Meeting solid coll 2013 03

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Revision as of 19:19, 20 March 2013 by Zwzhao (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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time and location

Date: 2013_03_22-23 Fri and Sat
Location: Jlab CEBAF L102


Phoneline: US 866-740-1260, International 303-248-0285, Access code: 1978431
remote desktop sharing:, join as a PARTICIPANT with the same Access code: 1978431

note: this screen sharing system is from the same company providing our conference phone system. All you need is a browser with flash. One choice is google chrome 32 bit (win,linux,mac) which has flash built-in at

upload talks

You can upload talks on any jlab CUE machine (like jlabl1) at the directory /group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/meeting_coll/2013_03

Then make a link in the agenda with the address like ""+"yourfilename"

or if you encounter any problem, ask or send the talk to Zhiwen Zhao


3/22 (Friday)

9:00     Welcome	 				Paul Souder
9:10	 Inputs from JLab management               	Bob McKeown/Rolf Ent
9:40     Hall A Plan 		                	Thia Keppel
10:00    Break
10:30    Update	 	           			J. P. Chen
10:50	 Discussion
11:00	 Support/Infrastructure/Magnet			Robin Wines/Whit Seay
11:20 	 Discussion
11:30	 Support for EC					Paul Reimer
11:50	 Discussion
12:00    Lunch
13:30    Magnet 	                             	Zhiwen Zhao
13:50	 Discussion
14:00    Experimental Requirements 			Xin Qian
14:20    Discussion
14:30	 Light gas Cherenkov            		Michael Paolone?
14:50	 Discussion
15:00	 Heavy Gas Cherenkov				Mehdi Meziane
15:20	 Discussion
15:30	 Break
16:00	 Cryotarget target update			Dave Meekins
16:10	 Discussion
16:15	 Tracking/Software                              Ole Hansen
16:35	 Discussion
16:45	 Simulations		                        Seamus Riordan
17:05	 Discussion
17:15	 Timelike Compton Scattering 			Zhiwen Zhao
17:35	 Discussion
17:45	 General Discussion
18:00	 Adjourn

12/15 (Saturday)

9:00	 MRPC						Yi Wang?
9:20	 Discussion
9:30     GEMs      	                              	Nilanga Liyanage
9:50     Discussion
10:00	 GEMs (Chinese Collaboration)			Yuxiang Zhao
10:20 	 Discussion
10:30	 Calorimeters		 	                Xiaochao Zheng
10:50	 Discussion
11:10	 Break
11:30	 DAQ/Electronics				Alexandre Camsonne
11:50	 Discussion
12:00 	 Background					Lorenzo Zana
12:20	 Discussion
12:30 	 Short Lunch Break (Pizza?)
13:00	 Integration/Calibration			Bob Michaels
13:20	 Discussion
13:30	 Beam Polarimetry				Kent Paschke?
13:50	 Discussion
14:00    HBD 					   	Tom Hemmick
14:20	 Discussion
14:30	 TOF for Hadron ID				Yi Qiang
14:50	 Discussion					
15:00	 Discussion on the technical document (design, cost, manpower, milestones)
15:30    Discussion on preparation for director's review, dates for dry run and next collaboration meeting, other issues
16:00    Meeting adjourn