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= General GEM Information =
* NIM Papers
** [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9002(96)01172-2 GEM: A new concept for electron amplification in gas detectors, F. Sauli  ]
** [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0920-5632(99)00575-7 Performance of triple GEM tracking detectors in the COMPASS experiment, Ketzer et al.]
* [http://pdg.lbl.gov/2009/reviews/rpp2009-rev-particle-detectors-accel.pdf PDG Accelerator Detector Review] (See Section 28.6.3)
* [http://www.jlab.org/~bogdanw/SBS-CDR/SBS-CDR.pdf Super BigBite CDR]
= GEM Detectors for PREX =
= GEM Detectors for PREX =
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=== Gas configuration ===
=== Gas configuration ===
The gas is presently a 80-20 CO2/Argon mix (??).
== Replaying Data and Software ==
== Replaying Data and Software ==

Revision as of 12:27, 19 April 2010

General GEM Information

GEM Detectors for PREX


The GEMs were mounted in an XY XY XY XY configuation on April 14. Our best guess at positions (from Dustin) in the rotated coordinate system are:

Detector Orientation z (m)
Bottom UVA XY 1.15
Top UVA XY 1.15
Bottom INFN XY 1.4
Top INFN XY 1.4

Chambers are placed orthogonal to the z axis.

HV Adjustment

Individual chamber HV is controlled through a CAEN N1471 NIM module. It can be remotely controled through minicom on ahut. The channel mapping is


Channel Cable Detector
0 7 Top UVA
1 8 Bottom UVA
3 FPP6 Bottom INFN

Gas configuration

The gas is presently a 80-20 CO2/Argon mix (??).

Replaying Data and Software

Replaying data can be done on any of the adaq machines. Simply do

analyzer prex_gem_L.C

and enter in the run number and number of events you would like to analyze. The database for the GEMs is in the $DB_DIR directory. This replay uses the TreeSearch-GEM library for GEM decoding, clustering, and tracking maintained by Ole Hansen.

Replayed files go in the rootfiles directory and are named


Run List


Work to Do/Main issues

  • Pedestal analysis (Francesco Cusanno)
    • Stability
    • Event-by-event corrections algorithm
    • Higher order event-by-event corrections
    • HV/Rate dependence
    • Pedestal value/widths to find bad channels
  • Cluster Analysis
    • Multiple cluster propagation across planes
    • Clusters energy association between planes, noise evaluation
  • Position Resolution (Ozgur Ates)
    • Evaluate plane resolution
    • Different ways to utilize energy information to maximize resolution(?)
  • Efficiency/Gain Analysis (Kiad)
    • Evaluate hit efficiency vs. ADC cuts
    • Efficiency, gain vs. strip
    • Efficiency, gain vs. HV
    • Gain differences in readout planes
  • Tracking (Ole + Kiad)
    • Quantify X-Y hit association techniques
  • Bad Channels Handling (Ole)
    • List to ignore in software
    • How they affect clustering/energy weighting

Commissioning Meeting Summary

Analysis status, April 19, 2010

Listed projects that need to be finished for GEM tracking and divided among students/postdocs/staff.

Seamus' HALOG post on status:
