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* a root file '''hrsr_eep_h.rzdat ''' will now be generated. The tree is called '''h666''', and the most important variables are the reconstructed 4 variables (hs-electron arm, ss-hadron arm) and those generates (add an i), e.g.
* a root file '''hrsr_eep_h.rzdat ''' will now be generated. The tree is called '''h666''', and the most important variables are the reconstructed 4 variables (hs-electron arm, ss-hadron arm) and those generates (add an i), e.g.
* hsdelta ,  hsdeltai   
'''* hsdelta ,  hsdeltai   
* hsytar ,  hsytari   
* hsytar ,  hsytari   
hsyptar ,  hsyptari   
* hsyptar ,  hsyptari   
hsxptar ,  hsxptari
* hsxptar ,  hsxptari'''

Revision as of 18:40, 24 February 2015

SIMC repository and documentation

Brief Overview

  • SIMC main inputs are

Beam energy

Spectrometers angles

Determination of which spectrometer detects electrons and which detects hadrons

Target parameters (A,Z,density etc.)

Generator acceptance and resolution

  • The generator will generate events with the reaction 4 physical variables

in-plane angle y'

out-of-plane angle x'


momentum difference from central spectrometer momentum - delta

  • COSY simulation tool will generate the hrs_cosy file which include the transportation parameters for the particle along the spectrometer
  • The output of the simulation would be the 4 physical variables reconstructed at the focal plane of each spectrometer

How to run SIMC

  • compile SIMC directory: go to the SIMC directory, change what ever necessary in Makefile and type
  • create an input file under the directory infiles following the repository examples, e.g.
  • execute SIMC with an input file, e.g.
 (enter input file)> hrsr_eep_h
  • after the run was completed 4 output files are generated
 outfiles/hrsr_eep_h.geni  (information)
 outfiles/hrsr_eep_h.hist   (run settings)
 outfiles/hrsr_eep_h.gen   (output text file)
 worksim/hrsr_eep_h.rzdat   (paw ntuple)
  • convert the paw file into root
 h2root hrsr_eep_h.rzdat 
  • a root file hrsr_eep_h.rzdat will now be generated. The tree is called h666, and the most important variables are the reconstructed 4 variables (hs-electron arm, ss-hadron arm) and those generates (add an i), e.g.

* hsdelta , hsdeltai

  • hsytar , hsytari
  • hsyptar , hsyptari
  • hsxptar , hsxptari