return fStatus;

Int_t THaSecondaryKine::Process( const THaEvData& )
  // Calculate the kinematics.

  if( !IsOK() ) return -1;

  // Tracking information from the secondary spectrometer
  THaTrackInfo* trkifo = fSpectro->GetTrackInfo();
  if( !trkifo || !trkifo->IsOK() ) return 1;

  // Require valid input data
  if( !fPrimary->DataValid() ) return 2;

  // Measured momentum of secondary particle X in lab
  const TVector3& pX3 = trkifo->GetPvect();
  // 4-momentum of X
  fX.SetVectM( pX3, fMX );

  // 4-momenta of the the primary interaction
  const TLorentzVector* pA  = fPrimary->GetA();  // Initial target
  const TLorentzVector* pA1 = fPrimary->GetA1(); // Final target
  const TLorentzVector* pQ  = fPrimary->GetQ();  // Momentum xfer
  const TLorentzVector* pP1 = fPrimary->GetP1(); // Final electron
  Double_t omega      = fPrimary->GetOmega(); // Energy xfer

  // 4-momentum of undetected recoil system B
  fB = *pA1 - fX;

  // Angle of X with scattered primary particle
  fXangle = fX.Angle( pP1->Vect());

  // Angles of X and B wrt q-vector 
  // xq and bq are the 3-momentum vectors of X and B expressed in
  // the coordinate system where q is the z-axis and the x-axis
  // lies in the scattering plane (defined by q and e') and points
  // in the direction of e', so the out-of-plane angle lies within
  // -90<phi_xq<90deg if X is detected on the downstream/forward side of q.
  TRotation rot_to_q;
  rot_to_q.SetZAxis( pQ->Vect(), pP1->Vect()).Invert();
  TVector3 xq = fX.Vect();
  TVector3 bq = fB.Vect();
  xq *= rot_to_q;  
  bq *= rot_to_q;
  fTheta_xq = xq.Theta();   //"theta_xq"
  fPhi_xq   = xq.Phi();     //"out-of-plane angle", "phi"
  fTheta_bq = bq.Theta();
  fPhi_bq   = bq.Phi();

  // Missing momentum and components wrt q-vector
  // The definition of p_miss as the negative of the undetected recoil
  // momentum is the standard nuclear physics convention.
  TVector3 p_miss = -bq;
  fPmiss   = p_miss.Mag();  //=fB.P()
  //The missing momentum components in the q coordinate system.
  //FIXME: just store p_miss in member variable
  fPmiss_x = p_miss.X();
  fPmiss_y = p_miss.Y();
  fPmiss_z = p_miss.Z();

  // Invariant mass of the recoil system, a.k.a. "missing mass".
  // This invariant mass equals MB(ground state) plus any excitation energy.
  fMrecoil = fB.M();

  // Kinetic energies of X and B
  fTX = fX.E() - fMX;
  fTB = fB.E() - fMrecoil;
  // Standard nuclear physics definition of "missing energy":
  // binding energy of X in the target (= removal energy of X).
  // NB: If X is knocked out of a lower shell, the recoil system carries
  // a significant excitation energy. This excitation is included in Emiss
  // here, as it should, since it results from the binding of X.
  fEmiss = omega - fTX - fTB;

  // In production reactions, the "missing energy" is defined 
  // as the total energy of the undetected recoil system.
  // This is the "missing mass", Mrecoil, plus any kinetic energy.
  fErecoil = fB.E();

  //FIXME: BCI - remove. Still calculated because of inline getters in header
  // Lab components of the recoil momentum 3-vector
  fPrecoil_x = fB.X();
  fPrecoil_y = fB.Y();
  fPrecoil_z = fB.Z();
  // end BCI

  // Calculate some interesting quantities in the CM system of A'.
  // NB: If the target is initially at rest, the A'-vector (spatial part)
  // is the same as the q-vector, so we could just reuse the q rotation
  // matrix. The following is completely general, i.e. allows for a moving 
  // target.

  // Boost of the A' system.
  // NB: ROOT's Boost() boosts particle to lab if the boost vector points
  // along the particle's lab velocity, so we need the negative here to 
  // boost from the lab to the particle frame.
  Double_t beta = pA1->P()/(pA1->E());
  TVector3 boost(0.,0.,-beta); 

  // CM vectors of X and B. 
  // Express X and B in the frame where q is along the z-axis 
  // - the typical head-on collision picture.
  TRotation rot_to_A1;
  rot_to_A1.SetZAxis( pA1->Vect(), pP1->Vect()).Invert();
  TVector3 x_cm_vect = fX.Vect();
  x_cm_vect *= rot_to_A1;
  TLorentzVector x_cm(x_cm_vect,fX.E());
  TLorentzVector b_cm(-x_cm.Vect(), pA1->E()-x_cm.E());
  fPX_cm = x_cm.P();
  // pB_cm, by construction, is the same as pX_cm.

  // CM angles of X and B in the A' frame
  fTheta_x_cm = x_cm.Theta();
  fPhi_x_cm   = x_cm.Phi();
  fTheta_b_cm = b_cm.Theta();
  fPhi_b_cm   = b_cm.Phi();

  // CM kinetic energies of X and B and total kinetic energy
  fTX_cm = x_cm.E() - fMX;
  fTB_cm = b_cm.E() - fMrecoil;
  fTtot_cm = fTX_cm + fTB_cm;
  // Mandelstam variables for the secondary vertex.
  // These variables are defined for the reaction gA->XB,
  // where g is the virtual photon (with momentum q), and A, X, and B
  // are as before.

  fMandelS = (*pQ+*pA).M2();
  fMandelT = (*pQ-fX).M2();
  fMandelU = (*pQ-fB).M2();

  fDataValid = true;
  return 0;

Int_t THaSecondaryKine::ReadRunDatabase( const TDatime& date )
  // Query the run database for any parameters of the module that were not
  // set by the constructor. This module has only one parameter,
  // the mass of the detected secondary particle X.
  // First searches for "<prefix>.MX", then, if not found, for "MX".
  // If still not found, use proton mass.

  Int_t err = THaPhysicsModule::ReadRunDatabase( date );
  if( err ) return err;

  FILE* f = OpenRunDBFile( date );
  if( !f ) return kFileError;

  if ( fMX <= 0.0 ) { 
    TString name(fPrefix), tag("MX"); name += tag;
    Int_t st = LoadDBvalue( f, date, name.Data(), fMX );
    if( st )
      LoadDBvalue( f, date, tag.Data(), fMX );
    if( fMX <= 0.0 ) fMX = 0.938;
  return 0;
void THaSecondaryKine::SetMX( Double_t m ) 
  if( !IsInit())
    fMX = m; 

void THaSecondaryKine::SetSpectrometer( const char* name ) 
  if( !IsInit())
    fSpectroName = name; 

void THaSecondaryKine::SetPrimary( const char* name ) 
  if( !IsInit())
    fPrimaryName = name; 

Last change: Sat Nov 7 21:26:51 2009
Last generated: 2009-11-07 21:26

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