Difference between revisions of "Monday, November 10: OWL Shift"

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* Instructions for this shift
* Instructions for this shift
** We will be opening the hall Monday morning to cool the cryotarget. At 7 am call MCC and remind them that we would like to be in Restricted Access by 8 am.
** MCC may still be working on setting up beam to Hall A. Wait until their work is complete and they tell you they are ready to hand over beam to the hall.
** MCC may still be working on setting up beam to Hall A. Wait until their work is complete and they tell you they are ready to hand over beam to the hall.
** In preparation for first beam, make sure the VDC HV is off
** In preparation for first beam, make sure the VDC HV is off

Latest revision as of 17:06, 9 November 2014

  • General considerations
    • We do not yet have an RC phone. Dave Gaskell is the current Run Coordinator. Please contact me directly via the JLab paging utility: [1]
    • Follow the generic Instructions for shift takers
    • In general, technical staff should not be contacted by the shift crew - please call the RC first.
    • If the run plan calls for some significant period of beam at 10 uA or greater please call Mahmoud Ahmad, who would like to perform a parasitic beam diagnostic test (no impact to us). His contact information will be written on the white board in the Counting House.
  • Instructions for this shift
    • We will be opening the hall Monday morning to cool the cryotarget. At 7 am call MCC and remind them that we would like to be in Restricted Access by 8 am.
    • MCC may still be working on setting up beam to Hall A. Wait until their work is complete and they tell you they are ready to hand over beam to the hall.
    • In preparation for first beam, make sure the VDC HV is off
    • When beam arrives, call Alexandre Camsonne (contact info on white board).
      • MCC will be executing a dump ion chamber calibration test plan. After some time, they will ask the hall to "calibrate the raster."
      • Use Spot++ (step 1 of the "Beamline" run plan here) to verify that the raster is providing a size of 2x2 mm. For this step, there is no need to center on the "hole" target - just check the raster size.
      • MCC complete the dump ion chamber test plan.
      • Complete steps 1-3 of the "Beamline" run plan here. Note that we will NOT be going through the Compton chicane.
      • Perform a rough BCM calibration up to 20 uA. This calibration will use the Unser only - not the Faraday cup. First, start a CODA run. Ask MCC to send beam in at the following currents: 0-5-0-10-0-15-0-20-0-15-10-0-5-0. Spend two minutes at each current. NOTE: this may be deferred.
    • If time remains, start spectrometer checkout and begin looking for HRS-calorimeter coincidences. For this part of the plan - contact Carlos (contact info on the white board). The calorimeter HV will need to be turned on and put in the correct position - this will be done by Carlos or his assigned substitute.
    • Kinematics, DVCS Kin1: Ebeam = 7.3 GeV, PLHRS=2.71 GeV Theta_HRS=22.83 Theta_calo=12.35
    • Make sure to use the DVCS configuration for all runs.