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(Initial BPM/Raster checks/Beam centering [3-4 hours])
(Initial BPM/Raster checks/Beam centering [3-4 hours])
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====Drawing of the Hall A beamline ====
'''This is out of date!  Requested a new song sheet from Joyce.'''  Please check [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/c/ce/HallA_beamline_drawing.pdf this link] for the drawing of Hall A beamline done by E. Forman in 2014. It shows the locations of the different beamline components, their names and the labels. (NOTE that the beamline near the target needs to be updated to reflect the addition of new parity BCMs which was done in Fall 2015.)
====Hall A HARPs====
All harps in Hall A have been switched to the accelerator style, so any reference to PMT HV is out of date.
As our harps are now accelerator standard, the accelerator should be able to run their standard gui's.
1H04A & 1H04B are the two harps near the target.
In the ARC, we use 1C07A & 1C07B and 1C18A & 1C18B to get the bend angle of the beam. 
1C12 is the middle of the Hall A arc.
====<FONT Color="red">COMMON SENSE TIPS for Rastered Beam Spot Size</FONT>====
<li> If you ask for 2x2 mm<sup>2</sup> raster, you probably will NOT get that. Why? Because of quadrupoles between the raster and the target; note, the control software assumes a 23-m drift with no magnetic fields. What to do? With target out, ask for 2x2 mm<sup>2</sup>  (for example) and observe whatever you observe as the real spot size. Then multiply the requested size by the ratio of what you want to what you observe, and then ask MCC for that. This should give you the desired spot size.
<li> Do not confuse the "rastered spot size" (of order 4 mm) with the "intrinsic spot size" (typically 10 to 100 times smaller).
<li>  If your purpose is to check the spot size and dwell time to avoid destroying the target, then test at low current, say 1-2 &mu;A, before going to high current on target <b>or</b> test with no target in the beam.  Note that the beam position lock does not work well below 1 &mu;A.
<li> A good double check is the oscilloscope trace of the raster current, seen in the middle room (electronic rack room) of the counting house.
<li> If you see a funny looking plot with a lot of scatter? Possibly the beam was off, or sometimes off. Make sure the beam is on (> 2 &mu;A).
==== Initial BPM/Raster checks/Beam centering [3-4 hours] ====
==== Initial BPM/Raster checks/Beam centering [3-4 hours] ====
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<li> Establish CW beam.
<li> Establish CW beam.
<li> Note that we will <b>NOT</b> be going through the Compton chicane.  
<li> Note that we will <b>NOT</b> be going through the Compton chicane.  
<li> Insert the Carbon hole target and ask for 5 &mu;A of 2x2 rastered beam.
<li> With <b>no more than 5 &mu;A </b> of stable beam find the center of the target using the steps below:
<li> For each step, <b>make sure to record both the rates from the right and left HRS and the BPM positions at BPMA and BPME</b>.
<li> Move the target to the BeO target.  Find the unrastered beam on the BeO target.
<li> Then have MCC restore beam at 5 &mu;A with a nominal 2x2 mm<sup>2</sup> rastered beam size at the target.<br>
    <li> <b>Make sure you read the section above </b> on [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Beamline#COMMON_SENSE_TIPS_for_Rastered_Beam_Spot_Size COMMON SENSE TIPS], regarding the rastered beam spot size. <br>
    <li> Use the target OTR to help get a square raster and establish that the beam is roughly centered in the beam pipe.  See links below on bringing up the Target OTR:
      <li> [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3427685 Target OTR instructions] -- Oct 11, 2016
      <li> [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3427678 Example images, OTR foil size
      <li> [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3377948 How to view Target OTR] -- Obsolete?
<li> Move the target to the Empty 1 position.
<li> Before asking for beam, check the right and left HRS (T1 trigger) rates.  Record these rates in the HALOG.
<li> Run rastered beam with the target in the Empty 1 position at 5 &mu;A, while checking the right and left HRS (T1 trigger) rates.  Record the rates and the beam positions.<br>
<li> Move the target to the Carbon hole position.
      <li> Check the rates in the right and left HRS (T1 trigger). Record these rates.
      <li> If you can see a difference in rates between the foil and no foil, then continue. Otherwise contact the run coordinator.
<li> Use the spot++ tool on both L-HRS and R-HRS (see [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/daq/spot.html Raster calibration, spot++])
<li> Verify that the raster is approximately centered on the Carbon hole target.  If it is not, ask MCC to move the beam position in x and y until the  
<li> Verify that the raster is approximately centered on the Carbon hole target.  If it is not, ask MCC to move the beam position in x and y until the  
hole is roughly centered on the raster image.
hole is roughly centered on the raster image.  <br> <b>Do not increase the raster size</b>.  If you cannot find the hole with the raster ON, please contact the run coordinator (Contact information is on the white board).
<li> After the raster is centered on the hole, have MCC turn off the raster.  Since the hole in the Carbon foil is 2 mm in diameter, and the beam spot is much smaller than this, the rates should drop to the rates with the Empty target.<br>
<li> Now move to the "Raster Target".  Ask MCC for 5 &mu;A of beam with a 2x2 mm<sup>2</sup> raster.  If the beam is centered, the rates should match the rates of the empty target.
<li> If you notice excess rate, then slowly move the beam position until the rates are the same as those with the empty target.
<li> After beam centering, update on the white board the nominal beam positions and the "MCC" raster size to get 2x2 mm<sup>2</sup> raster on target.
<li> Make sure you make a detailed log entry with the results of the position scan.
<li>Superharp Scan with Raster off
<li>Superharp Scan with Raster off to check if they are working and provide signals:
<li> Scan the two superharps (1H03A and 1H03B) near the target with raster off. Make sure MCC obtains two pictures including the three wires for each harp.  They should post these images to their ELOG.
<li> Have MCC scan the two superharps (IHA1H04A and IHA1H04B) near the target with raster off.
<li> Make sure the three wires are clearly visible and have reasonable resolution: ~ 70-200 &mu;m.
<li> Request MCC to make an ELOG entry with the Harp results.
<li> Make sure the three wires are clearly visible and have reasonable resolution for each harp: ~200-500 &mu;m.
<li> If the harp scans are successful, then proceed with the bullseye scan below.
<li> Make a record of the results of the harp scans in the HAlog along with the ELOG entry numbers.  
<li> With at no more than 5 &mu;A of stable unrastered beam find the center of the target using the steps below:
<li> As an example, look at Halog entry # [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3307901 3307901].
<li> Before starting the procedure, begin a CODA run and leave it running. <br>
<li> Run beam with the target in the HOME position, while checking the Left HRS (T1 trigger) and ion chamber rates.  Record these rates.<br>
    - The dump ion chamber rates can be found on the "EPICS Computer".  See Halog entry # [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3308127 3308127].<br>
    - The right ion chamber will probably not see the beam, so only focus on the one that does respond to beam.<br>
<li> Move the target to the Carbon position.  Then have MCC restore beam.<br>
    - Check the rates in the HRS (T1 trigger) and ion chambers.  Record these rates.<br>
    - If you can see a difference in rates between the foil and no foil, then continue. Otherwise contact the run coordinator.<br>
<li> Move the target to the Carbon hole position.  Then have MCC restore beam.  The hole in the Carbon foil is 1 mm in diameter.<br>
<li> Run beam and see if the rates match step 1) or 2).  Record these rates.  <br>
<li> Have MCC move the unrastered beam around in ~1 mm steps and continue to record the rates along with the associated beam position.  <br>
<li> Continue step 5) until you have mapped out the location of the hole. If you need, you can have MCC move the beam in smaller step sizes.<br>
<li> Stop the run, and make a detailed Halog entry with the above position scan. <br>
<li>Check the raster size using the spot++ tool (see [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3304885 how-to spot++]): 
<li>Insert the Carbon hole target to center the beam position with respect to the hole.
<li> Have MCC setup the raster to 2*2 mm<sup>2</sup>, use spot++ to check if the beam is centered around the hole.  Move the beam if necessary, but do not increase the raster size.  If you cannot find the hole with the raster ON, please contact the run coordinator (Contact information is on the white board).
<li> Make sure you make a log entry with the results of this step.
[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/daq/spot.html Raster calibration, spot++]
==== BPM Calibrations (Bullseye Scan) [1-2 hours]====
==== BPM Calibrations (Bullseye Scan) [1-2 hours]====
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2.  Ask MCC to steer the beam to the nominal center of the target.
2.  Ask MCC to steer the beam to the nominal center of the target.
3.  Wait until beam is stable and have MCC perform a harp scan for the two superharps near the target (1H03A and 1H03B) and take a CODA run during the
3.  Wait until beam is stable and have MCC perform a harp scan for the two superharps near the target (1H04A and 1H04B) and take a CODA run for both the left and right spectrometers during the same time. Start the coda run first before asking MCC.  Request MCC to make an ELOG entry with the Harp results, you should see all three harp wires.  Record ELOG entry numbers.  
same time. Start the coda run first before asking MCC.  Request MCC to make an ELOG entry with the results, you should see all three harp wires.  Record ELOG entry numbers.  
4.  Ask MCC then to steer the beam to positions around the nominal center:
4.  Ask MCC then to steer the beam to positions around the nominal center:
     - cover at least the area the raster will cover: (2,2), (2,-2), (-2,-2), (-2,2) and repeat (0,0)
     - cover at least the area the raster will cover: (2,2), (2,-2), (-2,-2), (-2,2), (3,3), (-3,-3), and repeat (0,0)
     - repeat harp and CODA runs for each position
     - repeat harp and CODA runs for each position
5.  Record Harp scan run numbers and corresponding CODA run number for each beam position.
5.  Record Harp scan run numbers and corresponding CODA run number for each beam position.  As an example, see HALOG # [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3324009 3324009].
6.  Make a record of the harp scans and CODA runs in the HAlog.
6.  Make a record of the harp scans and CODA runs in the HAlog.
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   - <FONT Color="red">the shift crew is not expected to analysis the bulls eye scan</FONT>.
   - <FONT Color="red">the shift crew is not expected to analysis the bulls eye scan</FONT>.
==== Superharp Scan with Raster off/on ====
==== <del> "Quick and Dirty" BCM Cross-Calibration [30 -- 60 min] </del> ====
This will give us a quick check of our BCM readbacks, sanity check that we don't saturate, and get a cross calibration between the various measurements.'''
<li> Scan the two superharps near the target with raster off.  Obtain two pictures including the three wires for each harp.
<li> Make sure the three wires are clearly visible and have reasonable resolution: ~ 100-200 &mu;m.
<li> Go to empty target
<li> Repeat with raster on. In this case, you may not see the wires clearly.
<li> Before beginning the procedure, make sure the Hall A BCM logger and the HRS DAQ are started, which will record the signals from all relevant BCM used during the calibration. [[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/BCM/BCM_logger.html Here ]] is how to start the logger, choose the BCM logger script (solution 2).  
<li> Make sure to post the results in the Hall A electronic logbook or Halog.
<li> Also start a HRS run to record the scalers during the calibration procedure, if necessary use the clock to take reasonably high data rate (above about 50 Hz at least)
<li> Take data on carbon target with I = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 0 &mu;A (or as high a current as available). Each beam period (with or without current) should last 90 s. If you get a trip during a beam up period, take 90s of beam off and restart that beam up period.
<FONT Color="red">IF MCC is having problems getting to a given current for more than 10 min, then just stop there.</FONT>
==== BCM Calibrations [2 hours] ====
==== BCM Calibrations [2 hours] (DAY or SWING shift preferable) ====
Accelerator has a written procedure to follow if you wish to cross check the current at the injector
with the current in the Hall.'''
<li> Warn MCC a few hours beforehand.
<li> <del>Warn MCC a few hours beforehand.</del>
<li> The Hall A BCM and scalers need to be cross-calibrated to the Faraday cup and a BCM in the accelerator (OLO2) and the Hall A Unser.
<li> The Hall A BCM and scalers need to be cross-calibrated to the Faraday cup and a BCM in the accelerator (OLO2) and the Hall A Unser. (<font color=red>If night shift then do NOT bother cross calibrating with the Faraday cup.  You can just stay on the line with MCC and request the appropriate beam currents following the rules below.</font>)
<li> Before beginning the procedure, make sure the Hall A BCM logger is started, which will record the signals from all relevant BCM used during the calibration.
<li> Before beginning the procedure, make sure the Hall A BCM logger and the HRS DAQ are started, which will record the signals from all relevant BCM used during the calibration. [[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/BCM/BCM_logger.html Here ]] is how to start the logger, choose the BCM logger script (solution 2). 
<li> Also start a HRS run to record the scalers during the calibration procedure.
<li> Also start a HRS run to record the scalers during the calibration procedure, if necessary use the clock to take reasonably high data rate (above about 50 Hz at least)
<li> It is useful to have someone over in MCC to help coordinate the calibration with them.
<li> It is useful to have someone over in MCC to help coordinate the calibration with them.
<li> Take data on carbon target with I = 10, 20, 30, 40 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 &mu;A (or as high a current as available).
<li> Take data on carbon target with I = 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 0, 10, 0, 15, 0, 20, 0, 25, 0, 30, 0, 40, 0, 50, 0, 60, 0, 70, 0, 80, 0 &mu;A (or as high a current as available). Each beam period (with or without current) should last 90 s. If you get a trip during a beam up period, take 90s of beam off and restart that beam up period.
==== ARC Energy Measurement [? hours] ====
==== ARC Energy Measurement (DAY or SWING shift ONLY) ====
<li> The procedure will be conducted by Doug Higinbotham in coordination with MCC.
<li> The procedure will be conducted by Douglas Higinbotham.
<li> Notify Doug and MCC a few hours beforehand to make sure they are ready and available.
<li> With the ARC in achromatic optics, the energy measurement can be done at any time though
with more uncertainty as the effects of the ARC quads need to be taken into account.
<li> If you wish to do a full dispersive optics  measurement, it need to be coordinated
well in advance by the run coordinator as it is invasive to the other halls.  Yves from
accelerator should be in MCC if the procedure has been done in while.  It is presently
unclear if it is even possible to do a full dispersive optics measurement with 11 GeV beam
due to the energy spread of the beam as well as sync. radiation.

Latest revision as of 12:36, 14 October 2016

Drawing of the Hall A beamline

This is out of date! Requested a new song sheet from Joyce. Please check this link for the drawing of Hall A beamline done by E. Forman in 2014. It shows the locations of the different beamline components, their names and the labels. (NOTE that the beamline near the target needs to be updated to reflect the addition of new parity BCMs which was done in Fall 2015.)

Hall A HARPs

All harps in Hall A have been switched to the accelerator style, so any reference to PMT HV is out of date.

As our harps are now accelerator standard, the accelerator should be able to run their standard gui's.

1H04A & 1H04B are the two harps near the target.

In the ARC, we use 1C07A & 1C07B and 1C18A & 1C18B to get the bend angle of the beam.

1C12 is the middle of the Hall A arc.

COMMON SENSE TIPS for Rastered Beam Spot Size

  1. If you ask for 2x2 mm2 raster, you probably will NOT get that. Why? Because of quadrupoles between the raster and the target; note, the control software assumes a 23-m drift with no magnetic fields. What to do? With target out, ask for 2x2 mm2 (for example) and observe whatever you observe as the real spot size. Then multiply the requested size by the ratio of what you want to what you observe, and then ask MCC for that. This should give you the desired spot size.
  2. Do not confuse the "rastered spot size" (of order 4 mm) with the "intrinsic spot size" (typically 10 to 100 times smaller).
  3. If your purpose is to check the spot size and dwell time to avoid destroying the target, then test at low current, say 1-2 μA, before going to high current on target or test with no target in the beam. Note that the beam position lock does not work well below 1 μA.
  4. A good double check is the oscilloscope trace of the raster current, seen in the middle room (electronic rack room) of the counting house.
  5. If you see a funny looking plot with a lot of scatter? Possibly the beam was off, or sometimes off. Make sure the beam is on (> 2 μA).

Initial BPM/Raster checks/Beam centering [3-4 hours]

  1. First MCC centers the beam on the beam dump using the ion chambers.
  2. Establish CW beam.
  3. Note that we will NOT be going through the Compton chicane.
  4. With no more than 5 μA of stable beam find the center of the target using the steps below:
    1. For each step, make sure to record both the rates from the right and left HRS and the BPM positions at BPMA and BPME.
    2. Move the target to the BeO target. Find the unrastered beam on the BeO target.
    3. Then have MCC restore beam at 5 μA with a nominal 2x2 mm2 rastered beam size at the target.
    4. Move the target to the Empty 1 position.
    5. Before asking for beam, check the right and left HRS (T1 trigger) rates. Record these rates in the HALOG.
    6. Run rastered beam with the target in the Empty 1 position at 5 μA, while checking the right and left HRS (T1 trigger) rates. Record the rates and the beam positions.
    7. Move the target to the Carbon hole position.
      • Check the rates in the right and left HRS (T1 trigger). Record these rates.
      • If you can see a difference in rates between the foil and no foil, then continue. Otherwise contact the run coordinator.
    8. Use the spot++ tool on both L-HRS and R-HRS (see Raster calibration, spot++)
    9. Verify that the raster is approximately centered on the Carbon hole target. If it is not, ask MCC to move the beam position in x and y until the hole is roughly centered on the raster image.
      Do not increase the raster size. If you cannot find the hole with the raster ON, please contact the run coordinator (Contact information is on the white board).
    10. After the raster is centered on the hole, have MCC turn off the raster. Since the hole in the Carbon foil is 2 mm in diameter, and the beam spot is much smaller than this, the rates should drop to the rates with the Empty target.
    11. Now move to the "Raster Target". Ask MCC for 5 μA of beam with a 2x2 mm2 raster. If the beam is centered, the rates should match the rates of the empty target.
    12. If you notice excess rate, then slowly move the beam position until the rates are the same as those with the empty target.
    13. After beam centering, update on the white board the nominal beam positions and the "MCC" raster size to get 2x2 mm2 raster on target.
    14. Make sure you make a detailed log entry with the results of the position scan.
  5. Superharp Scan with Raster off to check if they are working and provide signals:
    1. Have MCC scan the two superharps (IHA1H04A and IHA1H04B) near the target with raster off.
    2. Request MCC to make an ELOG entry with the Harp results.
    3. Make sure the three wires are clearly visible and have reasonable resolution for each harp: ~200-500 μm.
    4. If the harp scans are successful, then proceed with the bullseye scan below.
    5. Make a record of the results of the harp scans in the HAlog along with the ELOG entry numbers.

BPM Calibrations (Bullseye Scan) [1-2 hours]

How to perform a bulls eye scan:

1. You need unrastered beam:

    - caution you should not do this with a target requiring rastered beam
    - use carbon, BeO, optics, or in the worst case empty instead

2. Ask MCC to steer the beam to the nominal center of the target.

3. Wait until beam is stable and have MCC perform a harp scan for the two superharps near the target (1H04A and 1H04B) and take a CODA run for both the left and right spectrometers during the same time. Start the coda run first before asking MCC. Request MCC to make an ELOG entry with the Harp results, you should see all three harp wires. Record ELOG entry numbers.

4. Ask MCC then to steer the beam to positions around the nominal center:

    - cover at least the area the raster will cover: (2,2), (2,-2), (-2,-2), (-2,2), (3,3), (-3,-3), and repeat (0,0)
    - repeat harp and CODA runs for each position

5. Record Harp scan run numbers and corresponding CODA run number for each beam position. As an example, see HALOG # 3324009.

6. Make a record of the harp scans and CODA runs in the HAlog.

How to analyze the bulls eye scan:

 - detailed instructions can be found at the Analyzing BPMs website.
 - the shift crew is not expected to analysis the bulls eye scan.

"Quick and Dirty" BCM Cross-Calibration [30 -- 60 min]

This will give us a quick check of our BCM readbacks, sanity check that we don't saturate, and get a cross calibration between the various measurements.

  1. Go to empty target
  2. Before beginning the procedure, make sure the Hall A BCM logger and the HRS DAQ are started, which will record the signals from all relevant BCM used during the calibration. [Here ] is how to start the logger, choose the BCM logger script (solution 2).
  3. Also start a HRS run to record the scalers during the calibration procedure, if necessary use the clock to take reasonably high data rate (above about 50 Hz at least)
  4. Take data on carbon target with I = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 0 μA (or as high a current as available). Each beam period (with or without current) should last 90 s. If you get a trip during a beam up period, take 90s of beam off and restart that beam up period. IF MCC is having problems getting to a given current for more than 10 min, then just stop there.

BCM Calibrations [2 hours] (DAY or SWING shift preferable)

Accelerator has a written procedure to follow if you wish to cross check the current at the injector with the current in the Hall.

  1. Warn MCC a few hours beforehand.
  2. The Hall A BCM and scalers need to be cross-calibrated to the Faraday cup and a BCM in the accelerator (OLO2) and the Hall A Unser. (If night shift then do NOT bother cross calibrating with the Faraday cup. You can just stay on the line with MCC and request the appropriate beam currents following the rules below.)
  3. Before beginning the procedure, make sure the Hall A BCM logger and the HRS DAQ are started, which will record the signals from all relevant BCM used during the calibration. [Here ] is how to start the logger, choose the BCM logger script (solution 2).
  4. Also start a HRS run to record the scalers during the calibration procedure, if necessary use the clock to take reasonably high data rate (above about 50 Hz at least)
  5. It is useful to have someone over in MCC to help coordinate the calibration with them.
  6. Take data on carbon target with I = 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 0, 10, 0, 15, 0, 20, 0, 25, 0, 30, 0, 40, 0, 50, 0, 60, 0, 70, 0, 80, 0 μA (or as high a current as available). Each beam period (with or without current) should last 90 s. If you get a trip during a beam up period, take 90s of beam off and restart that beam up period.

ARC Energy Measurement (DAY or SWING shift ONLY)

  1. The procedure will be conducted by Douglas Higinbotham.
  2. With the ARC in achromatic optics, the energy measurement can be done at any time though with more uncertainty as the effects of the ARC quads need to be taken into account.
  3. If you wish to do a full dispersive optics measurement, it need to be coordinated well in advance by the run coordinator as it is invasive to the other halls. Yves from accelerator should be in MCC if the procedure has been done in while. It is presently unclear if it is even possible to do a full dispersive optics measurement with 11 GeV beam due to the energy spread of the beam as well as sync. radiation.