NaI calibration

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First calibration runs

ls /adaql10/work1/E05110/onlroot/*full*


replayFull.C : replay with another filename and reduced set of variable for replay of complete runs

remark the histogram are saved in the last root file, I made a configuration CSR3p to look at those with the online.C+

~/e05110/HV/c/ : get the values from the HV crate and put them into a file in format channe hv

~/e05110/onlana/camsonne/ :simple script to generate a HV file with one value

~/e05110/onlana/findpeak.C : use macro peak search class to find the edge for calibration

/adaqfs/home/adaq/e05110/onlana/camsonne/yoomin : contains map HV to

Run 1306

Block position

macro to generate the event list : amplitudes bigger than 200 above pedestal

Blocks which have reasonable amplitude 12,13,14,16,21,22,24,29,33,40,42,44,47,48,50,51,55,56,57,58,60,65,67,75,76,77,78,83, 85,86,87,92,93,94,95,96,101,102,103,104,105,111,112,114,115,119,120, 121,122,123,126,129,130,131,137,138,139,140,146,147,148,150,157,159,165,166,167, ,168,173,174,175,177,182,183,184,185,186,191,192,193,194,195,200, 201,203,204,209,210,211,212,213,218,231,237,246,248,249,256,258

HistoPos.C uses eventlist on 1306 to fill position histogran

40: abs(L.CSR.trx+0.928)<0.02&&abs(L.CSR.try-0.0045)<0.02 44: abs(L.CSR.trx+0.7854)<0.02&&abs(L.CSR.try+0.0065)<0.02 182 : 0.32 0.11 194 : 0.39 -0.08 195 : 0.39 -0.143 120 : -0.237 0.0176 121 : -0.232 -0.008


Channel to HV and ADC functions


CSRmap.C must be loaded compiled

He4 runs

Long cosmics

HV changes