Thursday, July 13, 2017 4PM ET

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Previous meeting: Thursday, June 29, 2017 4PM ET

Ongoing task list:

1. Collimator design and shielding (Rakitha/Cameron/Rakitha's new student)

Collimator Designing: Designing the beam intercepting collimator (Primary collimator) collaborating with engineering

Shielding: Shielding beam intercepting collimator to minimize the radiation dose, especially neutron radiation.

2. Pion rate (Rakitha, Ciprian, Scott Mundy(W&M))

Study the pion rate as well as maintain/develop a reliable pion generator.

3. Target length/radial coverage of three sectors optimization (UVa)

Play with target length (try 1.25m) to check the correlations of backgrounds, maybe the systematic error can be better than 1.5m design.

Also the quartz radial coverage may affect the correlation of signal and various backgrounds, this is related to item 6 bellow.

4. Optical simulation (Yuxiang, Brad, Ryan)

Can be separated in to two parts, 1)Gas scintillation simulation with different light guide design, 2) real quartz simulation with different light guide design and different "cut" on quartz

5. Detector prototype (Yuxiang/Sakib/Cameron)

use simulation to optimize the light guide design

6. Background study and systematic error study (Yuxiang/UVa group)

Maintain the analysis framework of systematic error estimation. Play with the quartz segmentation to study the correlations between different backgrounds.

18 asymmetries to more by using small pieces quartz in moller ring.

It is related to task item 3.

7. Detector and Spectrometer Studies (Sakib, Juliette)

8. CAD of Moller (Cameron)

Work to implement the reflector and lightguide designs that were tested at Mainz this Summer into the CAD maintained at Stony Brook.

Iterate CAD limitations with the radiation dose branch results.

9. ShowerMax simulation (Brad/Dustin and student)

Simulate detector resolution for realistic energy distributions for Open, Closed, and Transition regions.

Simulate splash-back from shower-max and its effect on thin quartz detectors.

KK's list from the response of director's review: (address it by the end of summer)

1.the Qweak double-difference systematic estimate (go beyond crude estimate presented by Kent on the second morning in closed session) for both quartz and shower-max detectors

  • Kent and Ciprian will work on it after the detector geometry is finalized by Dustin's group and KK's group

2.State of the art radiative corrections for both signal and background processes to be incorporated (I thought we have this already?) Mainly to update the simulation with the internal radiation

  • Postdoc level project, Seamus has some thoughts on it

3.excess noise (I guess just background estimate for now) in detectors after completing shielding design (in our plans)

  • Mainly scintillation/Cerenkov backgrounds, SBU group is working on it

4.scattering of primary beam due to fringe fields in central beam pipe from broken symmetries in toroid alignment

  • Juliette will work on it

5.radiation damage quantified in nose of hybrid coil to ensure epoxy will survive

  • Cameron and Juliette will work on it

6.consistent and actionable approach to sensitivity analysis for both backgrounds and helicity correlated effects to specify manufacturing tolerances on spectrometer

  • related to spectrometer, Juliette will work on it

7. mu+mu- pair production in target for both primary detectors and pion detectors

  • Wouter's group is working on it

8.splash back from showermax detectors on main detectors

  • Bradly will work on it as his spring project

9.crosstalk due to showering in detector support structures

  • N/A, overall simulation with all the detectors in

10.Mott scattering in full MOLLER geometry (why has this been singled out?)

  • N/A, backgrounds study

11. optimize quartz detector segmentation to minimize systematic error due to background subtraction

  • UVA group

12.backscattering from beam dump: impact on pion detectors and main detectors

  • Wouter and pion group

13. excess noise main detectors due to background from beam dump

  • N/A, backgrounds study


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First looks at YZ analysis chain: slides

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