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Trigger Plane Threshold Control

To change the discriminator thresholds for the E and deltaE planes, a tcl/tk GUI has been written (as a front-end to cnaf). This GUI communicates with a CAMAC controller, which in turn changes the thresholds on the E and deltaE signals.

To start the GUI, log into any adaq machine as a-onl... e.g.:

[adaq@adaql1 adaq]$ ssh a-onl@adaql1

At the prompt, start up the GUI:

[a-onl@adaql1 ~]$ BB_threshold 

After a few seconds, the GUI should appear: BB thresholdGUI.png

The numbers in the "set" and "read" boxes are in units of millivolts (mV). Changing the thresholds is as easy as entering the desired number, and clicking on the "set" button.