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Cryo Target Pre Beam Checklist
Last revised 7/16/06 Date __________time ___________
This checklist will be performed after every restricted access to Hall A that maintenance is performed
Person responsible for checklist __________________________________
People checking list _______________________________________________________
Left Arm
___ Correct angle ___________ (not to be used for calculations)
___ Correct pointing _________(not to be used for calculations)
___ Collimator operation at 3 positions
___ check camera angle for movement in both directions
___ Bogie controls checked for operation (do not move)
___ Bogie power is ON ___ Off ___
___ Check spectrometer for obstructions to movement
___ Check intergen bottles for correct pressure
___ Ensure that Intergen alarm switch is in the normal position
___ Insure that 14-degree stop pin is installed (if used)
___ Insure that outer limit stop is installed (if used)
___ minimum/Maximum angles for spectrometer from _____Deg. To ____ Deg.
___ magnetic shielding installed (if necessary)
___ pointing surveys complete
___ Insure that turbo backing pump is on and has sufficient oil
___ Turbo on at turbo controller in rack # 1H71B01
___ Pump valves open at valve controller in rack # 1H71B01  channel #2
___ Convectron gages read “0” millitorr
___ Cold cathode gauge in rack # 1H71B01 cold cathode < 5x10-5
___ Actual cold cathode reading ________
___ Entrance & exit vacuum windows functional
___ ensure that the Q3 insulating vacuum pump is on and functional
___ ensure that the automatic valve is open and that the Convectron gage reads 0
Left Arm
Magnet controls
___ Q1 full of liquid  (60%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Q1 to 80 slm as read from rack #Q171Q
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Cctv camera on and focused
___ Dipole full of liquid  (60%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Dipole to 80 slm as read from rack #D171Q
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Q2 full of liquid  (80%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Q2 to 60 slm as read from the Q2 instrument rack meter.
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Insure that lead heaters are on and operating
___ Q3 full of liquid  (80%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Q3 to 60 slm as read from the Q3 instrument rack meter.
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Insure that lead heaters are on and operating
Left Arm
Power supplies
___ Verify UPSs as operational on all power supply controls (with no current on magnets only)
___ Red rotating beacons on
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Visually check power supply for faults
___ When all faults have been cleared, insure that power supply is in remote control
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Turn on both sets of three pole breakers located on power supply
___ Visually check power supply for faults
___ When all faults have been cleared, lift lever on lower right side of supply
___ Insure that power supply is in remote control
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Turn on both sets of three pole breakers located on power supply
___ Visually check power supply for faults
___ When all faults have been cleared, lift lever on lower right side of supply
___ Insure that power supply is in remote control
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Turn on power lever on right upper side of supply
___ Visually check power supply for faults on supply and at rack #
___ When all faults have been cleared, insure that power supply is in remote control
___ Cctv camera on and focused
___ Check power supply for proper polarity positive____ negative____
___ NMR gradient compensation for on and proper polarity
positive____ negative____
Right Arm
___ Correct angle ___________ (not to be used for calculations)
___ Correct pointing _________(not to be used for calculations)
___ Collimator operation at 3 positions
___ check camera angle for movement in both directions
___ Bogie controls checked for operation (do not move)
___ Bogie power is ON ___ Off ___
___ Check spectrometer for obstructions to movement
___ Check intergen bottles for correct pressure
___ Ensure that Intergen alarm switch is in the normal position
___ Insure that 14-degree stop pin is installed
___ Insure that outer limit stop is installed (if used)
___ Maximum/minimum angles for spectrometer _______to_______
___ magnetic shielding installed (if necessary)
___ Insure that turbo backing pump is on and has sufficient oil
___ Turbo on at turbo controller in rack # 1H71B01
___ Pump valves open at valve controller in rack # 1H71B01  channel #2
___ Convectron gages read “0” millitorr
___ Cold cathode gauge in rack # 1H71B01 cold cathode < 5x10-5
___ Actual cold cathode reading ________
___ ensure that the Q3 insulating vacuum pump is on and functional
___ ensure that the automatic valve is open and that the Convectron gage reads 0
___ ensure that the dipole insulating turbo and backing pump are on and functional
___ ensure that the automatic valve is open
Right Arm
Magnet controls
___ Q1 full of liquid  (60%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Q1 to 80 slm as read from rack #Q171Q
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Cctv camera on and focused
___ Dipole full of liquid  (60%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Dipole to 80 slm as read from rack #D171Q
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Q2 full of liquid  (80%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Q2 to 60 slm as read from the Q2 instrument rack meter.
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Insure that lead heaters are on and operating
___ Q3 full of liquid  (80%) actual______
___ Open lead flows on Q3 to 60 slm as read from the Q3 instrument rack meter.
___ Actual lead flows A______ B______
___ Insure that lead heaters are on and operating
Right Arm
Power supplies
___ Verify UPSs as operational on all power supply controls (with no current on magnets only)
___ Red rotating beacons on
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Visually check power supply for faults.
___ When all faults have been cleared, insure that power supply is in remote control.
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Turn on both sets of three pole breakers located on power supply
___ Visually check power supply for faults
___ When all faults have been cleared, lift lever on lower right side of supply.
___ Insure that power supply is in remote control
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Turn on both sets of three pole breakers located on power supply
___ Visually check power supply for faults.
___ When all faults have been cleared, lift lever on lower right side of supply.
___ Insure that power supply is in remote control
___ Visual inspection of main current leads, dump resistor, and lead flags (for condition, visual shorts, etc.)
___ Unlock power disconnect switch and turn on AC power
___ Turn on power lever on right upper side of supply.
___ Visually, check power supply for faults on supply and at rack #OD172Q.
___ When all faults have been cleared, insure that power supply is in remote control.
___ Cctv camera on and focused
___ Check power supply for proper polarity positive____ negative____
___ NMR gradient compensation for on and proper polarity
positive____ negative____
___ Windows functional
___ Cctv cameras “on” and focused
___ Target light “on”
___ Backing pump “on” at pump
___ ensure roughing is closed
___ Turbo “on” at rack # 1H75B09
___ Turbo valve “open” at rack # 1H75B09 channel # 1
___ ensure target convectron set point is 5 torr
___ Gages operational
___ Convectron “0” millitorr at rack # 1H75B09
___ Cold cathode < 5x10-4 at rack # 1H75B08
___ Actual cold cathode reading __________
Exit beam tube
___ Diffuser cooler on
___ Diffuser water level ok
___ close flow valve and observe flow meter (drops to 0)
___ open flow valve and observe flow meter (rises to 1 gpm)
___ Backing pump is “on” and operational
___ Valve “open” at pump
___ Turbo “on” at rack # 1H75B09           
___ Gages operational
___ Convectron “<5” millitorr at rack # 1H75B09
___ Actual convectron gage reading ________
___ magnetic shielding installed (if necessary)
Entrance beam tube
___ Insure that beam line girder turbo is on and running
___ Insure that there is cooling water flow to the Moeller Dipole
___ Insure that E P turbo is on and running
___ Instrument air compressor functioning normally
___ Beam line vacuum valves “open” (visually checked)
___ Call MCC, get the name of the person you talked to and say “I am doing the Hall A pre beam checklist, Please Insure that the Hall A beam line valves are set to close” after they say that they are, say “I am turning the control key from maintenance to operational are you ready” after they say yes, turn key and tell them “you have control could you please open the valves so that we can verify operability make an e-log entry”
Controls check from the computer console
___ Pull up the Hall A tools page
___ Ensure that all of the lead flows are in the green
___ Ensure that all liquid levels are in the green
___ Ensure that all polarities are correct
___ Using the current button open the control page to left Q1
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ Using the current button open the control page to left Q2
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ Using the current button open the control page to left Q3
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ Using the current button open the control page to left D1
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ Using the current button open the control page to right Q1
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ Using the current button open the control page to right Q2
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ Using the current button open the control page to right Q3
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ Using the current button open the control page to right D1
___ Clear all faults and turn on magnet with correct polarity
___ Ramp magnet to 100 A
___ input .5 GeV/c for both spectrometers
___ ensure that all magnets lock in for the input momentum
___ list magnets that do not ________________________
___ All interlocks in rack # 1H75B08 indicate green
___ Check 3 Moeller power supplies for on and in remote
___ Ensure installation of Ion chambers at EP, target, and 2 at beam dump
___ Correct LCW flow and pressure (100 psi supply and 60 psi return)
___ Cctv cameras on and focused
___ Cctv monitors at X terminal off
___ Clear of unnecessary equipment
___ Man lift and Forklift in truck ramp.
___ ensure that all lifting slings and safety harnesses are correctly stored and that the storage cage is at least 90 deg from the beam dump and at least 60 ft from the target
___ Perform pre sweep of run safe boxes.
___ Unnecessary personnel exit Hall.
___ Move Left spectrometer stairs clear of lower balcony.
___ Ensure polar crane is positioned over the entrance beam pipe,
and that power is off at the power disconnect switch
___ Ensure that spectrometer entrance window guards are removed
___ Ensure that spectrometer exit window guards are removed
___ Ensure that detector VDC covers are removed
___ Ensure that target window guards are removed
___ Ensure operability of shield house doors
___ Deliver checklist to shift leader or run coordinator
___ Make entry into HALOG “ Checklist Complete and Target Window Guards are Removed”.
Name of person checklist was delivered to ______________________

Latest revision as of 11:49, 23 September 2006