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== Target Holding Field ==
* Field survey
* Field rotation check
== Cell Characterization ==
== Cell Characterization ==

Revision as of 12:18, 9 January 2012

Target Holding Field

  • Field survey
  • Field rotation check

Cell Characterization


  • Filling density
  • Broadening of Alkali absorption

Wall Thickness

  • Laser interference measurement: wall and window

Optical Pumping System

Laser Optics

  • Laser power measurement
  • Laser spectrum measurement/Absorption adjustment
  • Calibrations of optics orientations, e.g. λ/4 plates
  • Laser polarization measurement
  • Optics alignment
  • Power consumption at laser connectors (if there is any)


  • RTD calibration
  • Condition optimization: oven temperature as a function of gas flow and heater power



  • System Q-curve measurement of all pickup coils to prevent resonance
  • Minimize pickup coil background with maximum RF power
  • Linearity check of amplifiers: preamplifier, lock-in amplifier
  • Flux calibration: pickup coil survey and flux calculation
  • He3 NMRs: frequency and field sweeps (including NMRs during EPR calibration)
  • AFP loss measurement
  • Internal temperature measurement in pumping chamber using NMR
  • NMR cross calibration: frequency vs. field, different locations
  • Water NMR calibration: field sweep (frequency sweep as well if possible)


  • Characterization of feedback system: proportional and integration gains
  • EPR calibration: absolute polarization measurement
  • Cross check with water calibrated NMRs

MISC Studies

  • Spin up time
  • Relaxation time: room temperature, high temperature
  • Optimization of pumping condition: laser power, oven temperature
  • Polarization gradient across cell