Tuesday, March 15, 2016 12:00 noon EST

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Revision as of 15:32, 28 March 2016 by Mgericke (Talk | contribs)

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  • Group activity updates
  • Plans for the May beam tests in Mainz
  • Preparations for a TRIUMF GATE1 review for the MOLLER integrating electronics

Call-in Instructions:

Tuesday March. 15, 12:00 EST.

North American Toll-Free Number: 1.866.261.6767

International Toll-Free Number*: 0080045622524

International Toll Number: 416.850.2050

Participant Code: 64662545#


Jie, Yuxiang, Dustin, Paul King, Michael G. Tyler K.


  • Mainz beam test updates:
    • SBU will ship equipment to Mainz third week of April
    • ISU will ship by April 1
    • UofM will ship first week of April
  • Discussion about ISU LG material reflectivity studies
    • 90 degree tests show poor reflectivity in the UV for the currently used materials
    • Could increase PE yield by factor 3 or so, if we can find a construction that works for aluminized Mylar
    • Will implement angle studies sometime in the summer
    • Need to implement angle dependence in qsim
  • Touched upon the need to push a head with PMT linearity studies
  • Sakib's simulations with full detector geometry in progress
  • Shower max prototyping is progressing
  • Discussed need to make integrating electronics needs/plans concrete
    • People with primary input to the design: Paul King, Bob Michaels, Mark Pitt, Kent, KK, ...
    • Need to have a dedicated meeting during / before the April 2016 MOLLER collaboration meeting.