Solgemc Installation Instructions

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Quick and Dirty Setup

Run the following on ifarml6 to get set up:

    svn checkout
    source /w/halla/parity/solid/solgemc/solgemc_env.csh
    cd solgemc

Add the following to your .login on the CUE machines

    if ( `uname -i` == "x86_64" ) then
         source /w/halla/parity/solid/solgemc/solgemc_env.csh

More info

solgemc uses GEMC built as a shared object. A version of GEMC has been built this way and can be found on the Hall A work disks (built for 64-bit on ifarml6)


To build and use solgemc, you need to be able to build GEMC in general. All the software is available on ifarml6 in the following locations:

  • Geant4


  • EVIO


  • Qt4


  • SConstruct Scripts


Environment Variables

In general, you need to set the following variables to your .login on the CUE machines

   setenv G4INSTALL /w/halla/parity/geant4/geant4.9.4
   source $G4INSTALL/env.csh
   setenv GEMC /w/halla/parity/solid/gemc/production
   setenv EVIO /w/halla/parity/solid/gemc/evio
   setenv QTDIR /site/Qt/4.6.2/Linux_CentOS5.3-x86_64-gcc4.1.2/
   setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH $QTDIR/lib/pkgconfig
   setenv PYTHONPATH /w/halla/parity/solid/gemc/scons_scripts