Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 11:00 EDT

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Back to Main Compton Page >> Compton Meetings

1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 1-888-240-2560 (U.S. & Canada)
2. International participants dial:
Toll Number: 1-408-740-7256
3. Enter meeting ID:140287970

Desktop sharing: 


Meeting room = Cebaf Center F227


  • Dave G. will be out of town all next week
  • Hall will be locked up sometime around Nov. 11 for high current tests
  • Spin dance is tentatively scheduled around Nov. 20

Electron detector

  • Detector installation
  • QWAD adapter boards
  • Spare QWADs
  • Counting DAQ


  • New LOSP in effect - everyone needs LTT, new walkthrough. No one is authorized to use system until this is done.
  • Complete new laser safety training by end of month
  • Fiber amp swapped
  • Cavity gain low - mirrors seem to be problematic

Photon Detector

  • PREX checks
  • CREX preparations


  • ACC0 - laser-cycle analysis
  • ACC4 - laser cycle analysis


  1. Electron Detector
    1. QWAD Adaptor Boards
      1. Still being designed. Not clear where they will be fabricated.
      2. Change needs to made to power distribution boards at JLab. Alex will do this.
    2. QWAD
      1. Where are the QWAD spares?
        1. Juliette has 1. Asking around to try find the others.
    3. Counting DAQ
      1. Working on VTROC readout.
  2. Laser
    1. New training now in force
    2. Finesse of cavity has dropped by at least 35%. Mirrors will need to be changed when Dave returns in November.
  3. Photon Detector
    1. New linearity measurements for PREX
      1. Measurements not position sensitive.
      2. Compton Edge estimated to be 21k SRAU. LED set there.
    2. CREX setup
      1. Should we have 2 setups (full and half gain) or one optimized for both?