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(Channel layout for SIS3801 scalers "A" and "B" and CAEN V1290 TDC)
(Channel layout for SIS3801 scalers "A" and "B" and CAEN V1290 TDC)
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[[https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/12OqVX6QDX8HrlTPwSk_mvZHsrOEZzRMPa6n8AacRSRM/edit?usp=sharing Google drive NIM cabling]]
[[https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/12OqVX6QDX8HrlTPwSk_mvZHsrOEZzRMPa6n8AacRSRM/edit?usp=sharing Google drive NIM cabling]]
[[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mHOgVRjG6q5fOS136cFGxvZttCNnCNf-DkpTZtmPJUo/edit?usp=sharing DVCS cabling spreadsheet]]
==  Channel layout for the F1 TDC modules in ROC31 ==
==  Channel layout for the F1 TDC modules in ROC31 ==

Latest revision as of 16:02, 10 February 2017

Back to DVCS3

Crate layout in the DVCS racks

ROC info

Please see https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3292168 for information.

Model Mac1 location Hostname IP Adress ROC Hardware ID CODA ROC
VME 002038046D12 LHRS DVCS crate 1 intelhadvcs1 (ROC27) 4 27
VME 002038046DC1 LHRS DVCS crate 2 intelhadvcs2 (ROC28) 6 28
VME 0020CEF603EA LHRS DVCS crate 3 intelhadvcs3 (ROC29) 5 29
VME 002038046D0C LHRS DVCS crate 4 intelhadvcs4 (ROC30) 0 30
VME Upper level crate intelha3 7

Modules in each crate

  • ROC27: SIS3801 scalers "A" and "B"; CAEN V1290 TDC; ARS modules 0x1,0x2,0x3
  • ROC28: SIS3801 scaler "C"; ARS modules 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8
  • ROC29: SIS3801 scaler "D"; ARS modules 0x9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD
  • DVCS trigger crate
  • NIM crate
  • ROC30: SIS3801 scaler "E"; DVCS trigger readout card

Channel layout for SIS3801 scalers "A" and "B" and CAEN V1290 TDC

The input signals for SIS3801 scalers "A" and "B" and CAEN V1290 TDC are daisy chained from "A", to "B", then terminate at the TDC. Scalers "A" and "B" have had their internal termination resistors removed. Both scalers are gated by the spectrometer scaler gate, but scaler "B" is further disabled by the DVCS trigger busy (which includes the TS busy). Both scalers and the TDC are latched by a narrow pulse formed from the ARS_valid signal.

  1. 512ns clock from DVCS trigger crate (1)
  2. DVCS cosmic trigger
  3. s0
  4. s2
  5. CER
  6. EDTM
  7. DVCS external clock or LED trigger
  8. ARS_stop
  9. ARS_valid
  10. DVCS calorimeter ADC_gate
  11. inverted S0
  12. inverted S2
  13. inverted CER
  14. L1A
  15. CaloBlock001
  16. External S2M_CER
  17. 64ns clock from DVCS trigger crate
  18. 512ns clock from DVCS trigger crate (2)
  19. Master_OR
  20. Master_OR_Live
  21. HRS_Single
  22. S2M_CER
  23. S2M_CER_Scaled
  24. 103kHz clock from spectrometer
  25. BCM signal

[Google drive NIM cabling] [DVCS cabling spreadsheet]

Channel layout for the F1 TDC modules in ROC31

This information was copied from HALOG 3306435.

Slot  7 - Channels 0-15 - S2Left 1-16
Slot  7 - Channel 18 - Reference time
Slot  9 - Channels 0-15 - S2Right 1-16
Slot  9 - Channel 16 - ARS Stop
Slot  9 - Channel 17 - ARS Valid
Slot  9 - Channel 18 - ARS 512ns clock (could be used to check TDC resolution)
Slot 10 - Channels 0-9 - Gas Cerenkov 1-10
Slot 10 - Channel 10 - Gas Cerenkov Sum
Slot 10 - Channel 11 - S0A - D
Slot 10 - Channel 12 - S0B - D
Slot 10 - Channel 13 - (Can't read my handwriting)
Slot 10 - Channel 14 - SH Sum
Slot 10 - Channel 18 - Reference time

New entry with updated slots : HALOG 3325115

Slot Detector
5 S2L
6 S2R and Or of S2R was sent to channel 4 of NIM/ECL discriminator (35 ? ) and Or os S2L to channel 5 ( 36 )
8 Cerenkov
9 S2R
10 S2L

Some output leaves in the tree

(This may be out-of-date)

Reference: https://userweb.jlab.org/~munoz/2ndprod/output/index.html


L.vdc.u1.nhit	u1 number of hits
L.vdc.u1.nclust	u1 number of clusters
L.vdc.v1.nhit	v1 number of hits
L.vdc.v1.nclust	v1 number of clusters
L.vdc.u2.nhit	u2 number of hits
L.vdc.u2.nclust	u2 number clusters
L.vdc.v2.nhit	v2 number of hits
L.vdc.v2.nclust	v2 number of clusters


L.s1.la 	Left PMT raw ADC
L.s1.ra 	Rigth PMT raw ADC
L.s1.la_c	Left PMT corrected ADC
L.s1.ra_c	Right PMT corrected ADC
L.s1.lt 	Left PMT raw TDC
L.s1.rt 	Right PMT raw TDC
L.s1.trn	Number of tracks for hits
L.s1.trx	Track x-coordinate at the S1 plane
L.s1.try	Track y-coordinate at the S1 plane 


L.s2.la 	Left PMT raw ADC
L.s2.ra 	Rigth PMT raw ADC
L.s2.la_c	Left PMT corrected ADC
L.s2.ra_c	Right PMT corrected ADC
L.s2.lt 	Left PMT raw TDC
L.s2.rt 	Right PMT raw TDC
L.s2.trn	Number of tracks for hits
L.s2.trx	Track x-coordinate at the S2 plane
L.s2.try	Track y-coordinate at the S2 plane 

Cerenkov detector

L.cer.a  	Raw ADCs
L.cer.a_c	Corrected ADC
L.cer.nthit	Number of hits
L.cer.asum_c	Sum of corrected ADC amplitudes
L.cer.asum_p	Sum of ADC minus pedestal values 

Pion Rejector

First layer

L.prl1.a	Raw ADCs
L.prl1.a_c	Corrected ADC
L.prl1.asum_c	Corrected ADC sum
L.prl1.nhit	Number of hits
L.prl1.mult	Multiplicity
L.prl1.nblk	Block numbers
L.prl1.x	Track x-coordinate
L.prl1.y	Track y-coordinate 

Second layer

L.prl2.a	Raw ADCs
L.prl2.a_c	Corrected ADC
L.prl2.asum_c	Corrected ADC sum
L.prl2.nhit	Number of hits
L.prl2.mult	Multiplicity
L.prl2.nblk	Block numbers
L.prl2.x	Track x-coordinate
L.prl2.y	Track y-coordinate  

Tracking variables

L.tr.n    	Number of tracks
L.tr.x    	Track x coordinate (m)
L.tr.y    	Track y coordinate (m)
L.tr.th  	Tangent of track theta angle
L.tr.ph  	Tangent of track phi angle
L.tr.d_x	Detector x coordinate (m)
L.tr.d_y	Detector y coordinate (m)
L.tr.d_th	Detector tangent of theta
L.tr.d_ph	Detector tangent of phi
L.tr.r_x	Rotated x coordinate (m)
L.tr.r_y	Rotated y coordinate (m)
L.tr.r_th	Rotated tangent if theta
L.tr.r_ph	Rotated tangent of phi
L.tr.beta	Beta of track
L.tr.dbeta	Uncertainty of beta
L.tr.tg_th	Tangent of target theta
L.tr.tg_ph	Tangent of target phi
L.tr.tg_dp	Target delta
L.tr.tg_y	Target y coordinate
L.tr.p    	Track momentum (GeV)  

Beam position, BPMA and BPMB

urb.BPMA.x	Reconstructed x-position of BPMA
urb.BPMA.y	Reconstructed y-position of BPMA
urb.BPMB.x	Reconstructed x-position of BPMB
urb.BPMB.y	Reconstructed y-position of BPMB
urb.x    	Reconstructed x-position at nominal interaction point
urb.y    	Reconstructed y-position at nominal interaction point
urb.x    	Reconstructed z-position at nominal interaction point
urb.dir.x	Reconstructed x-component of beam direction
urb.dir.y	Reconstructed y-component of beam direction
urb.dir.z	Reconstructed z-component of beam direction  

Vertex coordinates along the beam

rpl.x	Vertex x-position
rpl.y	Vertex y-position
rpl.z	Vertex z-position


L.F1.time[0..15]	Slot 7  - Channels 0-15 - S2Left 1-16
L.F1.time[18]		Slot 7  - Channel 18    - Reference time
L.F1.time[32..47]	Slot 9  - Channels 0-15 - S2Right 1-16
L.F1.time[48]		Slot 9  - Channel 16    - ARS Stop
L.F1.time[49]		Slot 9  - Channel 17    - ARS Valid
L.F1.time[50]		Slot 9  - Channel 18    - ARS 512ns clock (could be used to check TDC resolution)
L.F1.time[64..73]	Slot 10 - Channels 0-9  - Gas Cerenkov 1-10
L.F1.time[74]		Slot 10 - Channel 10    - Gas Cerenkov Sum
L.F1.time[75]		Slot 10 - Channel 11    - S0A - D
L.F1.time[76]		Slot 10 - Channel 12    - S0B - D
L.F1.time[77]		Slot 10 - Channel 13    - ???
L.F1.time[78]		Slot 10 - Channel 14    - SH Sum
L.F1.time[82]		Slot 10 - Channel 18    - Reference time