SBS DAQ: GEM EEL124 Cleanroom setup

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Revision as of 15:27, 19 August 2019 by Moffit (Talk | contribs)

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Extra packages installed

Machines in use

atedf3: NFS server, tftp server for VME Controllers

  • CODA and hardware drivers in:
    • Read-only permissions for all machines in 36 subnet
    • Read-Write permissions for hallavme12pc

hallavme12pc: DAQ Computer (RunControl, Event Recording)

  • Mount atedf3:/data/disk2/SBS to (autofs: auto.SBS)
    • Softlinks in
      • CODA (3.10)
      • linuxvme (in CODA 3.10 directory)

hallavme14pc: XVB601 VME Controller

  • Slots 2-8: MPDs
  • Slot 10: TI

Updated/Cloned New repos in coda/3.10/linuxvme

  • jvme
  • ti
  • ssp
  • mpd

Added /site remote with (e.g. jvme, devel branch)

 cd jvme
 git remote add site /site/coda/contrib/devel/jvme
 git pull site devel

CODA environment setup script

Using BASH, source the environment setup script:

source ~/SBS-GEM-Cleanroom/env/setupCODA