Thursday, July 26, 2012 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EDT

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Revision as of 11:23, 26 July 2012 by Pitt (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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Call-in information

 Calling instructions:
 Toll-Free Number (U.S.&  Canada):  866-740-1260
 International toll number:         303-248-0285
 PARTICIPANT CODE:                     1978431#


  • Update on MOLLER detector simulations: Peiqing Wang elog 216 elog 217 elog 218
  • Update on tracking system status: Mark Pitt for David Armstrong DocDB 37
  • Brief update on new BCM resolution results and plans: Mark Pitt DocDB 36
  • Suggested topics for August meeting - (update/discussion on integrating mode electronics requirements?, further reports on integration mode detector simulations?, discussion of "optimization" criteria for spectrometer simulations?)


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