Data taking diary

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RC: Brad Sawatsky
[Th Mar 19 owl shift summary] [Th Mar 19 day shift summary]

RC: Mark Jones
[Tu Mar 17 owl shift summary] DVCS production
RC: Nickie Hirlinger Saylor
[We Mar 11 owl shift summary]
[Tu Mar 10 owl shift summary] No beam.
[Mo Mar 9 owl shift summary]
[Su Mar 8 owl shift summary] [Su Mar 8 day shift summary] [Su Mar 8 swing shift summary] [Su Mar 8 day shift, supplemental - moller polarimetry] [Su Mar 8 day shift, supplemental - arc energy measurement]
[Sa Mar 7 owl shift summary] [Sa Mar 7 day shift summary] [Sa Mar 7 swing shift summary] [Sa Mar 7 swing shift, supplemental - bpm calibration, four-corner "bull's-eye"]
[Fr Mar 6 day shift summary] [Fr Mar 6 swing shift summary]
[Th Mar 5 swing shift summary]
RC: Pawel Nadel-Turonski
[Su Dec 21 owl shift summary ],
[Sa Dec 20 owl shift summary ], [Sa Dec 20 day shift summary ], [Sa Dec 20 swing shift summary ]→ DVCS
[Fr Dec 19 owl shift summary ], [Fr Dec 19 day shift summary ], [Fr Dec 19 swing shift summary ]→ DVCS start Kine DVCS6
[Th Dec 18 owl shift summary ], [Th Dec 18 day shift summary ], [[ Th Dec 18 swing shift summary] ]→ Gmp
RC: Kijun Park
[We Dec 17 owl shift summary ], [We Dec 17 day shift summary ], [We Dec 17 swing shift summary ]→ Restore/BeamStudy/Gmp
[Tu Dec 16 owl shift summary ], [Tu Dec 16 day shift summary ], [[ Tu Dec 16 swing shift summary] ]→ Beam Study/Accelertor Down for violation of access incident
[Mo Dec 15 owl shift summary ], [Mo Dec 15 day shift summary ], [Mo Dec 15 swing shift summary ]→ LH2 data taking 10,7uA/2x4.8 raster
[Su Dec 14 owl shift summary ], [Su Dec 14 day shift summary ], [Su Dec 14 swing shift summary ]→ LH2 data taking 5uA/no raster
[Sa Dec 13 owl shift summary ], [Sa Dec 13 day shift summary ], [Sa Dec 13 swing shift summary ]→ LH2 data taking 5uA/no raster start Kine DVCS1
[Fr Dec 12 owl shift summary ], [Fr Dec 12 day shift summary ], [Fr Dec 12 swing shift summary ]→ Beam centering,Elastic Calib.Kin#2,#3, change polarity(-), [bcm calib]
[Th Dec 11 owl shift summary ], [Th Dec 11 day shift summary ], [Th Dec 11 swing shift summary ]→ Beam centering,Elastic calibElastic Calib.Kin#1
[We Dec 10 owl shift summary ], [We Dec 10 day shift summary ], [We Dec 10 swing shift summary ]→ calo moved to 6.138m,
RC: Tanja Horn
[[ Tu Dec 9 owl shift sumary] ], [[ Tu Dec 9 day shift sumary] ], [Tu Dec 9 swing shift sumary ]→ calo moved to 18deg, trigger adc shifting in the morning
[[ Mo Dec 8 owl shift sumary] ], [Mo Dec 8 day shift sumary ], [Mo Dec 8 swing shift sumary ]→ [moeller calibration]
[[ Su Dec 7 owl shift sumary] ], [Su Dec 7 day shift sumary ], [Su Dec 7 swing shift sumary ] → [elastic calib], bpm bull-eye scan, [bcm calib]
[[Sa Dec 6 owl shift sumary] ], [Sa Dec 6 day shift sumary ], [Sa Dec 6 swing shift sumary ] → HRS adc retiming study, start elastic calib swing
[Fr Dec 5 owl shift sumary ], [Fr Dec 5 day shift sumary ], [[FR Dec 5 swing shift sumary] ] → trig eff studies, sieve slit studies
[Th Dec 4 owl shift sumary ], [Th Dec 4 day shift sumary ], [Th Dec 4 swing shift sumary ] → target centering, five foils data taking, bpm pedestals
[[ Wed Dec 3 owl shift summary] ], [Wed Dec 3 day shift summary ], [[ Wed Dec 3 swing shift summary] ]

[[ Tu Dec 9 owl shift summary] ], [[ Tu Dec 9 day shift summary] ], [[Tu Dec 9 swing shift summary] ]