Left Aerogel Detectors

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Revision as of 17:47, 8 July 2008 by Strongwing (Talk | contribs) (A1 Aerogel Detector)

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Aerogel 1 Detector

  • Index: 1.015
  • Pion Threshold: 0.803 GeV/c
  • Kaon Threshold: 2.84 GeV/c
  • PMT Type: RCA8854
  • Number of blocks: 12X2

Aerogel 2 Detector

  • Index: 1.055
  • Pion Threshold: 0.415 GeV/c
  • Kaon Threshold: 1.4 GeV/c
  • Proton Threshold: 2.8 GeV/c
  • PMT Type: XP4572
  • Number of blocks: 13X2