SoLID Weekly : Monday, Apr.1, 2019 9:30am EDT

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  • General discussion
  • Sub-system updates


  • JP: No update on the review data.
  • Paul: suggested to send around a email to ask for the review data.
  • Paul: heard from his colleague that the Syracuse computing resource has been use for Gluex. Does anyone know the information about that?
  • Zhiwen: Maybe it is related to the Open Science Wheel. He will talk to Ole to get more information about that.
  • JP:Is there any news about the magnet?
  • Whit: No update, will get more information soon.
  • JP: Is there any update for the HGC?
  • Zhiwen: HGC update will be shown on tomorrow's meeting. The efficiency of max single particle increases from 70% to 82% even with the collimators.
  • JP: Leave the reconstruction aside, just make sure it is consistent with the physics projections and the simulation studies.


Alexandre, JP, Paul, Ye, Jinlong, Rich, Whit, and Zhiwen