From Hall A Wiki
Revision as of 01:23, 5 December 2013 by Yqiang (Talk | contribs) (Topic Ideas)

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“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all

art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause longer

to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.

– Albert Einstein, Physicist


This is the wiki page for the seminar of graduate students of experimental nuclear physics (ENP-GS) at JLab. The seminar will normally be held every Thursday at 3:00PM somewhere. It will be a 30/60-min presentation on a topic that he/she chooses. Please edit the agenda to link to your talk prior to the start of the seminar. For help doing this, click here


Date Time Room Topic Presenter
Dec 12 2013, Thursday 3:00 PM TBD Topic Presenter

Topic Ideas

  • Nuclear Physics
    • Nucleon form factors
    • Nucleon structures
    • Meson production/spectroscopy
    • Baryon spectroscopy
    • Nuclear force/few body problem
    • Nuclear structure
    • Exotic states
    • Electroweak interaction/parity violation
    • Test of standard model
  • Instrumentation
    • Particle's interaction with material
    • Calorimeter
    • Gaseous detectors
    • Solid state detectors
    • Cherenkov detectors
  • Analysis Tricks
    • Probabilities in experimental physics
    • Monte Carlo
    • Data regression
  • Other Physics
    • Big bang
    • Neutrino oscillation
    • Higgs boson

Getting started with wiki

How to upload files

  • If you do not have a directory to post files, you can upload the file in wiki.
    • The first step is to login
    • Once logged in, you are free to upload files in the wiki. Click the "upload files" under "toolbox" in the left of the wiki page. I suggested to upload the files here [1]. Please add your name and seminar date to the file name.

How to update the agenda

  • Now you know the link location of you files. Just login the wiki and go to [2].
  • Copy and paste the agenda part and change the date.
  • Put "[file-link-location topic-name]" instead of "topic" and replace "presenter with "your name".
  • If you have any question, feel free to contact Jie (jie@jlab.org).

Further Wiki Resources