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(7. 5T 0deg @ 2.254 GeV:)
(Calibration Results)
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==Summary of Optics Plan==
==Run Plan==
*[[Summary of g2p Optics Plan]]
'''Define the following jobs:'''
''' A. Acceptance calibration, sieve out, rasters on and off (large C12, no LHe)'''
''' B. Delta scan, (sieve in, C12, no LHe) '''
''' C. Beam position scan (Sieve in, large C12, no LHe, 8 points on x,y axis and 4 additional points at corner) '''
''' D. Pointing (Sieve in, CH2, need to refill LHe)'''
===1. 0T @ 2.257:===
Do A, move sieve in, do B and C(12 points), refill LHe do D.
At the end take elastic NH3 data to check NH3 thickness.
When finish: move sieve out; Ramp field up to 2.5T; Drain LHe
===2. 2.5T, 90deg @ 2.257:===
Do A, move sieve in, do B and C(12 points), refill LHe do D.
When finish: Ramp field up to 2.5T; Drain LHe out
===3. 5.01T, 6deg @ 2.257:===
Do B and C(8 points), refill LHe do D.
===4. 2.5T, 90deg @ 1.706:===
Do A, move sieve in, do B and C(8 points), refill LHe do D.
When finish: Rotate target field to 6 deg; Ramp up to 5.01T; Darin LHe out
===5. 5.01T, 6deg @ 1.706 GeV:===
'''Here is the optics plan for gep at 1.706 GeV:
Sieve IN:
target  config                  number of events or beam  time
C12    Sieve IN, No rasters      2 x 1M (10 minutes)
C12    Sieve IN, Both rasters    2 x 1M (10 min)
NH3    Sieve IN, Both rasters    3 x 7M (about 1 hours, which will give
                                  about 400 events when cut to 1x1 beam size)
**Escorted access to move sieve out (30 min)
C12    Sieve out, both rasters  30 minutes(about 10 M events for each
                                  arm, good for dilution) 
In total 2.5 ABU, 3 hours were allocated.
===6. 5.01T, 90deg @ 2.257:===
Do A, move sieve in, do B and C(8 points), refill LHe do D.
When finish: Turn off target field; Drain LHe, move sieve out.
===7. 5T 0deg @ 2.254 GeV:===
Here is the optics plan for 2.254GeV with 5T and 0 deg target field.
Before doing optics, beam center and slow raster size have to be determined.
No LHe, LHRS starts at 0% and right HRS start at 4%:
1. Delta scan:  C12, sieve in , no raster  (3 hours)
Left HRS: -4%, -3%, -2%, -1%, 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%
Right HRS: 4% (Right septum I<=920A, so can only go to 4%.)
(-4%, -1% and +3% can be ignored if running out of time)
NOTE: if possible, do 3% for right arm, which is 930A.
**Ramp left dipoles back to 0% when finish. (10 minutes)
2. Beam position scan: C12, delta=0; sieve in, slow raster only,  (40 minutes)
Config the slow raster to jump in the following way:
1)between (x=-5, y=-5) and (5,5)
2)between x=0, y=+/-5
3)between x=+/-5, y=0
3. Acceptance calibration, part 1:  C12, sieve in, delta=0  (10 minutes)
1) both rasters on
4. Pointing: CH2, sieve in ,delta=0, no rasters (30 minutes)
Take data till the H peak of a normal sieve hole can be fit.
**Escorted access to move sieve out when finish (30 minutes)
5. Acceptance calibration, part2:  C12, sieve out, delta=0 (20 minutes)
1) no rasters
2) both rasters
Estimated time: 6 hours
At the end of the optics, refill LHe, change to the 1st production point,
start dilution runs then polarize NH3 target.
===8. 2.5T, 90deg @ 1.159:===
'''Do A, move sieve in, do B and C(8 points), refill LHe do D.
'''When finish: Ramp field up to 5.01T; Drain LHe out
Here is the optics plan for 1.1GeV with 2.5T at 90 degrees target field.
Before doing optics, beam center and slow raster size have to be determined.
No LHe, LHRS starts at -4% and right HRS start at -3.5%:
1. Delta scan:  C12, sieve in , no raster  (4 hours)
Left HRS: -4%, -3%, -2%, -1%, 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%
Right HRS: -3.5% -2%, 0%, 2%, 3.5%
NOTE: if running out of time, we will skip 3.5% in right arm
and 1%, 3% at left arm.  This can save about 1 hours.
**Ramp dipoles back to 0% when finish. (40 minutes)
2. Beam position scan: C12, delta=0; sieve in, slow raster only,  (40 minutes)
Config the slow raster to jump in the following way:
1)between (x=-5, y=-5) and (5,5)
2)between x=0, y=+/-5
3)between x=+/-5, y=0
3. Acceptance calibration, part 1:  C12, sieve in, delta=0  (10 minutes)
1) both rasters on
4. Pointing: CH2, sieve in ,delta=0, no rasters (30 minutes)
Take data till the H peak of a normal sieve hole can be fit.
**Escorted access to move sieve out when finish (30 minutes)
5. Acceptance calibration, part2:  C12, sieve out, delta=0 (20 minutes)
1) no rasters
2) both rasters
Estimated time: 7 hours
At the end of the optics, refill LHe, change to the 1st production point,
start dilution runs then polarize NH3 target.
===9.  5.01T, 6deg @ 1.159:===
'''Here is the optics plan for gep at 1.15765 GeV beam energy:
'''T1_rate=5kHz on 40-mil-C12 target, with 50 nA 1.15765 GeV beam, sieve in, No LHe
Sieve IN,
If rasters are used, the fast raster is 2x2 and slow raster is 2 cm (or same as production runs):
target  configuration          number of events or beam time
C12    Sieve IN, No rasters      2 x 1M (10 minutes)
C12    Sieve IN, Both rasters    2 x 1M (10 minutes)
NH3    Sieve IN, Both rasters    3 x 7M (about 70 minutes, which will give
                                  about 400 events when cut to 1x1 beam size)
**Escorted access to move sieve out (30 min)
C12    Sieve out, both rasters  30 minutes(about 10 M events for each
                                  arm, good for dilution) 
'''Estimated time= 3 hours.
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/g2p_optics_plan.pdf Overall G2P|GEP optics plan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_0T_optics_runplan.pdf 2.253GeV_0T_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_0T_optics_runplan.pdf 2.253GeV_0T_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan.pdf 2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan.pdf 2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_5.0T_6deg_optics_runplan.pdf 2.253GeV_5.0T_6deg_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan_newRseptum.pdf 2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan (403216)]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/1.706GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan.pdf 1.706GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/1.706GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan.pdf 1.706GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/1.706GeV_5.0T_6deg_optics_runplan.pdf 1.706GeV_5.0T_6deg_optics_runplan]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan.pdf 1.159GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan]
''[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final more_details...]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan.pdf 1.159GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan]
==Run List==
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/chao/optics/OpticsSummary.pdf Optics run list summary]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/chao/optics/OpticsRunTable.xlsx Optics run list (details)]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/chao/optics/list.dat Optics run list (run #)]
==Calibration Results==
*[[LHRS 2.254GeV 2.5T Transverse 484816]]
*[[LHRS 2.254GeV 2.5T Transverse 403216]]
*[[LHRS 1.706GeV 2.5T Transverse 400016]]
*[[LHRS 1.158GeV 2.5T Transverse 400016]]
*[[LHRS 2.254GeV 5.0T Longitudinal 400016]]
*[[RHRS 2.254GeV 2.5T Transverse 484816]]
*[[RHRS 2.254GeV 2.5T Transverse 403216]]
*[[RHRS 1.706GeV 2.5T Transverse 400016]]
*[[RHRS 1.158GeV 2.5T Transverse 400016]]
'''With new right septum
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/jixie/20120226_Optics_Final/2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan_newRseptum.pdf 2.253GeV_2.5T_90deg_optics_runplan_new_right_septum]
Target field mapping:
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/g2p/collaborators/chao/technotes/Chao_TechNote_TargetField.pdf Results]
Suggestions of the run plan:  
For commissioning:  
*[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/G2p_optics_procedure Procedure suggested by Vince]
*[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/G2p_optics_procedure Procedure suggested by Vince]
*[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/G2p_other_optics_plan Procedure suggested by Jin]
*[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/G2p_other_optics_plan Procedure suggested by Jin]

Latest revision as of 08:35, 17 February 2016

Run Plan


Run List

Calibration Results


Target field mapping:

Suggestions of the run plan: