Analysis resources for transversity

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Bull's eye scan

Bull's eye scan results in HALOG by Vince

BCM calibration transversity

RUN 2457 and RUN 2458

BCM calib.gif

halog entry


Intercept: 3.814788e-02 +- 5.151888e-02

Slope : 4.834524e+01 +- 2.721820e-01


Intercept: 5.522687e-02 +- 5.130389e-02

Slope: 4.777325e+01 +- 2.679268e-01


keyword=BCM scaler calibration

calib_u1 = 2.077557e+03; calib_u3 = 6.390797e+03;

calib_d1 = 2.162851e+03; calib_d3 = 6.696152e+03; calib_d10 = 2.112068e+04;

off_u1 = 3.698497e+02; off_u3 = 4.069899e+02;

off_d1 = 9.957301e+01; off_d3 = -1.492612e+00; off_d10 = -7.735930e+01;

See plots, calibrate with the 0L02, the u10 can not be done from run 2458.

halog entry

2458 d1r.gif

2458 d3r.gif

2458 d10r.gif

2458 u1r.gif

2458 u3r.gif

2458 u10r.gif

2458 fit 0L02.gif

Pressure curve data with reference cell
