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How to replay data

Log in on any adaq computer as adaq replay should be done on adaql(1,3,4,5,6,7) but not on adaql2 !. Type goonlana to go in the replay directory. Different kind of replays are available,

  • replay.C usual replay it create a root file on /adaql3/work1/e06007/rootfiles/onlana_XXXX.root

To replay just type : analyzer <name of script above> and answer the questions ( run number, target type and number of events to be replayed )

To look at predefined histograms after the replay is done. Use the script online.C

  • For the standard replay
    • .x online.C+("detectorL",runnumber);
    • .x online.C+("detectorR",runnumber);
    • .x online.C+("coin",runnumber);
  • For the coincidence runs