SoLID Weekly : Monday, May.13, 2019 9:30am EDT

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  • Discussion on SoLID cost estimation according to WBS (Work Breakdown


  • Sub-system updates


  • JP: Based on the Moller review feedback, we need to prepared more detail cost estimation. JP shows a table for the subsystem cost estimation, and he will send out this form to the person in charge of the subsystems.
  • Paul: Things is changing by the time, so how do we handle the costing changing?
  • JP: small change is normal, if it is a large change we need to discuss with the committee.
  • Nilanga: Is the review is scheduled?

JP: We are looking for August, but it is quite difficult based on the current information. It is probably early September.

  • Nilanga: We should add the overhead, isn't?
  • JP: You just need to add your numbers. And Jlab will use the average cost which includes everything you need.
  • Zhiwen: For the graduate student, should we count as 0.5 labor?
  • JP: It is better to have the individual labor estimation.
  • Zhiwen: From JP's table, it shows some detectors have the tracking cost, and some don't.
  • JP: Shows a example on how to fill the table. If you don't include all the things that you needed in there, then you can't add more items later.


Alexandre, JP, Haiyan, Paul, Nilanga, Seamus, Guannan, Ye, Junqi, Rich, and Zhiwen